2023.9: New climate entity dialogs, lots of tile features, and template sensors from the UI!

Can´t explain how the core rebuild fixed it, but it did. I had already my HA DNS pointing to Googles DNS servers (which they now propose as a fix on github) so that didn´t do anything. But after the core rebuild, I could see in the logs that the github connection issues were resolved. I have rebooted several times after the rebuild, and today I got the update to 2023.9.1 and my supervisor is still in a working state after that update and restart. A really weird problem… But at least it works now :wink:

Changing HA to use Google DNS was not correct fix for the issue. You should have remapped just github.com DNS record to their US IP-address. In hosts file or in your own DNS server/firewall/Pi-hole settings.

GitHub did fix the issue yesterday, so maybe your core rebuild happened around at that time:

Nope, i use 2 thermostats on my esphome A/C’s, and they still use 0.5 precision…

Same over here.
Daikin AC set to 26.5 but showing 27 in the More info card.

It’s the daikin integration, code is rounding to nearest half degree


def format_target_temperature(target_temperature):
    """Format target temperature to be sent to the Daikin unit, rounding to nearest half degree."""
    return str(round(float(target_temperature) * 2, 0) / 2).rstrip("0").rstrip(".")

Did a few changes to the code and created a custom component.


Installed 2023.9.1 and now my SwitchBot curtains don’t work anymore. Only one out of three connects.

  • Config entry ‘Gordijnen Rechts’ for switchbot integration not ready yet: Could not find Switchbot curtain with address FC:DA:14:28:B7:FA; Retrying in background
  • Config entry ‘Gordijnen Links’ for switchbot integration not ready yet: Could not find Switchbot curtain with address D9:F3:B0:33:89:55; Retrying in background

Other related error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/bluetooth/scanner.py", line 348, in _async_restart_scanner
    await self._async_reset_adapter()
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/bluetooth/scanner.py", line 364, in _async_reset_adapter
    result = await async_reset_adapter(self.adapter, self.mac_address)
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/bluetooth/util.py", line 78, in async_reset_adapter
    return await recover_adapter(adapter_id, mac_address)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/bluetooth_auto_recovery/recover.py", line 393, in recover_adapter
    if adapter and await _power_cycle_adapter(adapter):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/bluetooth_auto_recovery/recover.py", line 468, in _power_cycle_adapter
    return await _execute_reset(adapter)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/bluetooth_auto_recovery/recover.py", line 554, in _execute_reset
    power_state_before_reset = await adapter.get_powered()
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/bluetooth_auto_recovery/recover.py", line 265, in get_powered
    response = await self.protocol.send("ReadControllerInformation", self.idx)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/bluetooth_auto_recovery/recover.py", line 153, in send
    with asyncio_timeout(self.timeout):
TypeError: 'Timeout' object does not support the context manager protocol

Already reboothed the entire Supervised Debian 12 install (if everything else fails, try rebooting ;-)). But doesn’t work. One curtain works and reports status. With 2023.9.0 and before it worked. Saw a lot of BLE related updates in .1.

And my question would be, am I the only one, or does someone else experience the same issue.

forget about that post… it was not odd, I had forgotten … change device_tracker icon to reflect state by Mariusthvdb · Pull Request #10501 · home-assistant/frontend · GitHub

this caused my confusion and it still is a mystery: a device_tracker with an mdi:ethernet icon

its not set in the domain icons, its not customized, not set in the Frontend card. could it be the new Unify changes brought this? must still check that code for the deviating icon, and why it doesnt get lan-connect


not this release though, so wont post here any further

Your Bluetooth adapter is stuck/crashed, but since there regression in the bluetooth adapter auto recovery code which is fixed in 2023.9.2, it cannot be reset automatically. You can still unplug/power cycle it to reset it manually in the mean time.


I too am experiencing huge, degraded frontend and slowness issues. In some cases this frontend loading slowness has actually crashed my Proxmox host, requiring a reboot.

I can wait up to 1 minute (worst case circumstances) after opening the HA app, for my dashboard to load and become usable.

Anyone having issues with Daikin still? Have had issues since 2023.7.1 and haven’t seen it resolved since then

Not very detailed. Can be all or nothing.

After update HA my IamMeter modbus don’t read data. I must use backup to previous version of ha and IamMeter modbus work fine. I try everything. Log file:

Error doing job: Task exception was never retrieved

Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/config/custom_components/iammeter_modbus/init.py”, line 143, in async_refresh_modbus_data
update_result = self.read_modbus_data()
File “/config/custom_components/iammeter_modbus/init.py”, line 173, in read_modbus_data
return self.read_modbus_holding_registers()
File “/config/custom_components/iammeter_modbus/init.py”, line 189, in read_modbus_holding_registers
inverter_data.registers, byteorder=Endian.Big
File “/usr/local/lib/python3.11/enum.py”, line 784, in getattr
raise AttributeError(name) from None
AttributeError: Big

Best Regards

On the more info on light: weren’t we supposed to be able to change that percentage above the slider to show the actual temp value likt it shows when sliding ?

Seems odd to show the brightness percentage while having selected the color-temp button

Can only click the last-changed to change format now

While sliding/holding the handle

No way to keep the value when release, always returning the brightness %

Very true, sorry! Anyway got it sorted by deleting and reinstalling the integration

The file editor is broken for me too after installing 9.1. I get “file not found” for configuration.yaml and the file system is empty, so I can’t inspect for errors to post here.
Several other lovelace cards are only partially working with some custom:card_templater features not working.
I’ve tried restoring to 9.0 which makes my card work OK but still no file system that I can access. It must be there somewhere otherwise all my other cards wouldn’t be working.

another Frontend thingy. with all the development/attention having gone to the Tile cards features, why is the compactness of its original (mushroom) not imported? out of the main options we now seem to have in either core )tile and thermostat) and custom Mushroom remains the winner imho:

all three have the same new and shiny more-info, so thats not important for selecting either of these cards.
the original Thermostat shows all info, and the mushroom compresses that even further into a 1 height card.

its the tile card that stands out to be the card taking most space, and revealing least info… those full width sliders and buttons are a true waste of screen/card estate, makes me wonder if I do something wrong here?

or the one I prefer:

same would go for the

collapsible_controls: true

on light controls mushroom has, only opening up when on. that is so nice, can we please have it in HA too?


Very good point @Mariusthvdb! To be honest I was thinking the same after this release! A compact tile card mode would be so appreciating!

But BTW and related to this. Why is there so much space on mobile, which could be used, but the buttons are at the bottom in one singlehorzontal scroll row?

Compare to desktop, where it looks like this and does not need scrolling and seem:

Esp as the popup on desktop is smaller as the mobile view.

I have compact features in mind.
Features has been designed to be more flexible than mushroom controls. Because you can change the order for example and there is no limit for the number of features you can add. So it’s not easy to find a good UX to switch between these different features.

I don’t have yet a good solution to switch because 3 controls/features. For example inmushroom there are two buttons to switch between brightness, color and color temp for light card but the UX is not good enough to be on the tile card.


thanks Paul for chiming in, much appreciated!

its just that we all want to use core cards as much as possible, but your Mushroom makes it very difficult for us :wink:

not sure what your thoughts on ‘not good enough’ are, I find the UX rather satisfactory. If only for the completeness, showing all relevant numbers. As it stands we are obliged to click for the more-info to see the current And target.

at least add Show state…?

compare that to the climate entity in an entities card…

which provides us with all relevant info in a beautiful compact way (no form over function here)

Great to hear you’re on to add compact features, hope we get to test those anytime soon!

almost forgot: any thoughts on the Kelvin in the light slider? cant we keep that when not sliding in color temp mode?