2024.8: Beautiful badges!

For me, the new badges cannot replace the old ones in their functions.
Fortunately, it is possible to continue using them by adding type: custom:hui-state-badge-element for each entity.
Unfortunately, the name: ​​field does not work in this case, it is then necessary to duplicate the entities with a new friendly name. :frowning:

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Impressive how wrong one can be. What secret knowledge is this “assumption” based on?

Relax. I don’t know, maybe the fact that it has been left untouched for 8 years or so like Paulus and the devs had said? So, I say it’s a safe assumption. Just because you’re utilising it, doesn’t mean the majority ‘new’ users are and vise versa.

Anyways, I wasn’t even asking for it to be removed, just an option to use the ‘new design’ as a card.

I’m suprised you’re really triggered by my comment, like it makes any difference.


I feel the total opposite. Old ones looked really outdated and took too much room. With the new design they’re much more compact like a Mushroom chip card, albiet wider.

I’m seeing a lot of long term HA users not liking any of the new design language, which is to be as expected, which I respect. However, I see HA’s longterm vision of appealing to the mass market, with a more modern and cohesive experience.

Not forgetting, this is just the first iteration of the new badge design, it will only improve with our feedback in later interrations

I guess that the beauty of HA where you can use tools like HACS to get the old look back and customise it to your own liking.


My dashboard is really just the old auto-generated design when they still used badges. It was easy to use. I look at the second row, 5th badge and I say the temperature in my bedroom. Or the 3th row, 7th badge, and I saw how much electricity I had used yesterday. Now the badges change row all the time, I always have to search for what I’m looking for. And I don’t use hacs front-end cards, in my opinion always a problem long term.

You claimed that they don’t show the entity. They show the name. Docs here.

I’m wondering the same, as I’d like my Map card to take up the entire width of the screen but still include badges at the top.

I am not not using badges (old, new).
But the way the badges were replaced with an absolutely different design is wrong.
People who invested their time to design their lovely HA setups - now have to reconsider it.
A possible BETTER way - when the new badges are shown if some additional option is activated (like “use_fancy_mushroom_look: true”). This option may be even “true” by default - so new users will see these new badges by default, and old users can just add this option into their code to get their old badges back.
And I wonder: since the Picture Elements card still shows old badges - are these badges will be “improved” too? Guess many users (not me) use badges in their floorplans - and it will be a real fun when their badges will be “improved”.


The point is, when changes are pushed on people who didn’t want them, didn’t know they needed them, didn’t know they were coming, and which cause them to have to fix stuff that they have had working fine for ages, it causes massive, disproportionate annoyance. The announcement states about the new badges:

“the old ones weren’t the prettiest” - I didn’t realise they were ugly, I was quite happy with them.

“If you have existing old-style badges today, don’t worry! They will be automatically converted to the new badges when you upgrade to this release.” - that just didn’t work. Any existing badges got converted to the “standard” view, which doesn’t include the name, which is what the comment was referring to I think. I ended up with a row of person badges that all just said “Home” - I thought something was broken. So I then had to muck around with something I didn’t want or expect to have to muck around with just to get it working again. This is what annoys people.


The main problem when getting back the old badges is that the “name:” field doesn’t work anymore, so kind of useless…

the main ‘problem’ is that the new badge is still very much a product in development (hopefully).
leaving both users of the old style and new style badge wanting.

somehow the devs figured migrating badges this way was the best way forward.
given the release title, it was considered the main new feature. so yeah, people notice.


I really hope that they will add the “ha-card” css style element to the new badges, so that we can change how the badges look.


Indeed. Making this the main topic for this release and seeing how unpolished it is doesn’t line up.

As I said a few times already: I have no problem with renewing features, but many are now stuck in limbo and there’s been no indication from the team on the way forward.


I’ve seen the docs, thank you.

What I haven’t seen is any way to use them in place of the old ones which worked perfectly to give a consistent width, whilst showing the state, unit of measurement and friendly name.

The new ones are no use to me which is a pity because I now have to spend time designing a suitable replacement for myself.


I think the core issue is that the new style badges are too different in functionality out of the box. People would likely not care as much if updates added new functionality for other users as long as the way they use something is left intact so things continue working as they have been.


I didn’t say I like the new badges, or that I think that they were rolled out well. I simply replied that they do show the name if configured to.

I agree the whole thing is a shit show.


That’s nothing to worry about: during the upgrade process the upgrade script copies some tables to temporary ones. The increase is probably just including those temporary tables.

As a late adopter of any new release, I’ve been reluctant to comment without seeing the new badges first hand. That said, I was looking forward to seeing how “beautiful” they will be.

I have to admit I’m not as enthusiastic after reading this thread.

If, as many have suggested, the new badges don’t fit in the roughly the same locations, and don’t show all the same information, I’ll be very disappointed. Especially since this was so proudly touted as the headline of this release.

Might I humbly suggest we back away from making things “beautiful” for a while, and focus on the hundreds of FRs full of features that users actually want?

Of course we all want HA to look trendy. But not at the expense of functionality.


You can play with the badges on the demo site. They do show all the same information.

Here are the variations: Name & State & Icon, Icon & State, and Icon.

The main difference is that the new badges are predictable. Name, State (and units), and Icon always remain in the same place, unlike the old badges. On the old badges, the State, Name, and Unit of Measure replaced the bottom ribbon text based on the domain which often lead to confusion (and/or the need for customization). I believe the main badge text in the center of the circle also had this inconsistency.


The width of the badges is very unpredictable.