2024.1: Happy automating!

I don’t use the Sonoff Lan. Everything in my system is done with MQTT.

Which MQTT? Plain or Zigbee2? or Other (depending on what you flashed with)?
Did you check github for anything on MQTT? mqtt · GitHub Topics · GitHub

I just want to say that i can’t help but notice that the quality of the updates has gone down significantly the last months. I have become very reluctant to update my Home Assistant server, because the last months, i had to restore a backup because every time the server didn’t come back up after an update. Then i had to wait for a few months and try again. Usually it then worked ok. I’m not very pleased with this way of updating, restoring, and trying again. And yes, also with this update, 2024.1.5. I will have to wait again, because the server didn’t start anymore. It indicates that quality testing of the updates has gone down. Hope that this will go back up soon.


And what errors are shown and how and where have you reported them? How should they ever be improved/fixed otherwise? Only in the way “the others will report them, so I will only focus on being angry?”


Angry??? Your words, not mine.

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in what way have you given any way of helping to solve a single one of your problems? If you want your issues to be fixed, making no effort at all to do anything that could possibly resolve them is a funny way to go about it.

how many of your errors were caused by add-ons? HACS integrations? Have you checked your logs?

No one knows, because no helpful information has been provided here (or in any of your recent forum history)

how many of your errors were caused by add-ons? HACS integrations? Have you checked your logs?

No one knows, because no helpful information has been provided here (or in any of your recent forum history)

Mine is plain MQTT using the same PI for HomeAssistant and MQTT Server. I have monitored the Sonoff RF bridge and I see the changes from the motion detecors. I updated HomeAssistant to the latest 24.1.5 and my PI to the latest and still the same issue.
Thanks Again

I’m not using HACS anymore, no need for it. I had a look at the logs, but the core simply stopped logging. I restored a backup and now it’s running fine again. I will try again wit the next update. I do not complain, because i’m running HA in Docker on Debian 11 here in a VMware VM on a Windows server 2019 server. I don’t think that is a supported config. :slight_smile:

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I’ve noticed the quality of releases seems to be getting better recently. Obviously there was one big glitch this time, with the “empty include file” issue. Especially since HA ships by default with empty include files. But that is a notable exception, not the rule.

Rather than waiting a few releases, a better strategy is to wait until the end of the month, after the updates quiet down a little. The include file issue is a great example. I was actually thinking about updating (a bit early for me) when that one hit. So I waited for the version with the fix. This (the third week of the month) is my target for doing my once-a-month updates anyway, so I’m right on schedule. This strategy has been working well for me. Unfortunately I don’t have the hardware or time to set up a test environment to help with Betas, or I’d do that. It certainly is a great way to contribute, as well as catch things which impact you personally.


I was researching the changelog since late December. There have been changes for the various MQTT items. So anything could have broken it. Not sure how to tell you to proceed. But someone will have to do some digging on MQTT and in this case Sonoff devices.
You could give a hint on what you flashed your Sonoff devices with. That would be a starting point. (ESPhome, Tasmato, etc)

I don’t agree, the updates have issues but overall the platform is more stable, faster and has a lot of improvements and new features. I don’t mind to update since having a docker installation I can rollback in a few minutes. What I’ve seen is more custom components failing after the updates but that is something that is what it is.


After the January 20th update, my Home Assistant add-on cannot be opened, and a notification appears saying, “Could not load the Supervisor panel!” Then I checked in cmd ssh

root@arm-64:~# ha core rebuild
Post "http://supervisor/core/rebuild": dial tcp i/o timeout

and it turns out I am using a TV box with Debian 11 as the operating system.

Thank you again for your concern. All of my Sonoff and Shelly’s have been flashed with arendst (Theo Arends) · GitHub . I have seen there has been several upgrade to the firmware but my thoughts are if it is not broken don’t fix it. Everything is working on Home Assistant 2023.12.4 so I can live with it. Thanks Again!!

Regarding upgrades:

My HA core upgrades have been going very smoothly for many, many months. There was a time where the first release of the month usually had some Python library dependency issue (unpinned or missing). I don’t wait for the last release of the month, but I usually don’t install the .0 of the month (often it’s the .1), for that reason. I also upgrade now roughly every second month. The real answer though (for everyone) is to get involved in the beta programme.

I also read the changelogs to know what I’m in for — plus the release post (like this one) from the start (not 100 posts in when “your” issue was likely already mentioned and solved).

Where I have had issues it’s almost always with third-party components and customisations — and I don’t think it’s ever fair to complain about those.


Another very good point. HA tends to attract those of us who like to tinker. It can be hard for us to resist trying out every new or interesting integration, add-on, protocol or device type. But each new component we add increases the complexity, and adds to the maintenance overhead required to keep all those things working and up to date.

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Don’t know why, but my SD card (in Raspberry Pi) is died when trying to upgrade to 2024.1.5

The death of the card was unrelated to the upgrade, other than the upgrade resulted in more writes to the card. It’d have died shortly anyway.

HI all, I am having the same issue: looks like HA can no longer communicate with the Supervisor. I am running a Supervised HA (2024.1.2) on RPi4 with debian 12.4 bookworm.
The situation is:

  • all “ha …” commands fail with (example):
root@raspberrypi:~# ha supervisor repair
Post "http://supervisor/supervisor/repair": dial tcp i/o timeout
  • at boot, all integrations that need to make external calls fail to load or perform the calls. Entering the HA container with “docker exec -it homeassistant” shows me that they cannot resolve addresses. Then adding in /etc/resolv.conf inside the container makes some of those integrations work again, until the next reboot
  • cannot update HA: even with the in resolv.conf, under settings it finds “no update available”, even with the tick “Show skipped updates”
  • cannot restart HA from within HA (I need to use the command “docker restart homeassistant”)
  • cannot perform or restore backups (the following text appears):
  • cannot reinstall the Supervisor: I tried to follow this guide GitHub - home-assistant/supervised-installer: Installer for a generic Linux system and forced the re-install but nothing changed

Any idea/suggestion before I try to re-install everything from scratch? I really can’t understand what’s going on here…
Thank you in advance for any help