2024.4: Organize all the things!

It seems to be related to the nspanel blueprint:
All references to alarm system in the blueprint need to be deleted. That solves this problem.

Feature-wise an awesome release! But am I really the only one having issue with high CPU usage after this update? Can’t figure out what is causing it. Disabled all integration that are “known” to be cpu intensive, but that does not seem to make a difference. Recorder even stops after a while. Was hoping 2024.4.1 would solve it, but alas… Reboot brings it down a for a little while, but it keeps spiking.

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So many cool features, I can’t wait until the 2nd or 3rd patch to upgrade! I can see that 2024.4.1 has already been released, this is why I never upgrade to .0 :slight_smile:


To be fair, in terms of major bugs, the .0 was very stable for me.

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Did you report that to the developer of the integration as I told you to do?

There’s no point posting it here. Go to github and open an issue for the third party integration there.


I feel that “Group by State” should list the “On” category before “Off” (yes, I understand alphabetically we get Off>On). If an automation is off, it’s usually not something I use and is therefor less important to me (although I do have some that are turned on/off by other automations, they’re irrelevant here).


with this release (2024.4) and all others you all did a great job!

I would like to say thanks to all development- and maintenace-teams!

Especially I enjoy the new view of tables.

With best regards


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I opened an issue for this as the documentation still refers to this property and doesn’t show how/what to replace it with:

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labels are just a general way to group things together. add as many labels as you want, or keep it simple with less. i don’t plan on having many

i have automations and scripts that work together to perform security related tasks, so I tag them all “security” to easily find them all. I then tag one of those automations with a “notify” label as well because it sends a notification to my phone if motion is detected while I’m not home. I also tag “notify” to the automation that plays a message on my voice assistant if there’s an upcoming calendar event when I wake up; that way I can find all the things that perform alerts in case I get a new device and I need to update an entity_id

I might just be blind but is there a way to rename or delete a category?

I know that this feature is new, but this seems like something pretty fundamental so I’d be surprised there isn’t a way to manage them somehow?

Someone beat me to it but I added my logs on the GitHub site for the vantage integration. I apologize – when I posted the problem, someone asked me to post the logs. It took me a while to do it then they deleted their post

Use the profiler.start service to take generate a profile to see what is using all your cpu time.


I got hourly forecast to show up simple by using the standard weather entity and not the _hourly one I used previously.

- type: custom:weather-card
            entity: weather.kitchener_waterloo
            name: K-W
          - type: weather-forecast
            show_current: false
            show_forecast: true
            entity: weather.kitchener_waterloo
            forecast_type: hourly
          - type: custom:mini-graph-card
            hours_to_show: 72
              labels: true
              labels_secondary: true
              icon: false
              name: false
              state: false
              align_state: right
              font_size: 50
              - value: -5
                color: '#6499f7'
              - value: 10
                color: '#8ff95d'
              - value: 22
                color: '#e89e4b'
              - value: 28
                color: '#df4b3e'
              - sensor.temperature
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Yeah. Too late. Saw .1 update yesterday evening and clicked update. After my climates failed, I checked the Issue on Github again and hope now, .2 will come soon.


Extensions? Please enlighten me.

Sorry if this has already been asked…
Are there any supporting functions (planned) for categories like there are for labels (e.g. label_entities()).
I’m looking for something like category_entities() that would allow me to create a view showing my automations in separate cards by category.

No, categories is made for organizing only on the table.

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Quick question:

Anyone else having problems with the mobile app intermittently unable to login?

Only if i force-close the app (iOS 17.4.1, 2024.608) it starts working again - otherwise it’ll retry indefinitely.

I also get a “failed login” notification inside HA due to this, imho this started happening with HA 2024.3.3…

Modbus doesn’t work anymore.

This is the error, can’t get it to fix without reverting to the previous version:
Logger: homeassistant.config
Source: config.py:1324
First occurred: 10:27:56 (1 occurrences)
Last logged: 10:27:56

Invalid config for ‘modbus’ at modbus.yaml, line 1: required key ‘baudrate’ not provided, please check the docs at Modbus - Home Assistant Invalid config for ‘modbus’ at modbus.yaml, line 1: required key ‘bytesize’ not provided, please check the docs at Modbus - Home Assistant Invalid config for ‘modbus’ at modbus.yaml, line 1: required key ‘method’ not provided, please check the docs at Modbus - Home Assistant Invalid config for ‘modbus’ at modbus.yaml, line 1: required key ‘parity’ not provided, please check the docs at Modbus - Home Assistant Invalid config for ‘modbus’ at modbus.yaml, line 1: required key ‘stopbits’ not provided, please check the docs at Modbus - Home Assistant Invalid config for ‘modbus’ at modbus.yaml, line 4: not a valid value for dictionary value ‘modbus->0->type’, got ‘tcp’, please check the docs at Modbus - Home Assistant Invalid config for ‘modbus’ at modbus.yaml, line 5: ‘host’ is an invalid option for ‘modbus’, check: modbus->0->host, please check the docs at Modbus - Home Assistant Invalid config for ‘modbus’ at modbus.yaml, line 7: ‘close_comm_on_error’ is an invalid option for ‘modbus’, check: modbus->0->close_comm_on_error, please check the docs at Modbus - Home Assistant Invalid config for ‘modbus’ at modbus.yaml, line 8: ‘retry_on_empty’ is an invalid option for ‘modbus’, check: modbus->0->retry_on_empty, please check the docs at Modbus - Home Assistant