2023.9: New climate entity dialogs, lots of tile features, and template sensors from the UI!

I think he’s refering to this page, no release notes for 2023.9.2. Last updated sep 6th

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I have the same question, but for a different motivation. My weather integration occasionally fails to reach its weather provider, so I would like to be able to refer to the last successful forecast response. I’m not sure how I would do this without calling get_forecast once in a while and caching the result using a bunch of helpers for each of the forecast attributes that I care to cache. Unless there’s a better approach?

Ya, no release notes to say what was fixed in this release of core 2023.9.2

Store the result in a Trigger-based Template Sensor.


Trigger-based handling of service response data

This is exhausting. Same question every month. Same solutions:

  1. Be patient; or

  2. Look it up yourself Releases · home-assistant/core · GitHub


Maybe a more permanent solution to having to answer the same question every month is to not publish a release until the release notes are ready.

I’m not sure it is every month, this is the first time I’ve come across a release being available without release notes mentioning it. Remember, your users are all around the world, so staying up late to put together a release then worrying about the release notes in the morning is going to lead to 8 hours worth of user comments about the missing release notes.


they are ready, just the site caching is getting the best of us. Usually the site cache is cleared when its updated but doesn’t always happen. The team is actually pretty good about it but some users like to point it out immediately and it ends up causing others to chime in.


You do realize its only 1 particular patch release and not the main release nor the point release before it right? So your only missing bug fixes for that particular patch release. The way your post is worded suggests you are talking about the entire blog post being gone.

its a patch release so it wont have a breaking change or anything major that isnt already highlighted so as long as those breaking changes are not applicable to you just assume it contains additional fixes that wont impact your system. Personally speaking I always wait for 1-2 patch releases before updating.


It seems that after installing this update a couple of days ago, my complete Energy history was gone, or at least it is not showing anymore in the Energy dashboard. Seems that others have seen the same with previous releases, see this discussion here: Energy data gone? - Configuration - Home Assistant Community (home-assistant.io).

Any ideas what could have caused this? Is there a way to verify if data is still available?

fixed! all colored midnightblue nicely :wink: thanks

Scherm­afbeelding 2023-09-13 om 09.33.16

the Plugwise bump didnt fix the issue of the hotter setpoint though, although I do get to see this unavailable entity again, hit had disappeared before. Error in the log seems the same.

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Maybe if the UI link pointed to the more reliable source of release notes, this wouldn’t get to the point of people raising it here.

Or fix the site cache issues that are causing the delay to the notes being easily available.


Awesome work as usual!

I’m looking at the thermostat image and it looks like it’s possible to use a deadzone or atleast set heating and cooling temperatures but I can’t see this in the release.

What an I missing?

I was making the whats up dog joke :grimacing:


Yeah some of us got it…


1st world problem.

@nickrout You really shouldn’t get yourself stressed with this! :wink: Just scroll over these posts, they will never end, and they will never get solved. People are obviously more interested in writing a post that something isn’t where they expect it to be, as to just taking a look where it could be. That seems to be the way the world runs these days… :slight_smile:

If you want a good laugh, just check out the Mushroom thread. Instead of just scrolling through the last twenty or thirty posts or use the topic search, the same questions come up every few days. Even though @dimitri.landerloos does a very good job in answering all these questions single handidly, the time until you get an answer is always more, than if you’d done a search. :slight_smile: That’s how forums role these days. :rofl:

And in the end for this month it’s pointless, as @Frenck is on holiday and someone is doing the writing as a temp replacement. Next month will be different, when Frenck is back from his holidays (best wishes go out to @frenck and his Harley buddies at Faaker See! Don’t get yourself stuck in the mud! :rofl: :rofl: ).


Install the SQLite Web addon, and look into the statistics table content. Do you see any data?

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With the weather attribute ending, I created a sensor for the hourly forecast.

  - trigger:
      - platform: time_pattern
        seconds: /10
      - service: weather.get_forecast
          entity_id: weather.forecast_testy
          type: hourly
        response_variable: forecast
      - name: Počasí teplota hodinově
        state: "{{ forecast.forecast[7].temperature }}"

There is a warning in the HA log
Trigger Update Coordinator: Running script requires passing in a context

No idea if it’s a HA bug or a bad write, but it’s reported here

It’s a bug but it shouldn’t affect the performance or sensor. Just wait for a fix and the warning will go away.

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Yes, there are 1000 rows exactly in the statistics table. I am not very experienced with SQLite, so there may be more if I know how to query.

This is the suggested query:

FROM "statistics"

I also do not know how to interpret the data.

Image of first 5 lines of data