32 channel ethernet relay module – KinCony KC868-H32

Have you already posted the code to connect to the HA on GitHub?

no, there are other source code for LAN local control.

This is Amazon link.


This is Ebay link

Hello! Did you have time to look at the documentation Home Assistant?

Sorry, because the virus, we all stop work these days.

I hope that you will be fine. And you will survive this situation with minimal inconvenience.

Trying to write one, passes simple tests for now

  - platform: command_line
        command_on: python3 /home/pi/apps/kincony/h.py -i 1 -t on
        command_off: python3 /home/pi/apps/kincony/h.py -i 1 -t off
        command_state: python3 /home/pi/apps/kincony/h.py -i 1 -t get
        value_template: '{{ value != "0" }}'
        friendly_name: LS 1      

h.py file here:


Hello! Did you manage to make full integration of KC868?

Everything works for now, but I’m still testing it

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it work

  • platform: command_line
    command_on: (echo -n RELAY-SET-1,1,1; sleep .1) | nc IP PORT
    command_off: (echo -n RELAY-SET-1,1,0; sleep .1) | nc IP PORT
    command_state: (echo -n RELAY-READ-1,1; sleep .1) | nc IP PORT
    value_template: β€˜{{ β€œ1,OK” in value }}’
    friendly_name: liht_1

The main problem when you are using echo | nc solution is when I have tried to turn on 8 relays at once - only one worked. So new command cannot be called until the previous finished. If you got the same problem try my script (posted above), if you know other solution - plz tell.
Another problem I have seen: after some chain of commands I stopped working at all until I’ve called RELAY-TEST-NOW, so was thinking of calling it before every command. May be 255 will help, thank for the tip by the way.
Also RELAY-SET_ALL-... stopped working for me at all.

Video how it works. Turn all off would be much quicker with RELAY-SET_ALL- command, but it doesn’t work for me. All the rest works great for now. Soon I will give it to my electrition guy to put all the lights and stuff cables into it.

Super! and what do you have on the relay block? white round.

Can I learn more about the modes that you turn on on your smartphone? When pressed, all relay groups are triggered.

Is your KC868 connected via wifi?

  1. Xiaomi Mijia Wireless Switch
- id: '1581218522675'
  alias: test3
  description: ''
  - event_data:
      click_type: single
      entity_id: binary_sensor.switch_158d00023d0844
    event_type: xiaomi_aqara.click
    platform: event
  condition: []
  - entity_id: switch.ls_1
    service: switch.turn_on
- id: '1581218589606'
  alias: test4
  description: ''
  - event_data:
      click_type: double
      entity_id: binary_sensor.switch_158d00023d0844
    event_type: xiaomi_aqara.click
    platform: event
  condition: []
  - entity_id: switch.ls_1
    service: switch.turn_off
  1. I’ve just grouped 2-32 relays in Apple Home to test batch commands if my script handles it correctly. This is important when I ask Alexa to turn all light off
  2. I have wifi-version (KC868-H32LW)


@alanua were you able to get it to work i saw this product browsing and came up to this post i am also thinking into buying 1 as it offers buttons also out of the box

Hello! I am now resolving the issue of moving the server HA to another platform. After that, I can repeat the example of shamruk. I look forward to it.

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great :raised_hands: i am following this then please update when you have it working