3D home navigation & control (Unity + Home Assistant)


Unity_3D_Home_Assistant_Error05 Unity_3D_Home_Assistant_Error04

I don’t understand why it gives me login error?
Thank you Victor.

already solved, change the password for a token created in long-term home assistant.
Please put it on the github so that the next person does not have this problem and difficulty.
:grinning: :grinning: :grinning:

greetings Victor

the light does not come on, he put a button on Unity, I don’t know if it is well configured or what I am doing wrong?
Thank you Victor.

Configuration looks OK (‘light.’ is optional).
Add a light to the scene and connect it to the ‘Scene Light’ property to see if the light toggle works within Unity? Maybe you need to add the Unity Event System?

Another possibility is adding a cube with a default collider and add the HALight script with the ‘on click’ action.

:grinning: :wink: :grinning: :wink:

It’s working ok.
thank you very much, Victor

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Waiting for my VR Headset to arrive!


Hey thanks @harriedegroot for the unity porting. Used in my project and can’t wait to show you guy what I got soon :grinning:


@vuqnguyen reaaaaallyy curious hehe!

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Hey there. Finally I got my demo version finished: https://community.home-assistant.io/t/3d-app-for-home-assistant-unity-restapi-mqtt/183778. I’m using both HA.Unity and MQTT for communication. Really interesting to see 3D visualization meet HomeAssistant!!

Hi all,

I’ve managed to get the lights working with this unity addon, but I cannot work with ohter entities.
Is possible to interact with smartplugs, etc…?
How can I get the entities list from the server?

I hope you can help me with this questions.
Thanks in advance.
Manuel J. Ortega

Hey Manuel!

I’m a noob with Unity myself, but I’m currently walking the path @harriedegroot has so very kindly walked before us - to try and replicate his awesome Unity project.

Perhaps you already figured out how to get your smart plugs working with this setup (if so, please share!).

As a start for something that will work, albeit as somewhat of a workaround, check out the Home Assistant light switch platform. This provides for a quick method where you simply use an existing switch entity and create a new light entity from that, so you can operate your switch just as you would a light. E.g. if your smartplug is exposed in HA as switch.manuels_smart_plug by adding it like this (in configuration.yaml) …

  - platform: switch
    name: Manuels Smart Plug
    entity_id: switch.manuels_smart_plug

… you’ll end up with a light.manuels_smart_plug entity that can be turned on and off with the ususal services, and behave just like a regular light entity.

If you need more functionality, and later (as I’m planning to do), to quickly add more functionality to your Unity front end, look at the light template platform:

# Example configuration.yaml entry
  - platform: template
        friendly_name: "Theater Lights"
        level_template: "{{ state_attr('sensor.theater_brightness', 'lux')|int }}"
        value_template: "{{ state_attr('sensor.theater_brightness', 'lux')|int > 0 }}"
        temperature_template: "{{states('input_number.temperature_input') | int}}"
        color_template: "({{states('input_number.h_input') | int}}, {{states('input_number.s_input') | int}})"
          service: script.theater_lights_on
          service: script.theater_lights_off
          service: script.theater_lights_level
            brightness: "{{ brightness }}"
          service: input_number.set_value
            value: "{{ color_temp }}"
            entity_id: input_number.temperature_input
          service: input_number.set_value
            value: "{{ white_value }}"
            entity_id: input_number.white_value_input
          - service: input_number.set_value
              value: "{{ h }}"
              entity_id: input_number.h_input
          - service: input_number.set_value
              value: "{{ s }}"
              entity_id: input_number.s_input

For example, - and this has been used a lot before with the alexa_media integration -, you can create a dimmable, templated, “utility” light, so that when you set the brightness level of your light, that actually works as a variable. For example by asking Alexa to set Fake Light to 100%, or using Unity somehow to set the brightness of Fake Light (e.g. light.fake_light) to 100% (or 255), you then have Home Assistant react to the template light being set to 100% and perform the logic you want this to do, for example, read aloud using TTS your to-do list or which locks aren’t locked and what not. It’s a quick way to get such functionality quickly up and working in a deterministic way, while you hack away at a more permanent Python Flask-based solution, a native Amazon Skill with proper intents and such, or finalizing your proper C++ library for your shiny Unity openGL front-end for Home Assistant.

While we’re at it, I’m reviving this thread from June 5 this year, I’m really curious about the current state of @harriedegroot 's today after all these months. I see theres a github repo where I’m headed in 15 seconds, perhaps I’ll talk to you guys over there!

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Curious if you have any plans to make a step by step video tutorial on how to accomplish this? Amazing work!


hello vector could you please tell me how did you solved these in steps because home assistant refuse unity to login

Did it work with sweet home 3d?

Hi guys!

@harriedegroot: This demo is amazing! Thanks you for sharing it.
@runtimevic: It seems that I’m running into the same problem that you faced here.

Could you please help me out to figure out how to solve this? I already tried several things but I can’t solve this problem.

I double checked my url and api key and both seem to be fine. I’m also sure that I have an object collider.

When I run my Unity scene I don’t see any errors up until I click on the object. When I click on it, I see exactly the same error than @runtimevic.

The device I’m trying to turn on and off is a switch entity, but I followed the suggestion from @haakonstorm to configure it as a light entity. Still not luck!

I hope you can help me figure this out!

Hello! Where i can download the demo you are talking about? I cant see any demo for this project.

Thank you!

Hi Antonio!

I was talking about the video. Sorry for the misunderstanding.

However, if you go through the discussion, there are several resources that may help you to implement this project. Including a repo posted by @harriedegroot.

Hey, thanks for the awesome framework. Is there any way I could get in contact with the original developer? I’d like to develop this further to work with RGB and particularly switches / sliders. I’m working on a VR house integration. Managed to get the lights working with a physical button. But now I want a set of sliders or an RGB swatch to help select the colors on individual lights. The less extra coding I have to do in HA, the better. The hack mentioned of adding switches as fake lights is exactly what I’m trying to avoid… I really don’t like bloating my install files with unnecessary sudo-lights if I don’t have to. If there is anyone who can help, please message me. I’d be willing to pay for a set of scripts for the more complicated stuff, I just need something that works.

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I’m here (original developer).
Didn’t touch this project for a while, but adding additional entities & extending the light entity should be quite straightforward and doable for anyone with a little programming knowledge.