2024.4: Organize all the things!

been there, done that - I had issues upgrading from 2024.3.3 to 2024.4.0 originally, and my system doesn’t have the fast restart times, or the UI changes that came with that functionality, so I think I’ve had an update go bad somewhere along the line.

My test system fared worse when upgraded to 2024.4.0, it’s a VM, and it now seg-faults - similar vintage, same upgrade path

The regression regarding weather sensors destroyed any happiness with this release for me.
Removing such a core func without an automatic update to get the needed sensors back was just a bad decision.
Yet again it feels like change for the sake of change. The last six months has brought very little positive things and mainly felt like regression.

I can understand from an user perspective that the change is unwanted and quite frustrating to rebuild all the templates and other use-cases. But to say that the latest releases haven’t brought positive things and are a regression is quite harsh ain’t it?
Labels and Caterogies are huge improvements, the sections dashboard promises a lot of good things to come, enormous improvements in startup times, improved automations GUI with Drag & Drop. The list goes on and on with major positive things.


Here is a little more feedback on the 2024.4 release. And it is still positive.

I earlier celebrated that we got the long awaited way to sort automations and scripts in folders or similar. And now we got both labels and categories. I have so far only used categories and I moved all my automations and scripts from non GUI yaml files to the GUI and used the categories to organize them. See how to transfer in earlier post if you missed it - 2024.4: Organize all the things! - #444 by KennethLavrsen

Since then I have had to update a few automations in connection with getting a new iphone. And I have also done some updates related to a home made NFC reader. And I updated some other things related to my multimedia setup.

And it really works well with the Categories. I can find the right automations and scripts very easily. It is even faster than when I looked up the yaml files as I can do it all in the UI and I can even do it well from my iPad. I mainly edit as yaml but I am sure new automations will be created in part in the GUI.

It is wonderful to be able to edit an automation and save it and it is already reloaded. No manual reload needed. This is in itself not new but it was turning a pile of clothes on the floor into clothes sorted neatly on shelves that made the difference for me.

And to those that still have not moved their automations I can say - it is all worth it!

Again I am deeply thankful for the category feature. And saying this again was the reason for this post. Thank you so much!


:rofl: This is Impossible, I Still have Clothes lying, or hanging everywhere in piles on the floor and chairs.
( All Categories of Clothes, on all Floors and Areas )

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anyone having issues with the edl21 integration after updating to 2024.4.4? after the update the integration was not loading anymore. had to go back to 2024.4.3
unfortunately, I forgot to keep the error message

upgraded to 2024.4.4 from 2024.4.3 and having the same problem as above. No access to UI but CLI and SSH work. Initial problem with Supervisor as well. Repaired supervisor and restarted. No luck. Rolled back to 2024.4.3 via CLI and rebooted. No luck. Had to completely reinstall and restore backup. :frowning:

It is not a regression, it was a planned and long signaled change, hence what it says in the release notes

The previously deprecated forecast attribute of weather entities, has now been removed.

What I do think would be helpful if there was a running list of deprecations. I tend to operate on this model “oh they have deprecated some weather thing. I’d better fix that in the next six months” - then forget - then 6 months later “bugger I forgot to fix that”

But why complain, I knew and forgot, my fault for not making better use of to do lists.


I think a persistent repairs issue for deprecated functionally would go a long way here. I can’t imagine that more than 5 percent of users read the release notes in full


I don’t. I only read the breaking back-wards incompatible changes for the integrations I have installed. What I don’t have, I don’t care about :slight_smile:


I’m sorry - I’m not sure you read the post correctly.

The justification as posted for ‘floors’ was around introducing geo-spacial mappings into HA (from the original proposal and justification for the change: ‘It helps Home Assistant to know more about your physical home’ Add the concept of floors #1021).

My point was IF what you are trying to do is represent physical relationships into HA naming schemes then a hierarchy that reflects entity models that have been thrashed out in the real world over centuries and are therefore generally widely understood probably makes more sense than just adding an arbitrary ‘floor’ in the middle of an existing enforced hierarchy that currently has no spacial inference and one in which people have already invested in by constructing their own relationship models over some time.

I think (as I said in the original post) this is just generally a bad idea as people have different physical homes and different ways of thinking about them and the only sensible solution to that is the often requested nested areas (totally flexible for however you want to do it, builds on the current concept and therefore maintains peoples existing time and energy investment, and achieves the objective of enforcing some spacial relationships that future code can rely on - but does enforce a one->many ordering hierarchy) and/or the label concept which essentially is a completely arbitrary structure (many->many) where even hierarchical relationships aren’t enforced and there is no physical relationship that becomes ‘reliable’.

It’s not a complex argument - if you are trying to map the physical world, then fine, use a naming convention that is familiar to as many people as possible as ultimately you want HA to appeal to a wider audience and intuitively ‘feel’ the namespace - personally I think that creating a ‘digital twin’ of a physical space should also give you the freedom to create hierarchies that are non-physical, which is what I think you are saying when you write:

Nested areas are a better structural concept that goes someway to being an intuitive scheme but also creates new non-physical possibilities - labels go the whole hog and allow you to construct the hierarchy however you want to. The two are not mutually exclusive (obviously).

So, to be clear, ‘floors’ - bad idea, but I get the intent - it’s just that there are at least two ‘better’ ways of doing it (nested areas or pick a model that already exists in the real world), ‘labels’ great and needed.

But, perhaps I’m just thinking in an ‘enforced paradigm’.


My Point was, MY HomeAutomations System, and My Home overall for that matter is Not Rockets Science , beside it’s within my House/Home, so i don’t find any reasons what so ever to follow any conventions nor concepts , and what ever to appeal to anyone but me !

I try to keep things basic, simple , and trying to “apply” this also to anything Computer related.
Meaning No horrible long completely redundant repeated bullock in file/entity names.
I know which devices i have in my Kitchen, in my livingroom etc. etc., i know which devices i have in the Basement, 1st Floor etc.

So maybe my “concept” is based on pure anarchy, instead of your imaginary hierarchies.

It’s Simple ( but yet intuitive, To Me ) , and i am the one to administrate it, none else needs to understand, And i seriously doesn’t need to structure/naming my devices/automation etc. like a file-structure-hierarchy

Above for me is simply shortened to area ( And i know where my areas are located, or what it contains ).
HA, i tell HA if it needs to “address” an Area, HA have no f… idea where it is physically anyway ), and as mention i have areas which “overlap” each other ( In your imaginary hierarchy ) They just dont necessarily contain the same Devices, because it’s a “Functional Area”
I.e The Parts in my Ventilation system which handle incoming Air( It’s spread / air comes in various ways , get pre-heated ) and it’s just common sense/imagination which can “define” this, No hierarchy , no “established” concepts ( Unless one can accept that an Area is Not a physical location/spot )

An Area is Not necessarily a physical spot.
A Label can define a physical spot., or a functional area, or what ever
And Nothing i do/name have to make sense to anyone but me.
Floors is a Common defined “word” yes, but can be used in various ways. For various purposes, so i welcome it.

As mention i have 3 ( Common conceptional Floors, Major Levels in my House, if on counts Basement as a Floor.)
I Don’t Have a Dance Floor !, However i do have a Bathroom Floor, with electrical heating
I Have several Floors which are Electrical Heated ( E-Floors# Areas-E1, E2, E3), spread on Basement(Floor) 1st Floor and 2nd Floor.
And some Floors are WaterHeated, (W-Floors# Areas-W1, W2) currently covering 3 Rooms(Areas, which belong to the Basement-Floor) , , ( Basement is a “Conventional FloorPlan”, Containing the 6 Rooms(Areas) + i.e specific functional Areas)
Floor-Heating , is as they are “nested” over Levels And Rooms in it’s own Functional-Floor) and more to come when my “enclosed outdoor space” is finished
It’s on same Level as My Garage(Earth-Level), Which is not 1st, nor 2nd floor, neither Basement
( Edited, just for clarification)

Sorry for ones again ripping your “concepts” apart :wink:

Beside a system runs “smoother” with short names, short names also give less “room” for fault, and are generally easier/faster for the system to handle.
And as you might figure, my HA is primary build for controlling/automatisation of part of my house and it’s Basic Functions and Not to control from a Phone, Ofcause i build my UI, Dashboards, so it’s possible to get a good overview, and manual control functions, if i need to
So I don’t have any fancy Dashboard / Cards over my i.e Bedroom, or Kitchen, livingroom etc.
I Have Funtional OverViews over PanRoom, WellRoom, Heating System, Ventilation System , Network , Electricity etc

personally i am staying away from Core 2.4.4. there’s definitely something going on with 2.4.x, only question now is will it get carried over to 2.5.x where it impacts more users.

Hehe :upside_down_face:, I ran in to the same this month when my speakers suddenly went silent were they normally tell the forecast for tomorrow. Oh well, I knew but forgot

If you’re using 2.4.4 you are making a basic error. There is no such version.

I figure they’re referring to 2024.4.4 based on the context of the post.

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I guess so, but it is unhelpful.

I agree with you on this.

The other point is new users. Say someone who started using HA half way through the deprecation cycle. They get no notice of deprecation unless they wade through the last 6 months release notes.


The great thing about the way they implemented Rooms, Labels, and Categories is that you do not have to use them if you do not want to. I like the way they explained that Rooms/Areas are for physical location and Labels are for logical grouping. If that does not work for someone, they do not need to use it. I would not be surprised if they add a hierarchy feature to labels in the future that supports user driven levels. It will be fun to see how this plays out.