2024.2: More voice, more icons, more integrations, more... everything!

No Card issue, it’s only in /Settings/devices/entities

If i i.e add card, choose by entity, they have correct Icon

doesn’t help ( not in FF and either EDGE )

Yes, all entities have same icon (2024.2.4) in Entities list.
Actually, do not remember how it was before.

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i think only template-sensors looked like that




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I mend Before, maybe only the eye was default on template sensors, if you havent set one specific

… i also don’t remember, as you can see :slight_smile:


it’s 100% cache related…

Cache cleared several times. Do it every day on a regular basis.

2024.2 requires extra cache clearing steps, a simple CTRL+F5 will not get the job done.

Like what, could you elaborate?

Also companion app: it only has a “reset frontend” button, and still no icons.

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iOS has a Reset Frontend Cache button. I can’t speak for andriod. If it doesn’t you have to figure out how to clear cache for the app.

I meant iOS, sorry for not mentioning it.

And what about “extra cache clearing steps”, did you mean a desktop browser? How can I do purge cache properly in Chrome to return icons?

For your browser, you have to manually clear cache (settings → whatever path it is → clear cache, check everything). Or open up developer tools (F12), check disable cache on networking tab, and CTRL+F5.

For iOS, it’s just that button.

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Does not help, I did it as I said…
Even dared to start MS Edge what I usually do on special days only (and never did for HA), still no icons.

Then write up an issue spelling out the problem you’re seeing and what you’ve done.

Yes, this is what I doing now - starting by searching for existing issues related to the problem.

In chromium browsers if you open Developer tools and then right click on the refresh icon
you get this menu:


You can select empty cache and hard refresh for a clean start with no caching.

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did you cleared cookies also ?

Nope, just cache. It very well could be a bug in that list.

Before the recent update mdi:eye was used for unspecified sensors that were neither doors, motion sensors or batteries. I had only couple of these in the listing.

I’ll try doing the “developer tools” trick with blocking cache and let you know if that help.

Anyway, thanks for feedback!