2024.8: Beautiful badges!

This broke my Alexa cloud integration (The AWS Lambda one). More specifically device discovery. Old devices still work, but no new devices are found.
I downgraded to 2024.7.4 and now everything is back to normal.

I read something about the ā€œrecorder database upgradeā€.
In 2024.8.1 everything works as expected.
In 2024.8.2 The history of (all types of) entities added by mqtt discovery, no longer loads.
History from entities added by other integrations (weather, battery-level, binary sensors etc) works like normal.

When I revert back to 2024.8.1 , my previous history is still there.

How long should I have waited to ā€œlet the upgrade process finishā€
How would one investigate ?

Never mind. I re-upgraded from 8.1 to 8.2 and it works almost immediately.

Anyone else size of there DB dubbeld after upgrading from 2024.8.1 to 2024.8.2

How do you get the database size as an entity in HA?

Edit: I found how using the File Size integration.


My db used to be around 2GB in size before upgrading and after the process has risen to 2.7GB

Anyone else seeing this? This would be a serious concern. I thought there were efforts underway to make the database more efficient, not less.

I saw an increase but not for long:

Screenshot 2024-08-17 at 21-46-43 Administration ā€“ Home Assistant

Go to Developer Tools ā†’ Actions and run a purge with repack.


Thanks, after that the database went back to 930MB

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The repack (and space reclaim) will also happen automatically on the second Sunday of each month if it hasnā€™t been disabled.


Hey, i am using the SQL integration with this query:
SELECT table_schema ā€œdatabaseā€, Round(Sum(data_length + index_length) / 1024/1024, 1) ā€œvalueā€ FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema=ā€œhomeassistantā€ GROUP BY table_schema;

It was certificate issue. The root was still good, but it was signed by a different root in the chain. Just needed to make sure the chain was correct then that fixed everything even on the Android app. The only thing it did not fix was the Voice Assist. That turned out to be the OpenAI Conversation. I was using gpt-4o-mini which did work well (and was cheap) and when switched it back to gpt-4o it seems to work properly again. It was weird because it knew the states, but it could not properly change them.

Proably suggested already, but It would be nice if the badges where actual cards. I donā€™t think people actually used the original badges anyways.

I made heavily use of them, and the new ones are not an improvement


Oh, some of us definitely used the old badges. They were a good way to show the state of an entity in a small space. The new ones are just about useless, they show the state but donā€™t tell you which entity it is for and they take up much more room :frowning:


Yes they do.

ā€¦For you.

Personally I like them but I LOATHE how it was rolled out.

Indeed, for me. Worst thing is they change their width dynamic, so the dashboard is constantly moving. Did not happen with the old badges.


Thank you for your help.
How do I reproduce this with the new badges?
Always six badges across the width of the phone screen. Shows state, unit of measurement and friendly name. Colors change according to state.


+1 , same here i dont like new badges

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