20USD homeassistant host (cheap dq08 tvbox / rk3528 4g ram)


As i need a new homeassistant host, i found a powerfull tvbox that can be used as HA host.

What you need:

  • A DQ08 (got mine from aliexpress)
  • An sdcard (4g if you want to use external usb3 ssd or 32g if not)

If you’re lazy and trust my image (you shouln’t, as I can bundle malwares inside):

  • flash this using [this] (HDDGURU: HDD Raw Copy Tool) - usb2serial included
  • put in DQ08 and plug it in ethernet
  • scan for the ip using this
  • in windows terminal, using password=1234: ssh root@BOXIP
  • follow this

To build the sd card, i’ve used this tutorial:

  • install wsl on your windows
  • apply this patch
  • open wsl shell
  • install docker on wsl: curl -fsSL get.docker.com | sh
  • run docker: sudo /etc/init.d/docker start
  • permit to use docker: sudo usermod -aG docker $USER
  • open a new shell (important)
  • follow this
  • flash the img file found in Linux/Ubuntu/home/XXX/armbian-build/output/image using this
  • put in DQ08 and plug it in ethernet
  • scan for the ip using this
  • in windows terminal, using password=1234: ssh root@BOXIP
  • follow this

If, like me, you want to use an USB3 SSD:

  • flash the usb3 drive with the same image
  • plug to the box
  • e2label /dev/sda2 ssd
  • change /boot/armbianEnv.txt : rootdev=LABEL=ssd
  • reboot
  • check free size with: df -h /
  • optional: remove unused boot partition: fdisk /dev/sda + d + 1 + w + q
  • optional: remove unused data partition: fdisk /dev/mmcblk0 + d + 2 + w + q

If, like me, you have usb2serial adapters:

  • follow this but remove all parameters at the end of ./compile.sh build and during kernel configuration, enable this: Device Drivers → USB Support → USB Serial Converter Support → FTDI and PL230x

Hi @fensoft, thanks for the tutorial and te recommandation on the DQ08. I will keep it in my notes for my next host.

How is the stability after some days ?

much more stable than the orange pi 3b i bought 3 month ago (random reboot, at least 2 per day). i think my orange pi is broken (tried other sd, other ssd, other powersupply => no change)

i’ve just migrated yesterday, i’ll keep you informed !

These DQ08 are so much cheaper than raspberry pi’s! Like 25EUR shipped to the EU!

Am looking a this now, will the usb ports work for a ZigBee adapter?

10 days later, still working perfectly on my side. i’m using usb3 port for SSD/OS and an unpowered usb2 hub on the other port to plug zigbee+rfxcom+usb stick for backup storage.


Hello fensoft,

I am looking for a home asistant box diy.
Thank you for your tuto.

Have you put HACS in your image “Armbian-unofficial_24.2.0-trunk_Rk3528-tvbox_bookworm_legacy_5.10.160.img.gz” ?

If my understand is good, home assistant is only on external support, not on eMMC of this box ?

Does your box work with a Tuya Smart Gateway Hub Zigbee Multi-mode Bridge WiFi Bluetooth ?

Only for using Home Assitant , if you add usb3 ssd price to he price of this box, what is better vs x96max+ (near 50€ 4go ram 64 eMMC) ?

Thank you.
Sorry for my poor english.
Have a good day.

HACS is not installed. It’s just raw armbian just after image generation.

I can try to install armbian on internal emmc if you want but i’ ve never trusted emmc neither sd card. SSD is always the better solution for me.

About your tuya gateway, I don’ t see the link with this topic.

Sorry for the delay in responding, I was hospitalized.
Thank you for your explanations. They will be useful to me.

Finally got my DQ08

Wrote image (unzipped .img) to 16Gb micro SD card (worked fine with my old rpi). Ejected from Win 11 laptop and put into DQ08. Plugged into ethernet and power.

But device does not get IP address.

Plugged it into HDMI and nothing on screen, nothing on digital display. Removed card and boots into original TV fine, with time on digital display.

So I am unsure if it is even doing anything or booting off the micro SD card.

Do I need to wait a while or should it all magically work straight away? Should I see anything on HDMI output?

Any ideas to troubleshoot? Anyone?

1st boot time is about 3min, i don’t know about hdmi as i’m not using it.
You can plug an usb2serial to GND / TX / RX pins inside the box to see the problem.

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You may have to reset the device with a pin via A/V port AFAIK, never tried though .

Hello, fensoft,

Will this work with the H96Max RK3528 4/64 Box? (Analog of DQ08)

I recorded the image on an 8GB Kingston SD card, connected it to the H96MAX. Connected to Ethernet and Power.

And the device doesn’t output an image via HDMI and there’s nothing on the Digital Display.

I pulled out the SD card and the Device started in Android.

Not sure if it works with Armbian, And if it does it doesn’t get an IP Address, Windows 11 Pro Operating System.

Link to Device: https://aliexpress.ru/item/1005007047056343?sku_id=12000039213230631

Is there a solution to this problem?

no, it won’t work if it’s not the exact same device. i can work on it for free if you want but you need to send me an example of the device.

Hello, fensoft. Help me please. I did everything as written in the instructions, but the console does not start.
I recorded the image on an 32GB samsungn SD card, connected it to the H96MAX. Connected to Ethernet and Power.

And the device doesn’t output an image via HDMI and there’s nothing on the Digital Display.

I pulled out the SD card and the Device started in Android.
I have a round TV box H96Max 8K ULTRA HD RK3528 4/64.

Hello, MootComb. Did you manage to launch it?

Hi @fensoft

Thank you for the detailed instructions. I’m following along, but I have a couple of questions I hope you can help me with:

When you mentioned “put in DQ08 and plug it in ethernet,” are you referring to inserting the flashed SSD card into the DQ08 while it’s powered on, or should I reboot the device after inserting the SSD to boot from it?

I’ve scanned the IP address and found it, but I’m unable to SSH on port 22 because the connection is refused. It’s on a different port I should try or is there something specific I need to do on the device to enable SSH access, such as adjusting firewall settings, enabling root access, or anything else?

I would really appreciate your guidance on these points.

Thank you!

Only compatible with dq08.

Insert sd before powering on. Ssh Port 22 will be available within minutes.

Thanks for your prompt answer @fensoft
I did, but even though I power on the device with the SD card inserted on the slot is still booting from internal and starts in Android.
Is there something I should do to make it boot from the SD?

I get the benefit of using this cheap hardware. However armbian is not debian, and therefore breaks the recommendations of installing home assistant supervised.

Not to say it won’t make a good system.