2024.8: Beautiful badges!

and that is very nice indeed!

I managed the following settings in my theme

    ha-badge-border-radius: var(--ha-card-border-radius)
    ha-badge-size: 48px

I had hoped the badge-size change to also influence the badge items, mainly to have the pictogram (icon/picture) adapt to that size, but that does not happen.

in fact, it only changes the container, and nothing else. is the suppose to be like that?
and if so, can we not (yet…) change the size of those pictograms via a theme variable?

Thank you for your feedback. That sounds good. Will your mushroom chips become obsolete at some point? I hope not, I would have to rebuild a lot of things.

I see 2024.9.0 released. I can see the blog but where the community comments?

update - sorry I found it