2024.8: Beautiful badges!

Great… but… Daikin AC are not working after update to 2024.8.1 · Issue #123550 · home-assistant/core (github.com)

Yes, this has been mentioned multiple times in the thread. It’s also been mentioned that a fix will be out August 16th.


Unless you are running something quite intensive or doing something like video processing thats likely an indication that something is wrong.

Is it possible to animate the Custom: Mushroom Template Badge icon?

Nevermind I figured it out (Use the manual option!)

Oh I looked under every rock that I’m technically qualified to explore. Unfortunately there wasn’t a clear root cause or fix that I can suggest. My CPU would spike right after the host became unresponsive (fan would really start going) but prior to that my utilizaton rested around 8% and RAM sat around 1.5gb (out of 4).

Don’t take my word for it, check out this thread: PSA: 2024.7 recorder problems

OP in that thread cites 2 issues. The second of which remains unresolved and I strongly suspect is what caused my shit to grind to a halt. I have a lot of front end customization and use templating to express states in components like custom button card. I’m becoming convinced that 2028.8 is just going nuts and constantly re-evaluating templates, locking the system up and causing it to crash.

That suspicion comes from digging in that thread after exhausting other options to the best of my ability. I found that my host would stay online for hours, but would always shit the bed within minutes of tapping something on one of my wall mounted dashboards.

Thats all I can share. I wish I had more, but that thread is echoed in a few places and kept me sane this weekend. I never had issues like this before the update and rolling back clearly fixed then, system has been online flawlessly since.

I want to add that I have had problems since 2024.8, and I never have problems. I have a very stable system, strong hardware, I’ve been very satisfied and have not needed to tinker much. I do not do the extensive templating that you do, but I’ve also had strange things happening that NEVER happened before. Lights remaining on after they were switched off. Tablet freezing up, lots of fully kiosk errors. Views on tablet that when selected, fail to draw on the screen. Lots of disconnect errors for no apparent reason. Launch the companion app, and just a blank screen. Right now since my last reboot of router, tablet and NUC, it’s perfect, responsive and stable. But after a few days, it glitches. I’m just hoping someone finds there is a widespread problem so it can be addressed.


Simpler? Means there is a way?
Can you share how? Thank you

Change icon and color.

EDITED: sorry… I forgot to say I have mushroom card installed

image image

type: custom:mushroom-template-badge
entity: light.esquina
content: Esquina
icon: |-
  {% if is_state('light.esquina','on') %}
  {% else %}
  {% endif %}
color: |-
  {% if is_state('light.esquina','on') %}
  {% else %}
  {% endif %}
  action: toggle

Update keeps rolling back with no issues in logs.

Reattempt to update fails, reverts after twenty minutes, and shows update available.

Any context or fix expected?

(Edit: No I am not using recorder. I am using the default SQLite)

Yet no logs.

For me it’s not the case. I’m using Raspberry Pi 4 (supervised install on Raspbian) with SSD and HACS and a bunch of customisations and templates in frontend, but everything works as before (I only lost my precious heavy customised old-style badges :smiley: ). Also CPU runs under 10% most of the time with occasional spikes up to 44%.

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@corby I can confirm that the degrees centigrade symbol has re-appeared, and the display precision is now working correctly, after a reboot.

Thanks all.

Yes, I confirm! I’ve just re-updated with 2024.8.1. All entities show the unit of measure and date/time is correctly displayed. It was probably a metter of browser cache, as suggested by Holdestmade. I don’t have any entity with more than one digit precision but they are shown according the display precision set (like 30.2 °C; 224 V; 34.70% )
Thanks you all guys for your advice and support.

Some observations on the schema update, just as a data point.

  • Using a dedicated mariadb LXC (Proxmox on i5-6500)
  • Initial db size: 16Gb
  • Total time to update: 65 minutes

Before update I modified the LXC:

  • Increased from 2 cores to 4 - unnecessary as CPU never exceeded 20%
  • Increased RAM from 1GB to 4GB - unnecessary as usage never exceeded 420MB
  • Increased disk size from 24GB to 40GB - necessary as usage grew from 18GB to 35GB during update


Is it possible to have 3 centered cards (1/3; 1/3; 1/3)?

  grid_columns: 1 (or 2,3,4)

2 is too large and 1 too small… :confused:

So having issue with Rachio Integration. I can control the switches, but I get no state updates. Unfortunately, my certificate expired at the same time I upgraded so not sure if what I am seeing is related to the update to 2024.8 or the certificate change. I am going to see if there is a Rachio integration message board but was wondering if this was seen by anyone else. To be clear the integration appears to work it is just not updating the any of the states in HA.

The only changes made to that integration were related to the new calendar entity. It doesn’t appear to touch any other aspect of that integration.

Yeah, that is what I saw as well. I can see the packets to and from HA to the api.rach.io address when I perform action in HA however, I do not see any packets when I make a change in the app. It will turn on the switches but then they go back to their previous state and do not reflect the current state and if I change in the rachio app there is no update. I am really wishing I did not do both the certificate and update on the same day. Thanks!

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Are you sure this isn’t a caching issue? Clear your cache and refresh the page.