2024.7: Time to resize your cards!

2024.7.4 has now been released.

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okay i was a bit too quick. i will certainly come back to the topic if a version is really left out. case closed - you won!

little note here, there is a typo in notes here: Goofle Generative AI: Fix string format

But I donā€™t mind to name Google Goofle instead :slight_smile:


Has something fixed it for you?

a update was pushed and it seem to be fixed now

Is it possible to resize the section width? Or cards only? Having this huge blank space between sections after resizing (making smaller) cards isnā€™t very pleasant for my eyes.

Just checking: This is only the case for utility meters set up via the UI, right?

Utility Meter

The source entity, period, and CRON pattern entity state attributes have been removed from the sensor entity and moved to the integration diagnostics.

I donā€™t see how that would be the case. They are generating entities, both methods arrive at the same result: A utility meter entity.

Thanks @petro, thatā€™s why Iā€™m a bit confused, because I donā€™t see these. If I go to the entity, I see no diagnostics, and thereā€™s no device as such to see that associated diagnostics sensors, unless Iā€™m misunderstanding this change.

Here, the attributes are gone, as the change describes, but I see nothing else.

I assumed Iā€™ll see something like this when referring to diagnostics.