Hello, I’m here to ask you for help with my project.
I’ve been doing a lot of research on the internet over the last few months, but I haven’t found any solutions to my problem.
Specifically, my project is to create an autonomous agricultural weather station.
I’ve set up my HA server at home. I have a lyligo A7670E card (https://fr.aliexpress.com/item/1005003036514769.html?spm=a2g0o.order_list.order_list_main.5.49ce5e5b8dSqEs&gatewayAdapt=glo2fra)
I’ve already managed to configure the power supply and sensor management.
Where I’m stuck in my project is the LTE connection part. I’ve seen many projects with the SIM 800L module. But I’m not sure these projects can be adapted to mine.
I’d like my HA server to be able to retrieve data from my sensors (the weather station will be located about 5km from my server).
Of course, I’d have to install a SIM card in my ESP32.
However, I don’t know how to configure my ESP32’s connection to the 4G network.
The final goal would be for my sensor data to be sent to my HA server every X minutes, or for my HA server to fetch my sensor data via a webhook?
If any of you could provide me with some knowledge on this subject, I’d be delighted, as I’m fairly new to the world of HA.
Yes, that’s a solution I was considering. However, as my esp32 is equipped with a 4G/LTE SIM module (my card is an A7670 from liligo), I would like to give priority to this feature. But I don’t know where to start to code its connection to the 4G internet network.
Hi, yes I already check this github, but there are only arduino code, I wanted to do my project with home assistant and esphome.
Idk, if it’s possible to convert arduino code to yaml? I’m pretty new in this world of IoT
Hi, I bought waveshare with A7670 and struggling with the same. Have you figured the 4G connection? And if you have some sensors already, please show me which ones, maybe we can find solution together in the coming weeks.