2024.7: Time to resize your cards!

Working fine here.

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Synology Cameras no longer show up with this version. Tried to delete the integration and add the device back but it does not even see them in the system anymore. Weird. This is a Synology DVA1622 Not sure if that has something to do with it. It was working before.

And what do your logs tell you?

Which integration is this?

Guess what happened this week? Windows pushed an update to all machines everywhere, depending on your internal hardware, the pc blue screens on boot! Doesn’t matter what hardware is connected. This affects every windows pc. :tada:


I believe this was attributed to Crowdstrike, but it does show Crowdstrike has a very large customer base :slight_smile:


great marketing actually :wink:
I never heart of this company before, now I know they exists :stuck_out_tongue: and despite of today’s issues overall they seem to do a pretty decent job.


Oh yes, every major business is going to purchase their products now. Nothing protects against malware in a better way than bricking a system.


Yeah nothing says “we do QA well” like millions of PCs being borked by an update.
I’d totally trust them on the basis of this.


As others mentioned - crowdstrike. They have a kernel level driver that got updated and caused the kernel to fall over. C-00000291.sys

See that bandwagon you jumped on? It’s going the wrong direction :rofl:


Oh yeah, it’s been a cluster this week…

Oh I didn’t jump on it, it was forced by IT. They think we are a data management company, not a product manufacturer

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There a patch available (2024.7.3) but no release notes?

It’s there:

Thats a good question… now that i removed and added the device back and it doesnt bring up the cameras at all im not getting any errors. Its almost like the cameras are nolonger supported for the DVA1622.

Since that was directed at me, allow me to respond. Let’s put aside for a moment it wasn’t Micro$oft, and it wasn’t consumer end users who were affected. Given their track record, it would appear M$ does better testing before blasting out an update. Yeah. I know. But I did say better, not perfect.

I personally don’t trust automatic updates, and any IT department which allowed Crowdstrike to push them to production machines without in-house testing is foolish.

The fact remains that many end users do trust manufacturers and vendors to push automatic updates, and expect them to work flawlessly. Apparently so do some large IT departments.

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I’ve got problems since 2024.7.3…

And when you thought, that would be the solution - nope! :laughing:

Imagine this conversation from today:
C: “I read the news about this glitch. Does this affect us?”
S: “No, or do you have a blue screen?”
C: “No, but the news said it’s worldwide?”
S: “Yes, but we were intelligent enough to hold on to that update.”
C: “So this comes up for us next week?”
S: “…”

Freely translated from German

Same here, skyconnect keeps going offline and causing issues. Lets hope 2024.7.3 fixes it

Except the underlying issue was fixed very quickly and did not affect any devices getting updated later. The problem was to fix the devices already affected. Not sure what your little story was supposed to convey.

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