500 Error - Server Got itself in trouble - Life360

Same here, both with the previous manual fix applied, and with that removed. I came back here just to double check it wasnt just a me thing.

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Same here!

Same thing here…

I update to version 2023.8.3 but same error here

has everyone currently having the problem recently updated to the latest HA release?

I’m still on 2023.7.3 and mine is running fine.

Yes to latest release for me.

I just mentioned this in another topic, but what I’ve found is, if you have a valid life360 integration in HA, then it will mostly likely still work with older versions of HA. But if your Life360 credentials change, or you delete/re-add or try to add a new life360 account in HA, then it requires at least HA 2023.8.

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I have updated to version 2023.8.4 with no changes in my life360 credentials and I still get the Internal 500 error from HA. The HA Life360 integration has been non-functional for about a week for me.

I have a life360 folder in my Config directory of HA that I have renamed to life360_OLD and rebooted and that did not fix it. Do I or do I not need that life360 directory?

No, you should not need it any longer. That was a temporary fix and is superseded by 2023.8.x (which includes a new version of the life360 package that is the “official” release of the change that was in the temporary fix.)

I’m getting very mixed messages from users. It seems to work for some, but not for others. It works for me personally.

I don’t know what the problem might be. Again, this is using an unofficial and undocumented API from Life360. And although I have tried to monitor the network traffic from the official Android Life360 app, I’ve been unable to do so. So, there is no way for me to “reverse engineer” the API.

Continues to fail for me. I’ve tried everything I can think of. Unfortunately between this and the lousy GPS perf from the companion app, my house is totally confused as to who is home and who isn’t. :sweat_smile:

Please see:

Maybe that will help.

sorry, how do you remove the life360 integration?

You can select Settings, then Integrations and select the Life360 integration and select the 3 dots next to the word Configure and select Delete. Then, re add it using your login and password. This worked for me.

I have a theory ---- could it be related to passwords that contain a special character that need to be escaped ?

I tried deleting and re-adding the integration, but now i get an error of

File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/life360/config_flow.py", line 140, in async_step_reauth_confirm
    self._password = user_input[CONF_PASSWORD]
TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not subscriptable

could be a red herring, but my password contains a single !

I don’t believe that has anything to do with it. There is a bug in the life360 integration’s “config flow”, such that reconfiguration doesn’t work. I’m going to try looking into that and see if I can fix it. In the meantime, it seems, when your system gets into this state (i.e., it tries to force you to reconfigure, but that fails due to the bug), a workaround is to change your Life360 password.

It did help. Thanks so much.

For an update, please see: Life360 Device Tracker Platform - #1697 by pnbruckner

It no longer presents the 500 error, it now presents invalid authentication when you click on reconfigure. Entities continue to appear normally and report status.

Captura de tela 2023-09-06 180919

Logger: homeassistant.config_entries
Source: config_entries.py:1248
First occurred: 18:06:14 (1 occurrences)
Last logged: 18:06:14

Config entry ‘Leandro’ for life360 integration could not authenticate: client is not valid/enabled

I changed my password and that’s it! It worked!

Yes, when this happens, that appears to fix it. Not sure why, though.