2024.4: Organize all the things!

All heating thermostats are not longer available. The icon shows a “?” on it. BUT - I installed now again and now it looks all good. I don’t know what happened. You can ignore my last post…

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Well kinda glad this update didn’t happen last month or I never would have gotten frustrated with managing all my automations and forced myself to move everything to Node-Red, which I’ve become a fan of now.

Did notice that the Blink Wired Floodlight Cameras now have a lot less functionality, although that very well could be a Blink update that caused this. A couple weeks ago you could control the light itself and no longer can. Now they look like any other Blink camera. Same is true of the door bells, they used to be able to sense a button push, now they are just a plain, relitively featureless camera.

Thank you for the new organisational structure. I’ve started labelling all my devices, scripts and helpers according to which automations use them instead of my previous unwieldy naming conventions. I was just wondering if there’s a way to see everything with a particular label - automations, devices, the lot - in one place? It would be so much easier than having multiple browser tabs open. I can’t see one though. Or any way to filter by label when creating a dashboard.

I use groups of groups to do that. For example some lights are controlled in the stitch domain, and some lights in the lights domain. I have a switches group and a lights group and an all group containing the switches and lights group.

It’s early. I don’t know if I made any sense yet.

whenever i upgrade to Core 2024.4.x, after reboot the CLI is available but no dashboard or config etc. happened both with 2024.4.2 which i had to roll back before and now with 2024.4.3 which i just rolled back also. currently on 2024.3.0.

is there a known issue with upgrade to 2024.4.x from 2024.3.0?


Not that I know of or it would be more widely reported. It is something specific to your setup.

thanks. whats the best steps to debug? familiar with CLI but never have had to do that with HA before.

Upgraded instead to 2024.4.1 from CLI and restarted. Seems to be running OK after restart.

Will let it run for a couple of days before upgrading to 2024.4.x latest.

Upgraded to 2024.4.3 and the Mobile App is no longer reflecting Desktop front-end changes (similar to what was happening when selecting “Sections” when adding a new tab to the dashboard. Anyone else having issues with the mobile app reflecting front-end changes?

Did you try clearing the app frontend cache?

How do you do that on the mobile app?

iOS or Android?

iOS it is: Settings → Compaion App → Debugging → Reset frontend cache. Then back to your dashboard and pull down to refresh.

heck I now see your request, and realize you were fast… just made me wonder about this this morning, rewriting my alarm_system automations.

to be sure, you meant this with templates in the trigger?

  platform: template
  value_template: >
    {{ label_entities('alarm') | select('is_state', 'on') | list | count > 0 }}

(TheFes wrote that elsewhere and I copy shamelessly)
if yes, let me add it anyways, because I don’t think it was mentioned in this release topic yet.

would be nice if label would develop into a tool we can use in triggers directly

  platform: ?
      - motion
      - window
      - door
    to: 'on'

and still be able to use the trigger.entity_id in the rest of the automation


Sorry, no. It is Android. And there doesn’t seem to be such a setting.

I’ll read the docs.

Settings/Apps/Homeassistant/MemoryStorage/Cache , on android

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Or long press the app icon > App info > Storage & Cache > Clear cache


Ahh Cool, like after decades using Andriod phones :blush:

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right! trying that on the iOS app made me discover useful little utilities in the popup. not the clear cache, but apparently we can configure several shortcuts there. I never knew… nice.

I’m seeing similar instability since upgrading to 2024.4.0,1,2,3 - about to roll back, and look to do a full rebuild, which I’m not relishing

Try the same procedure