2024.3: Drag 'n Drop it like it's hot! šŸŽ‰

No worries. Mate, you have given far more to the HA community than me so if I can help in any way, Iā€™m happy. :call_me_hand:

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Can we get option to rename individual devices in energy dashboard?
If I create entities for individual devices using template in yaml settings link etc. does not work

Give it a unique ID & a name in yaml (where you created the sensor)

but it will not open the settings of the real sensor, right? Also creating new sensor just for the energy dashboard is not practical.

Ofcause not

Energy, is kWh (Watt used over time) , i guess your Orig-sensor is Power(W) and Not Energy(kWh)
You get (kWh), by creating a template-sensor which have this ā€œmeasurementā€ , if you buy a Device which does not provide(kWh) you have to create a template-senor ( As the Energy Dashboard, is (for obvious reasons) Not build for ā€œcalculatingā€ every Power-Meter into kWh

I have a PR open to provide this feature, hasnā€™t been accepted yet though.

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Donā€™t make assumptions. It is just the name, lot threads about this already. Every line in individual devices ends with ā€œenergyā€ in energy dashboard for lots of people.

I donā€™t, i answered to what i thought you wanted/mend

Iā€™m use to name/rename my device/entities to a short form, and to avoid i.e repeated words, so the ā€œenergyā€ in the end has never bother me , And you didnā€™t mention that ā€œthatā€ was your concern

Still having trouble with SNMP and devices on my Mikrotik with latest version, had to go back to 2024.2.5 again :frowning:

Logs? GitHub issue?

Iā€™m using Debian, updated OS. Seeing a lot of these messages in the log files:

2024-03-16 16:58:48.258 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.device_tracker] Updating device list from legacy took longer than the scheduled scan interval 0:00:12
2024-03-16 16:59:00.259 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.device_tracker] Updating device list from legacy took longer than the scheduled scan interval 0:00:12
2024-03-16 16:59:12.260 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.device_tracker] Updating device list from legacy took longer than the scheduled scan interval 0:00:12
2024-03-16 16:59:24.260 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.device_tracker] Updating device list from legacy took longer than the scheduled scan interval 0:00:12
2024-03-16 16:59:36.265 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.device_tracker] Updating device list from legacy took longer than the scheduled scan interval 0:00:12
2024-03-16 16:59:48.265 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.device_tracker] Updating device list from legacy took longer than the scheduled scan interval 0:00:12
2024-03-16 17:00:00.266 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.device_tracker] Updating device list from legacy took longer than the scheduled scan interval 0:00:12
2024-03-16 17:00:12.267 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.device_tracker] Updating device list from legacy took longer than the scheduled scan interval 0:00:12
2024-03-16 17:00:24.268 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.device_tracker] Updating device list from legacy took longer than the scheduled scan interval 0:00:12
2024-03-16 17:00:33.359 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.bootstrap] Setup timed out for bootstrap - moving forward
2024-03-16 17:00:36.269 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.device_tracker] Updating device list from legacy took longer than the scheduled scan interval 0:00:12
2024-03-16 17:00:48.270 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.device_tracker] Updating device list from legacy took longer than the scheduled scan interval 0:00:12
2024-03-16 17:00:48.362 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.core] Something is blocking Home Assistant from wrapping up the start up phase. We're going to continue anyway. Please report the following info
at https://github.com/home-assistant/core/issues: snmp.device_tracker, media_source, google_translate, zha.sensor, homekit_controller.sensor, waze_travel_time.sensor, zha.cover, onkyo.media_player, mqtt.ca
mera, zwave_js.sensor, light, zwave_js.number, homekit_controller.button, cover, proximity.sensor, google_translate.tts, homeassistant.scene, blueprint, nut.sensor, google_assistant, mqtt.binary_sensor, am
crest, bluetooth_adapters, mqtt.number, script, homekit_controller.climate, zha.binary_sensor, zwave_js.event, mqtt.device_tracker, siren, zha.device_tracker, device_automation, nut, network, generic, upda
te, zha.button, mqtt.light, mqtt.text, zwave_js.lock, text, mqtt.cover, shopping_list, mqtt, mqtt.valve, zwave_js.select, zha.light, zha.switch, nws.weather, zha, google_assistant.button, zha.alarm_control
_panel, amcrest.camera, input_boolean, zeroconf, application_credentials, repairs, image, binary_sensor, onboarding, hassio.sensor, camera, zha.lock, homeassistant, notify, radio_browser, mqtt.fan, mjpeg,
valve, onvif.camera, kodi.media_player, zha.select, mqtt.lawn_mower, sensor, automation, owntracks, holiday, timer, accuweather.sensor, zha.fan, accuweather.weather, onvif.sensor, websocket_api, mqtt.humid
ifier, api, zha.siren, homekit_controller, diagnostics, sun.sensor, shopping_list.todo, usb, webhook, mqtt.vacuum, mqtt.siren, select, switchbot, foscam, analytics, bluetooth, zha.update, zwave_js.update,
onvif, trace, mqtt.scene, mqtt.water_heater, input_text, todo, device_tracker, switchbot.sensor, system_health, weather, tag, persistent_notification, openweathermap.sensor, backup, accuweather, zone, cale
ndar, climate, onvif.button, nws.sensor, mqtt.climate, hassio.binary_sensor, mqtt.update, lovelace, command_line.switch, tts, counter, mqtt.image, mjpeg.camera, mqtt.event, config, input_button, cast, lawn
_mower, zwave_js.light, kodi, zha.number, season, amcrest.switch, onvif.switch, fan, foscam.camera, schedule, file_upload, input_number, input_select, smtp.notify, hassio, search, switch_as_x, homekit_cont
roller.select, alarm_control_panel, waze_travel_time, openweathermap.weather, mqtt.sensor, zwave_js.switch, season.sensor, person, generic.camera, http, logbook, lock, logger, proximity, mqtt.select, hardw
are, mqtt.alarm_control_panel, mqtt.lock, owntracks.device_tracker, group, mqtt.switch, event, holiday.calendar, onvif.binary_sensor, sun, media_player, system_log, frontend, recorder, humidifier, water_he
ater, nws, mqtt.button, command_line, switch_as_x.light, switch, mpd.media_player, scene, button, auth, zwave_js, hassio.update, zwave_js.button, zha.climate, openweathermap, input_datetime, ffmpeg, image_
upload, history, number, cast.media_player, vacuum, zwave_js.binary_sensor

Actually, think Iā€™ll just move away from SNMP and use the Mikrotik Integration as that does seem to work for tracking users.

2024.4.x will have much better logging when this happens if you enable the following in configuration.yaml:

  default: info
    homeassistant.bootstrap: debug
    homeassistant.setup: debug
    homeassistant.loader: debug
    homeassistant.config_entries: debug

I love the new individual energy graph, but Iā€™m curious to know what the best way is to monitor energy on large appliances such as the oven, dishwasher, fridge, freezer, etc?
I did use zigbee-based smart plugs with energy monitoring, but they ended up randomly turning off at inconvenient times which made the wife unhappy, so I just want a simple energy monitoring device instead. Thanks.

Thanks for that, but Iā€™m not getting much more information. Iā€™m still seeing the warning. Oddly, I did a Wireshark capture, and HA is sending the SNMP query, to which the Mikrotik is responding. So, Iā€™m not sure what the issue is.

2024-03-17 07:07:57.845 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.device_tracker] Updating device list from legacy took longer than the scheduled scan interval 0:00:1
2024-03-17 07:08:09.846 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.device_tracker] Updating device list from legacy took longer than the scheduled scan interval 0:00:1
2024-03-17 07:08:21.847 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.device_tracker] Updating device list from legacy took longer than the scheduled scan interval 0:00:1

Tuya-zigbee based plugs like the ā€œNOUSā€ ones have an over-voltage security feature set at 250V which is too low (and below the +/- 10% specs) for some areas with lots of PV installations.
NOUS released a new firmware last year which sets this threshold a bit higher and so fixed the undesired shut-downs once and for all.
So if you are in a 230V area and experienced such shut-downs during very sunny days, you should check with your plug manufacturer.

Not sure if this has been reported already or not. But we need conditional sectionsā€¦

You could argue I could ensure that the conditional card is in a section with a non-conditional card, but doesnā€™t that defeat the objective of fluid sections?

Which models specifically? Most of the devices you mention are high wattage devices, and your plugs might not be rated for that without triggering some overload protection

Split the cable and put a CT clamp around the live wire with a Shelly EM (or anything to your liking that can work with a CT clamp). Unlike any kind of smart plug this is purely for monitoring and cannot turn your device off, plus it can handle much higher loads (typically, depending on the CTā€™s rating). I have this setup inside an outbuildingā€™s DB to measure that whole buildingā€™s overall power consumption.

You could also install a Shelly PM inside the wall socket. Connect it before the manual switch and keep the switch manual and not connected to the Shelly.

Allow customizing display name for energy device by karwosts Ā· Pull Request #20033 Ā· home-assistant/frontend Ā· GitHub this one? Weird, since backend is approved, now Iā€™m even more confus.