3 questions of the Day: Wemo not in Devices, Hue devices with no Area and no Unused devices

Yes I have collected 3 good questions for the x-mas Holidays :slight_smile:

  1. How come is it possible for me to use Wemo integration and entities from my HA but I cannot find my Wemo devices in my “Devices” ?
  2. In my “Devices” I can find my Phillips Hue devices - but how do I connected these devices to my areas? I have added them to same areas in my Hue app even.
  3. I really wonder why I don’t see any Unused devices in my Lovelace UI editor ( and yes I’m using default theme).

Nobody on Discordsapp know the answer (maybe it’s too easy or it’s too complicated). The logs tells me nothing.

I’m running newest Hassio v. 0.103.0 on my RPI4b - from fresh install 2 weeks ago and restore of old Snapshot

Well One down two to go. I figured out the Hue area thing: