2024.10: Heading in the right direction

the trigger flows into this function node with the below code
then the output goes to a notify

var state = msg.payload
var DT = "{{ now().strftime('%B %d %Y') }}"
var TM = "{{ now().strftime('%H:%M') }}"
msg.payload =
		"data": {
			"message": state,
			"title": "Door Unlocked "  + DT + " @ " +  TM
return msg;

Instead of getting “October 03 2024”
I get “{{ now().strftime(‘%H:%M’) }}”


Instead of getting “07:31”
I get “{{ now().strftime(‘%B %d %Y’) }}”

without changing nodered, as soon as I went back to HA 2024.9.x
the output started coming out properly again
this really doesn’t make sense to me as the function is occurring in nodered

I cannot remove the “” around the VAR values as it errors out
This has worked for years and only fails once HA is on 2024.10.x

Seem to have figured out what went wrong here.
Not sure if the tagging on the 2024.10 went wrong, or something on my harbor passthrough cache. But the running container image for 2024.10 appeared to have actually been 2024.1.
I check my git commits, but it was definately pointing to 2024.10.
Harbor had a different commit hash for what at this moment is 2024.10. So, I cleared the cache, repulled to get it into the cache and now it runs fine. ¯\(ツ)

Bit of a disaster for me also, this particular update. I’m running Homeassistant OS on a HA-Blue device. When I clicked update, after a few minutes the process seemed to hang, the Web-UI completely shut down.
I unplugged/replugged after maybe 1hr, and then the Web-UI did start, but Homeassistant went into a constant restart loop, it would not stay up for more than 5 mins without restarting itself. During the brief periods I had access, I noticed all my EmonCMS entities had been renamed - it’s now managed via the UI, as documented, so changes would be expected, but not to this level, renaming the entities basically breaks anything they were used for, dashboards, historical data, graphs, automations…
Tried to do a full restore from the UI, but it would not stay alive long enough to actually kick off the restore process…
I managed to access the box long enough via SSH cli and kicked off a restore manually. Now I am back to 2024.9, and working again. But very reluctant to try this again…

Both google_cloud_say and microsoft_tts stopped working for me after this release. So I think it is not related to the Google Cloud integration changes in itself.

Piper works still though, interestingly.

There seems to be a problem with Alexa Media Player - try restarting in Safe Mode and see if that clears it. When it does you’ll want to remove AMP.

Yes, that does make more sense now. Link above posted by @ BertrumUK describes it, and explains the restart loop… That probably compounded my overall dilemma…I will wait till AMP addon is updated/fixed before trying again. I do use it a lot so don’t really want to remove it. Will stick with current for now… Thank you!

You may have missed that it’s pretty much dead in the water. Things aren’t likely to get better.

I think this is well enough know but the issues here is v4.13.2 from two weeks ago works fine and v4.13.3 from yesterday doesn’t so that’s the commentary above (I think anyway)

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Yes, see the same issue here

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It actually doesn’t work fine. The integration blocks the event loop on startup depending on your system specs. So your mileage may vary. Alexa Media Player has been in a rocky state since the main developer stopped providing PRs (January 2024).


Thanks Petro…I’m prob oversimplifying. Realise Integration is on life support as flagged…was maybe trying to say v4.13.2 works for lots of people but when they updated to v4.13.3 they are getting boot loops as flagged above…and this happened at the same time as HA 2024.10 was released which has “muddled” the issue as perhaps both updates were done at same time (or very close together) leading to a misconception that HA was the culprit not AMP…

Took about a minute using find->replace.

Get creative with your search parameters (consider whitespaces) to eliminate false positives.

Not a problem at all, 95% of my automations in blueprints.
And keep in mind that people may have different names for yaml files containing automations.
Bulk-replace may cause undesired changes in template entities.

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I just love the sections functionality. But I do have one “issue” (or rather feedback) that is concerned with the spacing between the badges and the first cards. There are quite a few pixels “wasted” in a dashboard for a smaller screen with this space.

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But if you set an automation to restart the integration after full load/(start up)
it then works fine with 4.13.2

Thank you for sharing this
I will follow it

I like adding indentation markers (vertical lines) into codemirror, but:

  1. Would like to have them displayed for every block, not for only an active one (discussion).

  2. Would like to have them displayed with less vivid color (discussion). Currently it may be achieved by an external js file posted in the discussion.

try this in your card-mod themes:

  card-mod-view-yaml: |

            ha-sortable: |
              div.badges {
                background: red;
                padding-bottom: 0px;
                margin-bottom: -16px !important;

and play with the numbers of the margin-bottom. It’s robust in Chrome and Safari

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Yet there are no issues on GitHub. Issues · home-assistant/core · GitHub

Have you read the thread. The issue is likely Alexa player. Disable it.