2024.8: Beautiful badges!

I’m experiencing issues with the Reolink integration where my doorbell and camera’s have de-authenticated.
The issue seems to be the lacking support for special characters in the passwords for specific device logins. (specifically ^, % and & characters as far as I can tell) All special characters are supported on the devices themselves.

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Just updated to 2024.8.0 and it broke my Alexa Media Player integration. Does anyone else have problems with this?


I like the new badges very much, but from functional point of view I really need the colors of them to be customised based on conditions. If the new badges would offer this functionality out of the box, I would gladly use them :slight_smile: .

Someone wrote that in the livechat of the releaseparty too. I haven’t upgraded yet because of this.

No dragons, uh? :weary:

I am afraid this has worsened the existing issues on the Entities and Helper pages.

They have become so feature rich, and all of these details are stored in the browser. And reevaluated upon state changes.
It’s no longer as lightweight as it was before, and in my case, I cant even load Entities anymore.
Adding the Yaml template entities to the Helpers seems great.
Whether the constant state changes of these templates dont hurt the /config/helpers, I am not yet convinced…

But the idea is great indeed, very useful.


No dragons :frowning:

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I posted the code (which is not working) above in my question, as I’m also looking for a solution - none found one yet, unfortunately.

they probably wont support templating out of the box, but ofc you can use the state-colors in themes.

Im sure that anytime soon, people will start to try and card-mod them like you wish, so give it some time.

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I do not think that a change of a state should be considered as a CHANGE.
And I never desired this.
For me, the CHANGES are like “user changed smth in more-info”, “user chaged yaml → caused a change of icon, template etc”.
Having a table of 5000 entities sorted by “changed” & redrawn on every change of “states” object is nonsense.


If it didn’t update based on state changes the UI would never show new values…

we are not sure, but please read what Karwosts wrote about the inner workings of the Frontend on those pages. Its in the link I posted on Entities

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exactly, and since the template entities are now added, this might very well be weighing in extra

seems to be a known issue…check the custom component’s GitHub page for details
(it’s not a Core issue)

see here config_flow.py line 815: `hass_url` undefined · Issue #2408 · alandtse/alexa_media_player · GitHub

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Thanks. I restored my last backup and got everything back.

I see no benefit of showing a “last-changed/last-updated” column on the Entities table. It will only cause lags if a user decides to sort by this column (and seems that it causes lags even w/o sorting…).
Adding a “changed” column is a good idea - but not all types of changes should be considered ))

There is a current effort to keep Alexa Media Player going but so far it is still ongoing and may be nearing an end: Alexa Media Player - Custom Integration - On Life Support - Help wanted


Anyone else getting bluetooth warnings on startup after updating? I keep getting “hci0 (D8:3A:DD:22:D9:DE): Successful fall-back to passive scanning mode after active scanning failed (4/4)”

So badges are (1) a new card type which also has (2) the unique ability and restriction to always be in the top row!?
Why the forced combination? Why not offer that top row for any user chosen card, and provide a badge card as a freely placeable element? Am I missing something?

My push would be to focus on more generalized control over where elements are placed on the page: Top, bottom, left, full-width, stacked, collapsed, …
Similarly, I would love to see higher customizability for cards we already have, like the entities or glance card. Both could have been unified to offer the look and feel of this new badge card. Today I am seeing one more independent card with its own options, kinks, and limitations :frowning:


can I ask you to add that to the issue I posted earlier.
The more people share their experience there, the better the team can tackle this

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