2024.3: Drag 'n Drop it like it's hot! šŸŽ‰

I got excited when I read about the energy data export feature. But it is not working exactly as I would expect.

When I select anything longer than a month (year/quarter) it wonā€™t dowload anything -

Clicking on download does nothing

The exported data is not detailed enough

I was hoping to download detailed data over the whole month/time period. Instead it downloads just very corase data used to generate the overall graph on the monthly view. I was hoping it will download the same detail as daily view but for the whole month - the data is in the database for sure as I can see any day detailed hour-to-hour.
For example download in monthly view just gives me very small spreadsheet with rows for my energy entities and 7 columns for each day (today is 7th day of the month) with overall daily consumption. That is it.


I have a phone named ć‚«ć‚µćƒ–ćƒ©ćƒ³ć‚«, for some reason the notify service is now notify.mobile_app_kasahuranka instead of kasaburanka, breaking some automations and my notify group. The sensor entities are unchanged.

Some issues came up as wellā€¦

This is more-info for an entity excluded from Recorder:


This whole graph has no sense - this is just a current value spanned to 24h.
Earlier the graph was initially empty (ā€œno historyā€) - and then only displayed a graph if changes took place while a user was looking at a graph (ā€œstreamlined historyā€).

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yes, just update.

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The script fields is an absolutely incredible! No more making 8 helper entities for me and all my roommates when wanting to add some new dashboard. Iā€™m wondering, is it possible/planned to be able to change the text and/or icon of the run button? I.e. for adding items to a todo list, having the button say add may be more explanatory. I could also see ā€˜runā€™ scaring off less technically inclined users.

All the love and advances the frontend is getting are great. Canā€™t wait to see what other things this year will bring :slight_smile:


Have you updated to Protect 3.x EA ? Thereā€™s a known issue with it and a fix is coming. Even if you downgrade to 2.11 stable from the EA version HA Protect will still not work

This release contains several improvement related to ZHA OTA updating. Seems the documentation is behind.
According some discussion on GitHub there should be a new option to connect the community Z2M OTA files

I like the Energy individual devices detail section, but is not easy to use on mobile when you have a lot of devices

Looks OK on a large screen


got similar situation, but in the end it reverts to previous version for me. Tried upgrade 2nd time and still Core cant start and supervisor logs tell me ā€˜core NOT_RUNNINGā€™ and after that time out on api/core/state.

Core log is not populating any info

Will there a be a new section card? I would like to pair the section type with auto entities.

Change logging to debug and now the upgrade went well. Dont get it. Will restart a few times with and without debug to see if that makes any difference

Section is a view type, not a card.

yes.mentioned the clutter in Beta.

devs are looking at adding a max_devices option, so we can at least bring the number down to the biggest users.

Makes me think now, the clutter could also be diminished if we could set a friendly name in the graphs legend.

Cant do that in the entity settings, because then it would be HA system wide.

just a name: option in the energy panel on the devices would help a lot.
Iā€™ll add that to the discussion, maybe it can be considered


Just make a legend show/hidden.
A name of a device is supposed to be shown in a baloon.

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experimenting with the great new feature of sections, and liking it a lot already. For now, Ive migrated some of my existing button-cards grids into these sections, and it looks real nice.

Not sure its the best use for Sections yet, and hoping to see some of the communities most creative ideas soon.

What I would love though is to change the .title styling of the sections grids:

Anything inside the sections can be styled with the existing tools.

It would be really helpful if we could customize those according to the themes we have, and was looking for a way to use card_mod. Guess that canā€™t be done, given itā€™s not a cardā€¦ unless I am completely missing the essentials walking the Dom in inspector.


When I got home and powered the server back up with a monitor attached I found it was waiting in recovery mode. I just needed to hit Crtl D or whatever it was to continue with booting and itā€™s been fine sinceā€¦ Not sure what was going on but Iā€™m now on 2023.3 with no further issues.


I created a new dashboard based on the sections. I noticed that the ā€œUnused entitiesā€ option doesnā€™t work there, entities show up all the time even if they are used somewhere.

Did you update unifi protect (Not HA), to the beta? It the beta does not work with the HA integration.

Seems to have broken my SNMP polling of MAC devices on my Mikrotik, when I went back to 2024.2.5 started working again. Anyone else seeing that?

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Very nice update!! Nice work! :+1::ok_hand::partying_face: