2024.1: Happy automating!

I lost use of the SwitchBot Bluetooth and Mobile App integrations. Reboot did not fix it. Reverted to a backup and all is well.

I know better than to upgrade to a .0 release but I was hopeful. I’ll stay in 2023 for a while I guess.

Nope, on my setup it came with 2024.1.0. All the other stuff stayed on the same level. Rolling back to 2023.12.4 makes the WIFI switches work again.

Well I suppose it could be this one, but it doesn’t seem to have been fixed either as yet. Hard to tell without the OP giving more details.

In any case, I don’t use either integration, but I was only trying to help, as I managed to resolve a few of these outdated custom components breaking on my setup in the beta. It’s a simple fix as you say, even for a non-coder like me.

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Yes - broke my Sonoff integration as well - restored back to 23.12 and will keep an eye on our for any further news on this being resolved.

I have used custom integrations, cards as well as testing the beta. As the custom is not part of the core, it is not any authors responsible to update. Some do and some don’t. It is the users responsibility to understand the risks in using custom software.


Or perhaps have an option for simple vs advanced mode, let people choose their own style of things. While I understand that a lot of these changes are geared towards less advanced or completely new users, it starts to feel a bit like it is moving towards the overly simplistic Vera model.


I partitially agree.
Sure - it is up to the developer if he want to maintain his custom component - or not…
But - If you provide something to a user-base, I would expect some responsibility.

if you don’t want to - keep the repository private or make a note, that this will not be maintained any further…

Then, the user can still decide, if he wants to go with it - or if he wants to fork the repository - if he thinks he can maintain it.

But yes, the ‘user’ has also some responsibility to be aware of the risk… that’s true


Best to read/search the thread before commenting “same here”

Thank you Chris Warne, and A Happy New Year 2u2. You answer all my questions perfectly. I will try all that you point. I will do o copy of my server on another server and try there to fix and only after that I will upgrade again. Tks a lot again.

having issues with the new AEP Ohio integration for Opower have tried many times to enter in username and password and continue to get !Unknown error occurred anybody else have any issues with Opower integrations??

Well done to the developers for the new version of Home Assistant 2024.1.0
I updated my raspberry today and everything is ok.
Only one problem with this new version is not working integration of Orvibo Switch S20.
If I restore the previous version it works.
Thank you, greetings to everyone and happy new year.
Sorry for my bad English :slight_smile: -)

The documentation for Home Assistant’s Orvibo integration includes a warning about an EU safety recall. Were later models fixed or do you still have the original version that is referenced in the report?


You can see the sensors definition here

With this update the following integration isn’t working:

It’s a custom integration. Please check the corresponding repository.
There is an existing issue.

German translation is pretty bad German language, and misleading: nobody would say “Wenn Und Wenn”. It also sounds as if the first “Wenn” is an equal building block to the second “Wenn”, but it is not: the first is a trigger and the second is a condition (if).

I suggest to change it as below (red text).


Thank you for your reply.
Yes, I still have the original one.
But will the new Orvibo models no longer be able to be integrated with HA?

That’s what it was and new users (including German users) suggested what you crossed off.

Anyway, I had already read the report. Thank you for reminding me.

You may want to consider replacing them with safer devices.

I don’t know.

The integration appears to have few users so you may wish to consider purchasing a different, more popular brand (without a safety recall).


I can’t suggest a replacement because I don’t live in the EU and have no experience with what’s available in your market. Perhaps someone else can make a recommendation.

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