So you think I need to continue to fake-return in order to see the difference between whole-house and individual devices?
(I can tag in, but I know that a lot of people, especially devs do not like to be tagged. Some consider it rude or pushy although it is not meant that way )
I’m still kind of confused about what your setup is.
If you have whole house consumption sensor at your meter or electrical panel, that would go in the “Grid Consumption” section under Electricity Grid, this is your “main” sensor that you speak of.
Then you put the individual devices you monitor under individual devices.
Untracked is automatically calculated as the difference between the sum of the individual devices, and the total house consumption, which in your case is just grid consumption.
Beyond that I’m a little puzzled what you’re confused about, or why you have “fake-return”. Hope that helps?
Okay, since the addition of the Individual devices detail usage, my approach is less relevant.
I always wanted to see the individual devices and, in direct comparison, the total consumption. That way I can easily see from e.g. Energy distribution how much my total was and how much the tracked devices were.
(For that I had to set whole-home meter to grid return and individuals to grid consumption or vice versa).
With Individual devices detail usage I do not see the daily total difference but at least I see the hourly difference.
So, maybe a teeeeny tiny feature request:
In the Energy distribution’s little Grid bubble, could it read in brackets the sum of individual devices?
How do you permanently remove the untracked consumption from the individual devices graphs under Energy, I know you can temporally. disable it but it comes back on the next HA update
Loving the untracked energy feature. Took a little while to figure out which sensor I needed to use for consumption. Does a great job of highlighting how much additional monitoring I need to put in place. Thanks to the folks who worked on this, really appreciated!
I can confirm the issues, my NS Panel Pro gets stuck in a loop whenever I open a dashboard that is set up as “sections”. Other dashboards seem to work normal. Maybe this was caused with release 2024.9? If I remember correctly, everything was working fine in 2024.8.
Since to update to 2024.9 I seem to have an issue with Switchbot devices going offline, then online. Also all my Xiaomi BLE devices show offline. I can see in the history logs that all the Xiaomi devices literally stopped at the time 2024.9 was installed.
Is this a bluetooth problem as both things I am having issues with use bluetooth?
And all was fine before 2024.9
I really like the idea of the untracked consumption, but really hoping we can get nested devices added - would be very helpful if people have multi-levels of monitoring (especially those with individual power circuit monitoring, and then monitoring under that on devices)
I have power from my provider - PECO. But it takes three days before I get it. So, I want to add a direct monitor like the Emporia. This way I can compare what PECO measures to what I measure. I have no idea if HA can handle this.
HIVE Integration is broken in 2024.9 and 2024.9.1 I cannot turn on the hot water from the integration getting a not available response. Rolling back to before 2024.9 and it all works totally fine.