2024.1: Happy automating!

Enigma2 integration still not working after the latest 2024.1.4. HA update.
Must go back again to 2023.12.4. where the last working enigma2 integration.

installed 2024.1.4 release just now. Still not seeing the system monitor sensors ( I previously had setup in YAML file, like 1min. load) on my (unconfigured) Overview screen. When I find them in the integration they are set as active and visible.

I have countless „empty“ yaml files. And the bad thing is that the rollback log file only shows one error per update try. Now I have

  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/voluptuous/schema_builder.py", line 433, in validate_mapping
    raise er.MultipleInvalid(errors)
voluptuous.error.MultipleInvalid: expected a dictionary for dictionary value @ data['diele_dauerlicht']

but there is no file diele_dauerlicht.yaml. Only one (active!) package that contains an input_boolean named diele_dauerlicht: and an automation referring to. Has anyone an idea what to do?

I have already posted the similar issue.
This seems to be a bug, and it started from 2023.12.
Try renaming “empty” yaml files to txt files, for instance…

if your configuration is just this:


then it should work and it’s a bug.

I have plenty of definitions like


in different files and do not observe the error that you described.


  packages: !include_dir_named conf

The package looks as follows:


    name: Diele Dauerlicht
    icon: mdi:theme-light-dark



- id: dauerlicht
  alias: Diele Dauerlicht
  description: packages/automationen/diele/dauerlicht.yaml
  mode: single
  max_exceeded: silent





- id: hue_motion_sensor_switch
  alias: Hue Motion Sensor Switch
  description: packages/automationen/diele/dauerlicht.yaml



Ok, I’m an idiot. After splitting, renaming, deleting without success I remembered an old group file not used anymore. My apologies for the noise!
But I really really hope that this gets fixed.

Could you provide some details? Would be helpful.

One of my package directories only contains groups. Later, when it became more complex, I reorganized the packages to assign them to individual topics. This included the “Dauerlicht” package. I forgot that there was an old file diele_dauerlicht.yaml in the general groups directory. Its content was completely commented.

I can also confirm the empty .yaml files causing issues installing the latest 2024.1.4 update. I had to go through and change all *.yaml files to *.yaml.bak that were empty including the packages directory. I then had to comment out the includes in the configuration.yaml file.

According to Github a fix is on its way.

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They changed the code and you can’t use any yaml files that are blank. They consider a yaml file with comments and nothing else also blank.

2024.1.5 has now been released.
It fixes the empty files included by include_dir_named issue.


As I said, with 2024.1.1 there are no errors with empty yaml-files in my setup.
Means - this bug was added later - or this is just not so simple.

The empty yaml files breaking change was introduced in 2024.1.4, and fixed in 2024.1.5.

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Means 2024.1.4, then it is clear.

Hmm, anyway, PR 107853 which was added in 2024.1.4 says:

and the previous PR 103912 was added earlier and probably became a reason of MY issues with secrets.

I have a blank automations and script file left over after I migrated everything to packages years ago. Anyway looks like they have fixed this now

Broke my blueprint for at least one user, I haven’t upgraded myself yet but already fixed my blueprint of course

Interesting, it does only seem to affect newly added devices or reconfigured devices