2025.1: Backing Up into 2025!

Oh dear - the first guys on FB have noticed … :slight_smile:


Upgrading to the latest version caused all my hacs lovelace addons to break, getting a 404 for js files that absolutely exist. Curling them from their expected urls fails. Only thing that fixed it was rolling back the update from a backup.

After hearing all this about encrypted backups not having opt out (which I don’t want at all) I think I’ll hold off updating for January until the smoke clears.

In case any decision makers actually read this (I’ve contributed to HA before, but the people that make these big decisions are not the rando contributors like me). Encrypt by default is fine, but there needs to be a way to opt out. many people have lost the keys to their million dollars of bitcoin, if that happens then you’re no doubt going to have people lose access to their backups. yes config files can have passwords in them, but if they aren’t encrypted in on the HA system then why do they have to be encrypted in a backup? That’s like saying trust home assistant but don’t trust yourself. Pop up a “Backups may contain password or other sensitive data and should be treated as such” so that its not a secret to noobs and then let me decided how to manage my backups.


Same here, I had to re-download all of my HACS apps, because they were gone. After doing that and a reboot, I was fine. 2025.1.2 is working fine for me now.

And same here… HACS broken!

Unfortunately, the 2025 update broke my HACS integration and thus all my dashboard efforts! :frowning:

Even a deletion of the integration including reboots and deleting the HACS folder did not help.

On my dashboard none of the custom cards are available and thus they show a custom element doesn’t exist…

Quite frustrating and no clue what to do next. If you know how to deal with this feel free to reach out!

I don’t know why people are seeing custom dashboard cards breaking, but mine still work.

Perhaps telling us your install method, and what cards stopped working will provide some clues.


I don’t think the HACS problem is linked with the 2025.1 update, since I had it with HA 2024.7
Maybe it’s due to the year change.
I already gave a solution in another post:
simply deactivate HCAS, restore an old file config/.storage/hacs.repositories and reactivate HACS.


I had to redownload all my HACS custom integration’s again, then reboot, that resolved my issues

Are you guys running the latest version of HACS?. There have been 2 updates this year. The version on my system is 2.0.3.

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Yep, just updated today 2.0.3

You discovered the Y2K+25 bug!!


I have to say that in all the last (about) seven years this is the first time I’ve been ‘afraid’ to upgrade. In the past I’ve seen breaking changes that made me wait and not do so immediately and a couple of times I have wished I had waited but I’ve never consciously not upgraded within at least a week.

The reason for the ‘fear’ was primarily the backup issues, which whilst I don’t agree with the direction I am now totally happy won’t directly affect me, but I am concerned about the stories of HACS ‘breaking’ and of the problems I have seen reported with card-mod which for me would be a massive issue.

My problem is that here is so much noise around this release that finding details on specific issues is hard - and I don’t mean noise in a derogatory sense, more like being in a room full of people and not being able to find the conversation that interests you.

I’ve said my bit about the comms from ‘on-high’ but I do think that a lot of the noise could have been prevented by it being quicker and better.

The backup question is huge but whilst everyone’s view is legitimate, really only a few unique points have been made in the 1200 posts, to the detriment of other issues, concerns and, let’s not forget, favourable comments (e.g. zoom and pan for charts).


Any guidance on card-mod would be hugely well received (just where best to look for answers, I don’t expect hand holding!) as well as any views on HACS e.g. are those with issues outliers in the same way that it happens with some things on every release?

And yes, I see the irony that I can always revert from my automation created backups but frankly, backup restore is never a good planned-for option.

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Missy, thanks for taking the time to read the posts and providing what answers you can. This situation sucks for all of us, and I bet the dev team don’t find it particularly funny either. FWIW I’m in the “no malice intended” camp, and it’s a shame all the nice features of the release are buried in the backup conondrum.

The following is meant as an explanation of why the reactions are so strong, rather than a complaint, so I hope it will be taken in good faith – I hope it wll be taken as such :pray:.

But… I read the message currently being sent it “be patient, we are making changes”, and that seems to me to be the core of what went wrong with the updates. There’s no indication of how the community feedback is being interpreted, there’s no indication what direction is being taken, and it feeds into the damaging “us vs them” narrative a few community members seem to be pushing. But being kept in uncertainty sucks!

As @CaptTom says, if somebody representing the dev team could either say “We hear you, and are working on a plan to bring back unencrypted local backups and backup-before-addon-update, but it requires some architectural planning”, or the less positive “Neither of those features are coming backup, this is the way” that would go a long way.


I want to add something to this post, as it has had 54 likes. I want to pull back some of what I said.

My comments were based on my understanding (14 days ago) that there were no unencrypted backups available at all anymore. It has turned out that there obviously are, and that existing backup strategies will continue to work (by and large).

I still have my criticisms, but my much liked post was perhaps a little harsh.


I have used this release since Beta 0 and have not seen any issues with system or any truly HACS issues. I have seen others report them but none effected me. On one integration (NOAA tides) there has been a warning in the logs of a coming changes for over six months that would cause it to not work. This was fixed by users of the custom integration and the original author.
This isn’t a HACS or system issue but caused by a known about system change that if ignored would stop integrations from working. I would be interested in seeing the logs of the people that are having HACS issues. Are they using the latest HACS? Did they ignore warnings?

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Your existing automatic (EDIT: as per Petro’s posts) backup mechanism remains unaffected. The backup functionality is not a breaking change.

The HACS issue has a solution too. It was pretty easy to fix.

Ditto for card-mod. If you have the problematic 3.5.0 version, it’s been pulled. Remove it and install 3.4.4.

The first is a non-issue and the other two are custom components that come with their risks.

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OK, I think a reality check is in order here. There have been a couple of statements about the previous backup strategy still working without change.

I haven’t installed 2025.1.x yet, so maybe someone can enlighten me. My backup strategy has been through Settings / System / Backups, then Create Backup. I’d give it a name, chose Full or Partial, then leave Password Protection un-checked.

Are you saying I can still do that in 2025.1.x?

I thought I’d read that the encryption (or not) option had been removed. If that’s not true then I have some apologies to make, too.


No, automatic backup strategies prior to 2025.1.x work the same. Using the UI is a manual backup strategy.

Please refer to my post above for details:


I believe, and have proven to myself multiple times, that backup restore is always a good planned-for option. And I wish others would believe that too.

Thanks to routine testing of my backup restore strategy, I never worry about any failure in my system including if my restore process will work.

It’s a good last resort yes of course it is but is never an excuse to not do everything possible first to not need it.
That’s what I meant.

To be honest after I posted it I expected a reply with your message a lot sooner but couldn’t be bothered to edit my post to make it clearer.

It’s actually “be patient, we are deciding what the path forward is and I will notify you when I have that information”.

So please, be patient and wait for a response from @MissyQ. Reiterating a request for more information isn’t going to make the information arrive more quickly.

Also, keep in mind that you replied to @MissyQ on a weekend outside work hours. Do not expect a reply before Monday 9AM PST. I also want to be clear, me saying 9AM PST does not imply you will get a reply at that time either.