2024.8: Beautiful badges!

Would you care to show how you’re using them?

Thanks for the new badges they look nice. The old ones are ugly were and not usable for me.

I’m only using a few badges and one of them is conditional (chance of rain).


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Similar case in one of my dashboards with badges: shows the most important weather conditions, no scrolling needed to a section.

What I like is the ability to span over multiple columns of sections, depending on the device‘s screen. An example where I can even identify the entities by color & symbol without the name.

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Same thing for me , I used the Mushroom Chips Card before , and now the new badges to have a view of all the temp sensors using icons and colors to identify.

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Problem Description SOLARMAN DEYE

After updating Home Assistant 2024.8.3 and MariaDB 2.7.1, the Solarman integration stopped updating sensors. The logs showed errors related to OSError: [Errno 30] Read-only file system, indicating an issue with file system access.


The issue was resolved by running the ha core rebuild command, which rebuilt the Home Assistant core environment. This command restored the proper functioning of the integration and sensor updates.


Problem: The Solarman integration stopped updating sensors after updating Home Assistant, and the logs indicated errors related to a read-only file system.

Solution: Running the ha core rebuild command rebuilt the Home Assistant core, resolving the issue with the integration and restoring sensor updates.

For those who are interested, in 2024.9 (currently in beta) the entity badge has a new option to show/hide icon : Change entity badge display type to 3 booleans : name, state and icon by piitaya · Pull Request #21798 · home-assistant/frontend · GitHub


Running the beta, but didn’t see that in Wednesday’s release notes. :+1: They are still dancing around like a madman though.

As a long-term user of the old badges, thank you! It’s greatly appreciated.


Great to hear! :slight_smile:

Will you introduce a ha-card-element as well (to be able to mod it directly) and a width parameter?

All cards are now wrapped with a hui-card and badges with hui-badge so it should be possible to card-mod to support badge with an update.

For the width, you should be able to control it by changing the name but it will not work if the state is larger than the name.

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That is what I’m trying to do now, to keep the badges from dancing around. A name like ‘Eetkamer_________.’, far from an optimal solution

And get rid of the hardcoded font please and use the right or an additional overridable CSS variable for that?

Summary: this is a custom integration, and you should report it to the author on the integrations GitHub.

Paul, Arganto meant “ha-card” which is needed (at least now) for card-modding.

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Would like an option to just have a scrollable row at the top with all the badges in it. Good for mobile dashboards imo.


Yes I know, but ha-card is primary used as a component used to style card, not badges.

hui-card and hui-badge are wrappers around badges and cards and can be used as target for card-mod (if card-mod wants to support badges).

BTW, there is a issue open on card-mod for this problem so the discussion on how to add the badge support can continue here : 2024.8 style badge styling doesn't work · Issue #391 · thomasloven/lovelace-card-mod · GitHub


That was an issue for card-mod themes; probably Arganto meant a possibility to style badges w/o using themes: for old badges it was possible to use “:host” to target a badge - and I honestly have no idea if it is still possible to use “:host” for new badges)))

I didn’t really like the old badges so I never used them. The new ones are much nicer to look at and are going in the right direction.

Unfortunately, they do not, for example, adopt the box shadow set via themes and can still only be positioned at the top of the dashboard.

So I will continue to use the much more flexible mushroom chips. And I use them very often.

But what isn’t yet, can still become.

They will follow themes with 2024.9.
For badge placement, it will certainly be improved with future releases.

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