2024.8: Beautiful badges!

I experience similar problem. I can’t put my finger on it but everything seems to be more sluggish. Not very responsive as normal. I thought I lost my device classification. I didn’t but it took forever to load them somehow. For sure there is something weird. I have also rolled back to 2024.7.3. Things are normal.

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Exactly the issue I had. Device classifications get lost. But if you wait long enough they pop back without interference.

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Can anyone help me to find documentation for the previous version of the badges?

Badges - Home Assistant (archive.org)

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I wish I could revert, since updating to the latest my Pi keeps rebooting, I cant get to logs or anything meaningful. Once Home Assistant has started you click on anything and get either a blank page or page unavailable message.

I can sometimes get into the backups but when I try to restore it says cannot restore while its rebooting.

Does this match your experience too?

Help needed: 2024.8 Core update unstable on RPi4, connection lost and crashes host, no issue on 2024.7 - Configuration - Home Assistant Community (home-assistant.io)

Agreed, I like the new badges, but the space below the badges is too much.

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Yes similar

I also had to revert to 2024.8.2. from 2024.8.3. I added an input_boolean helper and when I tried to add that to a new button on my Sections dashboard it was unavailable. I was able to toggle it on and off in the Developer Tools tab but the button on the dashboard could not find the entity. I reverted back to 2024.8.2 and the button now finds the helper entity

I would suggest you to create a separate thread in Configuration → Frontend about your issue since this may be not related to 2024.8 and can be explained.

I spent a lot of time learning Card Mod CSS, going through tons of pages, and perfecting my badges. I think they look great comapratively, so it’s frustrating to see all that effort go to waste with these new badges. Can’t we keep both? People who want to use the new ones can, but maybe we could call them “chips” or “stickers” and leave the old badges as they are. It would have been nice to get a heads-up that this change was coming.


Mods unfortunately are at your own risk.

Please read the thread.

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I don’t typically comment on changes, but I need to say my piece: The badges just don’t do it for me. Great idea to freshen them up, but the inconsistency in width of badges, based on the content of the badge, runs contrary to most UI/UX design standards in 2024. It makes it harder to read and get information at a glance, which is the use case for most folks using badges. As well, the misalignment is messy.

What used to be 10 neatly aligned icons in two rows is now a jumbled, harder to comprehend, pile of badges. I’m assuming (that is, I’m hoping) there will be some enhancements to make the badges beautiful. Right now, to me, they’re not beautiful.



I feel the same… I’m truly HATING the new badges. See pics old & new.

Old - Cleaner and less room on the app

New - Takes more than one page. Looks cluttered. Harder to read

Hopefully someone will listen to us…


My opinion must be controversial I guess… I never liked the old badges all that much as they look outdated so I stopped using them years ago. I don’t mind the new ones so have a few of them now.

Anyway, given that the option to use the old ones still exists I think everyone needs to stop whinging about it.


Yeah, I would hope so.

HA has always been good about improving things, and I’m guessing this was a first attempt. There are enough negative reactions on this blog that would suggest it really needs to be revisited so I’m guessing they’ll want to. Really, it needs improvement.

Until that time comes, I’ve downgraded back to 2024.6.4 (the docker image I was running prior to upgrading to 2024.8.3).

The badges, as they have been redesigned, just don’t do it for me. It’s a deal breaker; it’s even worse on my mobile phone.


From another side - given the fact the “old ones” emulated by that “custom:badge” hack do not support some old features I think everyone needs to stop whinging about “unsatisfied whinging users”.


After reading this thread I am so happy I made the choice not to use an RPI or badges years ago.

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I never used badges so far as they were so ugly.

I might be one of the few users who love the new badges! In my case they perfectly fulfill the requirement to give a quick overview of the most relevant entities, and design-wise it fits the rest of my dashboards. Super happy with this release!



Would you care to show how you’re using them?