2023.9: New climate entity dialogs, lots of tile features, and template sensors from the UI!

SolarEdge Modbus Multi is broken here. Tried everything within my knowledge limits.
Returned to 2023.9.0 to make it work again.

Thank you for posting that. It’s a good reminder for all of us not to take these updates lightly. Or do them from our phones in the middle of the night!

I actually have a written update procedure on my laptop which I follow. I add notes to it, gleaned from others’ tales of woe here on the release thread. I only update later in the month, after the major problems have settled down and I have a clearer idea of what I’m in for.

Is this excessively cautious? Maybe. But in my defense, I consider HA to be a “production” system. And I’d be willing to bet that I got a better night’s sleep than the OP did that night.


Plugwise not working anymore…

release notes say:

The maximum_boiler_temperature sensor entity has been replaced by a number entity, allowing control as well.

My devices have been changed: a new kind of empty ‘on/off’ device seem to be added as shown here:

And an empty schema enitity has been added:

Resulting at the end in these errors in the log:

2023-09-11 16:05:37.090 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.number] Error while setting up plugwise platform for number

Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/helpers/entity_platform.py", line 359, in _async_setup_platform

    await asyncio.shield(task)

  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/plugwise/number.py", line 78, in async_setup_entry

    PlugwiseNumberEntity(coordinator, device_id, description)

  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/plugwise/number.py", line 100, in __init__

    self._attr_native_max_value = self.device[description.key]["upper_bound"]


TypeError: 'float' object is not subscriptable

What am I supposed to do in order to fix this??

Check the issue in the GitHub, we’ve been trying to get to the bottom of it since beta 0…

Since the update to 2023.9.1 my BMW connected drive integration return “unavailble”.
Anyone else has this problem?

Not since 2023.9.1 (it worked with that before as well), but currently it is here unavailable as well. Im my case sind this morning 9pm CEST. But I don’t now if it stopped with or without a HA restart, because I restarted some times this morning.

this update is nice,
I was checking out the new climate tile card, and it looks really cool.
for me there is only one thing missing
and that actually is the current temperature,
it’s there when you expand but not in the overview.

Is it possible to add this?

Ah, the BMW connected drive works.
I restarted the server. And now all works again…
Hope this helps

Just waiting would have been solved it as well. Here it is working again without restart. Remote was down.

Is working and still showing/allowing decimals and half degrees with the Wiser HACs integration.

@tom_l see? Example of a problem reported in beta stage, but still went into release, while it was known at first beta that it will cause issues…

Moving too fast. Slow down a bit, guys, this is contraproductive…

It was recognised, reported and is being worked on. If it affects you wait for it to be fixed before updating. Simple.

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How is a normal user supposed to know this? There is no “known issues” section in the release notes, as far as I know.


No, fix known bugs before release. That is what the beta is for.

At one level we are told that there are not enough beta testers and not every bug can be identified.

Now you are saying a bug has been identified by a beta tester, and is released anyway with no warning unless you read all the github issues. That isn’t the way beta or release notes are supposed to work.


well to be fair. they did not release a show stopper bug, integration bugs as annoying as they can be are not a show stopper by any means in this regard. Now if you couldn’t login to HA then yes those would mean you cant release without it.

The other issue is that not every developer knows about or can fix other integration bugs. Its kinda on the integration owner to step up and fix things there. Reporting is only the first step of the process.

Dont get me wrong I get where you are coming from and we have seen things raised in the beta in the past only to be fixed post release because it ended up being a bigger issue than originally perceived. But dont expect a bug that doesnt impact most if not all users to hold up a release.


This update breaks Dwains dashboards.

Better talk to Dwain then.

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release notes?

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Whats @updog?


2023.9.2 fixed Dwains dashborad for me!

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