2023.9: New climate entity dialogs, lots of tile features, and template sensors from the UI!

Nope, this is more a rate limit issue on GitHub. Had the same today. Some repos didn’t load while others where fine. I guess the userbase is now big enough for reaching that limits :slight_smile:

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May I ask where you found that new screen? Can’t find it…

go to /config/helpers and click the + button to create a new helper, select {} Template

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Thanks. I can confirm that deleting and re-adding the integration using the installer account has worked for me and as a side benefit I am now seeing additional devices and entities for each separate inverter that were not visible previously.

FWIW When I set this up before, I retrieved the password from the Enlighten app under Menu/System/Devices/Gateway “Click Here to retreive your gateway password”.

You can probably close the issue I opened Enphase Envoy with Firmware 3.17.3 Enities No Longer Available in HA Core 2023.9.0 · Issue #99841 · home-assistant/core · GitHub.

I had the same issues with some of my discussions over the last few weeks.
I couldn’t connect to them for a few days.

Edit Github discussions

Same here, reboot does not help

You mean if you want to “add integration”? It should be there, see here:

Is this working? My morning dampening is… off?!

Screenshot_20230907_170446_Home Assistant|690x463

Both morning and evening are set to 2:

I was expecting something a little more symmetrical. This pattern repeats for upcoming days (forecast to be clear) too.

@lpwevers If you remove and re-add the integration (as above), or if you decide to switch to using the RESTful sensors, as long as you rename your entities to what they were before you should keep your history and long-term statistics.

My upgrade is also not working. I pressed the button but nothing changed after the upgrade process. I did this twice. Now I’m afraid to restart HA, since others had trouble to with it afterwards.

After install of 2023.9 my TrueNAS integration doesn't work anymore
Also custom:tabbed-card stopped working and also some cast and Tuya devices are unavailable

After restoring to previous version everything works again


no i mean after it was added🤓
there is no integration by the name ‘template’

but it does show under https:/my.ha.server/config/integrations/integration/template

It should be between Tasmota and WebRTC

Okay so it’s not just me, thought I was going crazy!

Yeah I tested it out and it seems to be having no effect either. Gonna dig under the hood a bit more before making a final call but I am suspecting something isn’t working as expected here. First I am going to completely remove and re-add the integration and see if that does anything, as well as try to sniff the API calls and see if they are being made and returning with the right parameters.

cool release,
Where I’m looking forward the most actually is what Jesse mentioned “LibreTiny” I have a few Tuya devices waiting around for me(for almost a year) to swap the chip with some “DT-LIGHT”.
And I hope now I don’t need to anymore because I really don’t like the soldering part.

Same for me.

Please could we have more links to the docs in these new release blog posts? The only thing I’ve been able to find so far is lawn mower. :roll_eyes:

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didn’t we see several posts fly by on laggy Frontend? I do experience that too, and wanted to +1 on those, but can not find them.

eg the new thermostat more-info, it takes seconds to show (I do have a more-info card_mod blur, but have that since forever, and didnt notice it to cause any delays before. maybe something else is going on?)

would appreciate some feedback.

guess is was this: Frontend Slowness/Chopiness · Issue #17796 · home-assistant/frontend · GitHub

supposed to be fixed, but maybe still happening. hmm, it’s really noticeable

I stopped filtering the frontend logs, restart, and buttery smooth. Then starts getting slow once more, and next I now see:

2023-09-07 21:03:58.279 ERROR (MainThread) [frontend.js.latest.202309061] Uncaught error from Safari 16.6 on Mac OS 10.15.7
TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating 'e[this.id]')
_keyFunction (src/components/data-table/ha-data-table.ts:362:56)
s (src/directives/repeat.ts:56:34)
t (src/directives/repeat.ts:94:6)
t (src/lit-html.ts:1085:33)
this (src/lit-html.ts:1362:29)
t (src/async-directive.ts:366:29)
this (src/virtualize.ts:139:22)
dispatchEvent ([native code]::)
_notifyRange (src/Virtualizer.ts:803:6)
_notifyRange (src/Virtualizer.ts:535:11)
2023-09-07 21:04:00.856 ERROR (MainThread) [frontend.js.latest.202309061] Uncaught error from Safari 16.6 on Mac OS 10.15.7
Script error.

and the vent is blowing away.

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And another question by me… anyone figured out how to use icons within a template sensor?


#        Period of the day               #
- platform: template
      friendly_name: "period of the day"
      value_template: >-
        {% if (as_timestamp(states.sun.sun.attributes.next_dusk)) - (as_timestamp(states.sun.sun.attributes.next_setting)) < 0 %}
        {% elif (as_timestamp(states.sun.sun.attributes.next_rising)) - (as_timestamp(states.sun.sun.attributes.next_dawn)) < 0 %}
        {% elif (states.sun.sun.attributes.elevation) < 0 %}
        {% else %}
        {% endif %}
      icon_template: >-
        {% if (is_state('sensor.period_of_day', 'night')) %}
        {% elif (is_state('sensor.period_of_day', 'day')) %}
        {% elif (is_state('sensor.period_of_day', 'dusk')) %}
        {% elif (is_state('sensor.period_of_day', 'dawn')) %}
        {% endif %}

I had a similar issue right after the update (No response received, expected at least 8 bytes), however it was resolved after I did a full machine restart :thinking, running again now for 6 hrs :smiley:

You mean with the GUI version? You can’t do that with the GUI helper