2024.1: Happy automating!

Thanks again for your replies.
Ciao and have a nice day

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Yea Iā€™m having the same error, I know when they set up my account they associated the email as the username so I donā€™t know if that is what is causing the issue or not.

Hi there, probably I simply overlook something.
The release note explains that To-Do-Lists now come up with additional notes (like sub infomation). My Lists do not show this. Do I need to remove the intrgration and set it up new?

I cleared caches and restartet HA several times.

best regards and Happy New Year.

Edit: OK, ok. I need at least to create a new to-do list. Then the features become available. Is there a way to update the existing lists with these features?

Thanks. It will probably be fixed sooner there, but it has the same problem:

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just open the existing entry and you should be able to edit it and add a due date and the description

Thatā€™s funny, I have just switched between the languages to compare English and German wordings. It was more regarding the translations of all the actions. I think I understand the idea behind, to create kind of full sentences. But I am not sure if this is finally feasible with all languages in the world. So my recommendation is clearly not to concentrate too much on things which can not be realized finally and go back (a little bit) more to the technical world.

What I like very much: getting away from services in the automation editor (or describing services in a different way), this was very difficult to understand for new users.


Now, it wonā€™t let me add details to existing lists.
I just recreated my list and removed the old one, which was fine for me.

The German words translated back to English would be: if, and if, then do. Using if for both trigger and condition does no right to the very substantial difference between the two. You could put the same words between two triggers, and between two conditions. Gramatically fine, but semantically confusing.

The Dutch translation (a language related to German) would translate back to English as When and if. That is better, but I still think the difference is too subtle for many people to notice.

The new wording will increase the likelyhood that people fail to understand that a trigger is something happening, and a condition is something being a certain way. Those are very different concepts that really need different, not synonimous words.


By all means, make a PR to adjust it then. Iā€™m not German, I just know users were interviewed and this is the outcome. So itā€™s you against other users.

Is there not a temporary work-around for until there is an update?

Hi Admin

I suggest new trigger - triggeredBy. It have 3 options - by automation, by manually from device (or its own offline automation) or by manual from HA.

I am newbie, so I had to do lot of work to create an automation which can detect who turned Shelly plug on or off. From log of device (shelly) in the HA I saw that device switched by automation, but I wasnt able to add it as trigger for my automation.

I got workaround (this.context.id == trigger.to_state.context.id), but it can be much easier to have a trigger, which can read entity ID-s and also should give a choise to select if device is triggered by automation (like time pattern, ran by sensor etc) or switched by physical button from device or switched from HA.

Thank you.

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This is a long standing Feature Requests. What youā€™re using is the current working method.

Your answer somehow seems like youā€™re offended by improvement suggestions. Iā€™m a user, giving a userā€™s perspective. Iā€™m not blaming anyone, Iā€™m not suggesting it was done without due dilligence either. But I do speak Dutch and German, so I can give some additional insight that the people giving advice may not have considered.

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for instance the sonoff lan integration started to make trouble and when i got back to the december relase it starts working just fine again. Not shure why.

Iā€™m not offended, youā€™re telling me something I know nothing about. Iā€™m just explaining that other users disagreed with you. The proper way to get translations put into HA would be to make a PR or issue, not talk about it in a release thread.

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Iā€™ve read the conversation, I think Petroā€™s answer was spot on and I also think you have a good point about wanting input. There are places where you can have a voice in what happens with HA, but most of the time itā€™s either posting a feature request or opening a PR on Git. @petro answers dozens upon dozens of questions every day, please donā€™t be too critical of a perceived tone of his response, as a moderator and power (ultra power? mega power?) user of HA, he might just be more to the point than others that might take a softer tone because he is a virtual human wiki who has to answer so many questions every day. I know, Iā€™ve read his posts for years and Iā€™ve given him stuff to ā€œput up withā€ :slight_smile: .


My responses are always dry via text but they arenā€™t intended to be.


and I do appreciate your efforts.


You do you @petro, I think most that have been around a minute get it and appreciate what you give to us here. You and a handful of others that are generally considered the definitive answers for most questions about HA. Thanks for what you do :wink:


I went back and tried email and clicked a bunch of options on and off to see If I could figure it out but still nothing, gonna wait it out a bit for an update and hope it gets fixed soonā€¦

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