2024.3: Drag 'n Drop it like it's hot! 🎉

just as always: buggy as hell.
for me, there is no new drag-and-drop :slight_smile:
is there a special g-point i have to trigger HomeAssistant with to activate drag-and-drop? or should i just wait, as always, for you guys to fix the bugs? :slight_smile:

You can just read the release docs and see where drag&drop is and how to activate it.


there is nothing writting on section “Drag-and-drop rearrangement of cards and sections!” on how to activate it.

for Sections (experimental) there is a small hint how to activate. does it also includes drag and drop? who knows…

seems to be pretty hard to write such small blog post correctly.

This is just brilliant. Keep on, but better in some other place.


yep. it’s just like that.

there is nothing writting on “drag and drop”, but the actual hint on how to activate it, is in the section before that " A new experimental sections view" , which makes nothing to zero sense.

to HA team: many people don’t have the time to read every single line in your blogs, nor do we want to fiddle around to see where stuff is hiding.

it’s experimental, okay… but why not have this in beta then? usually this is how experimental features are supposed to be rolled out.
in stable, i would expect … well … stable features? not “experimental” things hiding in the closet and people wondering where it is.
but maybe i’m old fashioned

Have you read through A Home-Approved Dashboard chapter 1: Drag-and-drop, Sections view, and a new grid system design! that seems to explain everything.

edited to correct link

can somebody explain me how to resize the sections or cards?
or is this not possible?

if not, whats the point anyway?

this, although totally buggy (happy resizing and rearranging over and over again, when editing, because it looses track of positioning) and 4 years old, but seems still years ahead of what we got here - because it allows resizing the way one would expect it.

or do i miss something again on how to resize cards in the new drag&drop?

how to resize camera picture to 2 rows in this new view? “lovelace-layout-card” is also not working here.

guess there is no point in using it as it is right now.

correct me if i’m wrong.
but not having resizing from beginning on, tells me, it’s probably not even possible with this drag-and-drop engine at all? because why not have it from day1 on?

I guess this is a dead horse already you selling as brand new.

Did you miss the fact it’s experimental and will be buggy? There is constructive feedback and then there is your feedback.


Don’t forget you can write your error free equivalent of HA and distribute it to the world. A bit of advice, expect unconstructive feedback and some expense/time as you’ll absorb all the start up costs…


Deadhorse is calling out something buggy?

i’m not going down this route with you

Glad to hear, mission accomplished.

My advice… Lay off this rhetoric “sorry to not live in your pink-LGBTQSZFGTP+ World.”

I am a former US Marine and far from the cancel culture person you pegged me as. What I do have, is respect for other people’s hard work and honest/constructive opinions.


This is also stated in the “The lines” which you didn’t found time to read, before you wasted your time on posting commends (which have the effect, that you drag your self to down to an all time high “low level”


Thanks for the reply, it shouldn’t but it did. Not sure if I should remove and re-add the device or if that’s just gonna mess up the sensor names as well?
In any case, there’s clearly a bug if ブ is transliterating to hu.

I’ve been playing around with the new Sections layout for the last few days and it looks very promising! I believe the card resizing feature is on the way, which is also nice.

The thing I noticed is that Badges fit the Sections layout perfectly in terms of UI/UX, but the Badges themselves are quite unusable, as there is no editing, conditional badges or even a possibility to change a badge’s name. I really hope the UI team will do something with Badges, prefferably make them similar to Chips in the Mushroom cards in term of UI/UX.

Looks like card resizing may be in the 2024.3.1 release that’s to come. From what I can tell it’s in 20240307(Release 20240307.0 · home-assistant/frontend · GitHub) frontend release but 2024.3.0 released with 20240306 frontend.

Edit: what year is it currently? Oh right 2024. :man_facepalming:

You too? Sometimes my mind even comes up with the wrong millennium. I’ll catch myself writing “1994” or something.

Please do not engage them. This is not our first rodeo with them. Thanks.


I like the Drag and Drop sections dashboard, would be great to be able to resize the sections and cards.

  • If I want 2 Gauges in one section row I have to use a horizontal stack card. But it’s not possible to drag and drop cards into the horizontal stack card. That’s sad.

  • I also need a section that is as wide as two other sections, but it’s not possible to resize the section

But great feature so far!