2024.4: Organize all the things!

Follow the link you provided your self !

They always worked before. It kind of sucks having to go through and add card-mod coding on every child card.

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And as i said, i use the default-rounded corners, and they work( as far as i can see), even on “childs” in Custom:vertical-stack-in_card


              border-radius: xy;
              border: solid x;
              border-color: xy;

Yes, i didn’t go the last level (to the “inner circle” ) 
 lets call it a grand-child :slight_smile:

And Picture-element-card, With 3 custom:button-card, and a “default-Image-entity”

As usual, please could we have some links to documentation in these blogposts! :weary:


This has my head spinning!

Finding the forecast “broken” has led me down a rabbit hole of discovering I have a half-dozen different weather integrations, a ~325 post thread about the implications of deprecating the forecast attribute and an unclear (to me) solution of how to work around it, and a new(?) “Template Weather Provider” that I can’t figure out how to use.

I just want my hourly forecast to show up on my weather card :smiley:


Where is the default-rounded corners theme? I also need it in dark mode.

I also have the same problem, 2 modbus connections, it works for a while then it stops working

Thank you! That was one of my concerns when I first heard about these new capabilities. There’s already so much inappropriate data in attributes. I was hoping this didn’t add more database spam.

Follow the link you provided your self !

The link to the Template Weather Provider shows this documentation:

# Example configuration.yaml entry
  - platform: template
    name: "My Weather Station"
    condition_template: "{{ states('weather.my_region') }}"
    temperature_template: "{{ states('sensor.temperature') | float }}"
    temperature_unit: "°C"
    humidity_template: "{{ states('sensor.humidity') | float }}"
    forecast_daily_template: "{{ state_attr('weather.my_region', 'forecast') }}"

Can I just place a service call in the forecast_daily_template? I don’t think that will work.

the default you can’t change by other means that either a custom-theme ( which might be your issue ) , or you can change in either custom:button-card/style , or/ and in picture-element-card/style , or by using card-mod ( which you btw also can have in you Theme) , which you can edit by hand, if that’s the “cause”
Flush your browser-cache, All, and refresh, and restart, still don’t work, report it in the Github-Repo for your custom-theme

right, well i don’t know ( it is an example !, which correctly might not be updated, in regards to this last entry ) , and the example

in this part is “kind off” not a “copy paste example” in this case( or many other scenarios )
Maybe you “think right” , thou i would try

I’ll check everything I can. It’s odd to me that the corners are all rounded in the “thumbnail” image while in edit mode though, just not in the actual dashboard.

You have to convert to the new template style.

- trigger:
  ... get forecast goes here...
    ... your weather config ...

Gotcha, thanks! That’s probably the most important information regarding this change.

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Loving this release.

3 questions/comments:

  1. a +1 on the suggestion above to be able to filter for menu items where the metadata (area, label, category) is empty/unassigned. This would make the job of categorising your items much simpler when you can work through a list of items you’ve not yet dealt with (Labels: add filtering by "no labels" (similarly - for "area" & "blueprint") · home-assistant/frontend · Discussion #20418 · GitHub)

  2. Is there an easy way to pull in a list of items by label in node red yet? Can’t seem to see a service i can call for this - maybe i’m just missing something obvious. Since most of my automation is in node red, this is currently limiting the benefits of labels for me.

  3. when you’ve multi-selected x items and selected to add them to a category, they remain selected - meaning you have to unselect them before you select your next set or they will move again. I got caught out by this on several occasions while trying to categorise my stuff.

Thanks again to all the hardworking devs who’ve done an excellent job.

This might be helpful. It shows how to create a Trigger-based Template Sensor to periodically get the daily weather forecast and store it in an attribute named forecast. Then you simply point forecast_daily_template to that Template Sensor’s forecast attribute.

The example also shows how to round the weather values but that’s completely optional. If you don’t need rounding, there’s a simpler version of the Trigger-based Template Sensor shown here.

Homematic fix will be in 2024.4.2. So don’t Update :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

so far batch deletion of serveral devices seems not possible (but lableing them all “trash” is). but looks like this feature is just around teh corner :wink:

Does one know why an automation has an id and other ‘things’ unique_id?

Just something left over before unique_id became a thing. Can’t change it now, would break things.

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