2024.8: Beautiful badges!

I would like to see some improvements as well, e.g. A theme variable for badge size and a theme variable for font size.

Do you guys know there is a feature request in the Frontend-respository, which would make styling o/theming of such things a lot easier?
Have a look there, it could use some support/upvotes: Introduce "Custom styles / Templates" section in core cards for much easier change of CSS/styling of cards (like bubble card) Ā· home-assistant/frontend Ā· Discussion #22745 Ā· GitHub

Every has-to-be themable/stylable asset thing of HA would benefit from this, and would make life of custom themers a lot easier!

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Maybe join in on my request for the icon sizeā€¦
Adding those theme variables would be much appreciated

Ofc. Would you perhaps think about adding font size there as well, so there is no need for another Fr?

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consider that done

The thing is that itā€™s an issue with the HA and not the integration. But nevertheless it probably should have been reported somewhere else anyway as the matter affects many versions of HA. :wink:

And font-family so the hard-coded Roboto font becomes optional for usage.
At the moment there is no way to fully 100% get rid of it, as there are always hard coded Roboto-parts left in the core UI (admin and front-end) code which looks really amateuristic once you decide to use a custom font.

yeah, but I suppose we shouldnt overload these FRā€™s

font family would warrant itā€™s own FR probably, given the nature of if, and requirement to download these fonts externally, and not just setting a CSS variable

What do you mean with ā€œFRā€?

Feature Request

They are collected in the Frontend repo under the Discussion section (and not in this community under the FR section)