2024.7: Time to resize your cards!

Seems to have also affected my wall mounted tablet themes. I have icons that would previously change color based on an entity state but now they’re just always green. Unfortunately I don’t see anything in the changes (or I’m just missing it) that mentions ha-card or ha-state-icon changes.

            {% if not is_state('alarm_control_panel.security_system', 'disarmed') %}
              ha-card, ha-state-icon {
                color: rgb(245,0,0) !important;
                opacity: 1 !important;
                animation: update 1.5s ease-out infinite;
              ha-card:hover {
                filter: brightness(130%);
                animation-play-state: paused;
            {% endif %}
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Very disappointing to see the Aladdin Connect integration being removed right after it was made working again just a month ago.

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Don’t blame HA.


My instance goes into recovery mode on this update, but I cant figure out why… The error I get is:

2024-07-04 06:37:38.789 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.http.ban] Login attempt or request with invalid authentication from ( Requested URL: '/api/error_log'. (Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 11; ONEPLUS A6013 Build/RKQ1.201217.002; wv) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Chrome/124.0.6367.179 Mobile Safari/537.36)

As always great updates from HA but this update has messed up my dashboards completely - I use simple grid cards and everything lines up - after the upgrade the cards in the grids don’t line up

I use stock cards and custom one like mini graph

Anyone has this issue - I have to revert to 2024.6 for now till it gets shorted


Perhaps Tailwind.

The HA team continues to blow any alternative out of the water. You guys fucking rock


I wrote an explanation for the problem in your issue.
The rewritten upstream-lib is not part of that release.

But yes, i am searching for beta testers!

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Light card is a bit broken in certain screen resolution and width/height combination. This is because cells in the grid do not have fixed width, but they do have fixed height. Light card content tries to fit width, and in some cases it does not fit in height.


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In general my first impressions with the resizable cards in sections view is that it’s nice, but it’s less flexible than I hoped it would be. For example, there are barely any cards that can be 1 cell wide. So setting any card to be 3 cell wide doesn’t make sense in almost any case, limiting the practical options to 2 cells or 4 cells wide.

Some things in the grid were placed in a way to make it look nice, to follow the lines of the grid. But not everything. I’m not a fan of how the tile cards look with one or more bars, as there is an unnecessary big white space below the icon and name, and the bars do not fit the grid at all, they don’t even fit nicely with other tile cards:


So in this case the flexibility is quite limited and still the neat look is not achieved.

Another example is the glances card. If you set it to only show icons, the icons are fit to grid in height, but not in width. While this is limiting flexibility (as there’s no way to for example fit 5 rows of icons in 4 rows of the grid), it does look nice (although would be better if each row was center aligned in height, like the text in the tile card, not bottom aligned):


However, if you also try to display names and/or statuses, the fit to grid aspect is lost completely. For example 3 lines of icons and names take 4 grid rows:

and with statuses also enabled they take 5 grid rows.

Overall I do like the change, it makes it easier to do some things, especially to make tile cards that are whole-section wide without tricks.

Of course the elephant in the room is still that the older cards look so completely different compared to the tile card, they use different color scheme, mark unavailable entities differently etc. I would love to know what’s the direction HA will take about this. Are the older cards going to get some love?


I had previously only created a wider map for the outside temperature with a horizontal stack in the new section view. I removed this stack after updating to 2024.7.0 and added a wider outdoor temperature using the new scaling function. This looks good on the computer, but unfortunately the font for the temperature is cut off in the iOS app. This still looked correct with the old solution under 2024.6.4.

me to, but Paulus mentioned that in the Release Party. It could be implemented, but is difficult.

I’m trying. I did a helper timer of 1 minute.
Then I created a script called “set a timer” with a field that can change the minutes. Manually it works and the timer starts for the minutes I ask. But it fails using assist saying this device can’t start a timer

Ok have some issues with historical / statistical data - there is none for any of my sensors since I applied the update, also I notice that version is showing as 2024-5-1 from the desktop app

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I have the same issue! No Historical data since the update :frowning:

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I played with scripts and chatgpt configuration and managed to implement timers in assist for every device in 10 minutes. You need one timer helper, a script with two variables and a sentence added to chatgpt prompt:


The Website is changed so you have to change “Select*” to “a.release-date” and “Value template” to “{{ value }}”

The integration for the german weather service (DWD) renames the entities from a number to the name of the town with this release. This information was missing in the release notes. It is nice, but home assistant can’t handle german “umlaute” [ü, ö, ä] and so the town name was not correct. Would be nice to have an improvement for german users, that a name with a “umlaut” generates an entity id with like ö → oe, ü → ue and ä → ae. But in 2024.7.0 i was not able to rename the entity without loosing the old statistic. Got an error in the system logs, that the old statistic can be transferred to the new entity. Same problem when trying to rename entities from the NINA integration.

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I have a feature request concerning the data table improvements introduced with 2024.7


I think as others have mentioned, since updating to 2024.7, there seems to be an issue with historical data and/or display of the data using a history graph.

I have a number of sensors updating regularly (temperatures, light levels, CPU etc) and after updating to 2024.7 they have all flat lined.