2024.6: Dipping our toes in the world of AI using LLMs šŸ¤–

Add this to your configuration.yaml file.

    - "/config"

This latest release left me with a major performance hit. Iā€™ve rolled back because I donā€™t have time to troubleshoot at the moment. Performance hit managed to break nabu casa connectivity.
Running on Proxmox 7.4

Its ok to agree to disagree. That was a good read thanks for the post.

As for what we disagree on, thatā€™s probably not much al-tho the internet is not a good way to express that.

You are correct about the nature of how the AI works, its completely systematic based on training data and or context it is given. The only issue I have with your theory is that is essentially the exact same way your standard human also works.

If you donā€™t believe me, go stand out in a busy area and just listen to what the people are saying, half of them are hallucinating worse than my in house 13b LLM running on a virtual machine in my rack is. And god forbid you ask them something they dont know, they will tell you what you want to hear that sounds as good as they can muster.

With regular people, you can offer something that is factual but completely differs from what they truly believe and watch the synapses in their head misfire in real time.

My opinion is that LLMā€™s for the most part already handle language better than the average person right now using the pattern learning methods humans learn language. But Iā€™m no rocket surgeon.


It was added, see here Mention ollama Ā· home-assistant/home-assistant.io@17f868a Ā· GitHub


Does anybody know if there will be any improvements on wake words?
Everybody has mobile device(s) that would be much more convenient than Amazon Echos or S3 boxes but they all lack wake word support at the moment.

I was searching for local apps until HA Companion App supports wake words, but according to some posts on this forum they donā€™t seem to work too well with HA (or at least they did not use to; e.g. procupine GitHub - Picovoice/porcupine: On-device wake word detection powered by deep learning ).

My iPhone has wake words and will trigger back to HomeAssistant. I donā€™t have to press any buttons or run a special app.

Great release everyone :clap:t2::clap:t2:

@frenck you asked for comments in the blog post so here goes ā€¦

Please could you review the ability to add conditional selector for backgrounds IE the ability to schedule different backgrounds between sunrise to sunset, then sunset to sunrise.

Could also imagine this could be used based upon occupancy, calendar events and many other triggers!!

Thanks pcwii - that did the trick - at least it works now.
It is still giving me notifications saying that I am still using the old service and to replace with notify.send_message.
Guess I will need to plough through some documentation when I get a free moment.

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Your iPhone aka Siri or your iOS HA companion app? I am trying to wake HAā€™s Assist and that is not supported by the Android Companion App (unless you use special headphones).

Looks like Workday is due to be fixed pretty soon

Fix workday timezone


The only repair notifications I got were to change the way I was calling the notify service (most of which I have now fixed/refactored).

What I did not see is any information indicating that management of file notify in YAML has been removed and that I could/should remove my YAML configuration for this integration because all of my ā€˜instancesā€™ have been migrated. I guess I jus assumed that the internal handling of file notify had changed, and that these entities were now ā€˜visible in the UIā€™

I must have missed the repair that you saw or dismissed it too quickly without reading properly :frowning:

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Ai, so what you use it for?
Donā€™t see a use case, but maybe others do?

It was mentioned in the blog post:

And probably better to use this, instead of the whole config folder:

    - /config/www

@stevemann and @Hedda, the pace of software releases is not inevitable. Itā€™s a choice. Iā€™m just suggesting that this breakneck pace is not optimal. A different choice could be made.

I never install the first version of the monthly releases. Even with just installing the last one weā€™re basically all beta testers all the time.

Home Assistant is supported by a few dozen individuals (volunteers); sporadic minor updates are to be expected. If functions A,B,C and D work fine but is the person who wrote function E fixes a bug, the people who use function E want the fix now. Not when itā€™s convenient to you.


The Nabucasa team can hardly be called Volunteers.

Iā€™d rather call them dedicated professionals

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The Nabu Casa team maintains the Home Assistant core. The volunteers who create and maintain the numerous add-ons and custom integrations greatly
outnumber the core team.


But we should stop talking about HA being a volunteer project. Theyā€™re highly trained professionals.
It just doesnā€™t serve HA right when we keep seeing it as a Volunteer project. Itā€™s not.

Many addons/plugins are made by volunteers ( speaking as one here).

Core HA should be seen and treated as a professional product though.


The LLM feature is amazing. The custom intents are also way more powerful when using an LLM to trigger them with many different sentences, like for instance the weather forecast that Jlo demoed in the release party video for this release.
It would be useful to have some way to share custom intents, like for instance we have with the blueprints exchange, does anyone know if this exists yet?

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You can grab a fork, with ssl support added:

Unfortunatelly, it was more important to the maintainerā€™s of HA to get the config-flow than the privacy and security. :slight_smile:
It seems, that You (and many of others who donā€™t share their data) were the 0th. user, who was reportedly not used this integrationā€¦ :imp: