2024.2: More voice, more icons, more integrations, more... everything!

configuration yaml

  - platform: template
          friendly_name: 'Invertor not operational'
          value_template: >
            {{ 'In This space put your inverters charging state'  if is_state('PUT INVERTER ENTITY HERE, 'In This space put your inverters charging state') else 'Put the state here you want it to show when its not doing it work' }}

That’s not needed. In the Fronius inverter itself there is a setting (I can’t remember what it’s called) that keeps the comms alive even when it’s not generating power (at night) so there are no ‘unavailable’ entities.

On the warning:

could be resolved by:

But how and where do I download the beta? Maybe I’m missing something here.

Join the #beta channel on Discord, but also see the docs

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The inverter was on a different IP. The old IP is visible in my router, but not the new one. When trying to add this new IP to devices my integration updated and came back alive.

Best to assign it a fixed IP address

I would love that
 if it only appeared visible in my router. I thought I already did, but appearantly not. In HA it is still configured as, but it cannot be pinged. The inverter is at another IP that cannot be seen in my router so I can’t fix the IP.

It’s been a long time but I think you you can also set a fixed one in the Fronius inverter itself

yes, i’m using a serial device ID for my Zigbee and Zwave USB sticks.
Previously I could update HA and reboot only HA (not the full host) and Zigbee and Zwave would came online again after reboot HA without a full reboot of the hardware server. Did something changed that we can’t use hardware by serial ID anymore ? Should I use the shorter /ttyACM0 /ttyUSB0 and ttyUSB1 again instead of the serial HW ID :

No, no you really shouldn’t :wink:

What those map to can change on startup, where the long /dev/serial/by-id/ can’t.

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indeed that was reason I used the full serial HW ID path.
But now I read that on updating HA my devices does show up in HA while in fact the supervisor Zwave2MQTT end Zigbee2MQTT still work.
Rebooting the full host only brings my devices in HA again available after a HA update.
Strange, in past I did not had to fully reboot the host after a HA update.

I couldn’t find it in the settings, but maybe it is possible through the access point.

I think you need to do it using the phone app

Does anyone have problem with entities icons not showing up on entities list in HA after the update? All the entities that change icons based on state (for example, battery, doors) have stock mdi:eye icon on the list. When I check “more info” of that entity, the icon is correct, as it should be. On my dashboard icons are working too. The problem is only present in entities list in HA options. Entities that are disabled are not showing icons at all
 there is just blank space where the icon should be. Already cleared cache, rebooted etc. but no improvement.

Browser refresh?

It Doesn’t seems to be “every entities”, all but “sensors” looks fine ( in the entities-listing )

However, “sensors” shows a random pattern, wast majority, with the “eye” , whether they have “default” Icons set, or “chosen” on the entity

I had the issue and simply had to expire my browser cache (as Nick already said) and app frontend cache.

I actually did that, “clear everything” twice, didn’t help
Edit: even closed the browser(FF) and open again ( Sometimes it’s running/open for days, in windows ) :smile:

PS: Just looked in EDGE, not used often, same cleared everything ( beside cookies ) twice, Sensors showing an Eye-Icon

Edit: Same in App, on Android 9, cleared app cache

On Core 2024.2.4, and everything latest ( applying 2024.2.5 now ) not that i think this changes anything 
 we’ll see, it really doesn’t bothers me, i just also wondered what happened/causing this !

Is this happening for built-in cards or custom cards?

clear cache with F12 open and Disable cache checked on the network tab. Otherwise clear cache the manual way.