Life360 Device Tracker Platform

lol, I hadn’t even noticed and been working on HA all day! Same for me, issue seems to have resolved itself.

Well, there you go. It’s an undocumented & unsupported API, so they can change it whenever they want. I’m surprised the “fix” still works.

Do we need to “uninstall” the fix? Mine is working fine even with it, though!

Given what I’ve heard so far, I would think you could delete the copy of the life360 package from your config folder. It seems it works with or without the “fix”.

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how to delete and reinstall integrations?

So, in 2023.8.x, when this situation occurs, and there is a box on the Settings → Devices & Services → Integrations page for the Life360 integration with a big, red RECONFIGURE button, and that box does not have a delete option in the three-dot menu, there should also be another Life360 box, i.e., the “usual” one. If you use that one, click into the sub menu (i.e., click the right arrow), the three-dot menu on that page should have a delete option.

I’ve also found the cause of the bug that causes the exception when clicking the RECONFIGURE button. I’m working on a fix that I hope to submit soon.

So, bottom line to the recent issues:

First, I don’t completely understand what initiates the situation that requires the reconfiguration. I’m sure it has something to do with the recent Life360 API changes, but since, again, this is an unofficial and undocumented API, I can only guess.

I don’t think it has anything to do with special characters in the Life360 account password.

I would have thought the automatic reauthorization built into the HA life360 integration would have resolved any issues “behind the scenes”, and it may in some cases, but it appears in others it doesn’t. This leads to the notification and the box with the RECONFIGURE button. Unfortunately, that RECONFIGURE button does not work, but hopefully will soon.

If/when the RECONFIGURE button is fixed, hopefully that can be used to get the integration working again (i.e., without changing your Life360 account credentials.)

BUT, if it does not, then it appears the only solution is to change your Life360 password. In that case, I’d recommend changing it via the Life360 app (or website???) first, then restart HA. If it still complains, then hopefully entering the new password via clicking the RECONFIGURE button will work. If not, then use the info above to delete the existing entry in HA for Life360, then add it back in with the new credentials.

Sorry this isn’t perfect. I wish there was some way to know exactly what the Life360 API expects.


Fix Life360 reauthorization config flow by pnbruckner · Pull Request #99227 · home-assistant/core (

UPDATE: The PR was approved. Hopefully it will make the 2023.8.5 release, if there is one.

UPDATE 2: Looks like there will not be a 2023.8.5, but the fix is in 2023.9.0b0.

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It no longer presents the 500 error, it now presents invalid authentication when you click on reconfigure. Entities continue to appear normally and report status.

Captura de tela 2023-09-06 180919

Logger: homeassistant.config_entries
First occurred: 18:06:14 (1 occurrences)
Last logged: 18:06:14

Config entry ‘Leandro’ for life360 integration could not authenticate: client is not valid/enabled

I changed my password and that’s it! It worked!!

Has anyone managed to export a full list of Life360 places using the logger and debug method?

I have about 10 places in my Life360 account that I want to use as zones in Home Assistant, but the logs only export 5 places.

Yes. There are 11 Places in my Life360 Circle, and they all show in the debug output.

Very strange. I’ve just tried again there (thinking it might be a delay issue) and it’s still only giving 5 places.

Do you pay for a Life360 subscription - just wondering if that might be why I’m only getting 5.

Yes, I do. If you don’t, I would have thought it would limit the number of circles it would let you create in the first place, but you said you have ten. Are they all in the same circle?

Yup. All the same circle. It hasn’t stopped me creating ones in the app. I reckon that’s the reason then.

Weird. I guess I never tested this scenario (or, at least, not for a long time.) I do have a second, free Circle I have used for testing. I just added some Places to it so it now has six. But, when I check the debug output, it only shows four of them. But for my paid Circle, it shows all the Places. Hmm, weird, but I guess not unreasonable.

FWIW, the life360 HA integration does only show a Place once. I.e., it records its ID when it is printed, and won’t print a Place with the same ID. I thought maybe that had something to do with it, but I just wrote a quick test script that uses the life360 package directly (i.e., no HA), and it printed out all my Circles and all the Places in each of those Circles, and it also only shows four Places for my free Circle. Oh well.

The problem of asking for reauthentication is back! I enter the password and it gives me an error!

Logger: homeassistant.config_entries
First occurred: 02:00:14 (2 occurrences)
Last logged: 02:00:14

Config entry ‘Leandro’ for life360 integration could not authenticate: ClientResponseError: 403, message=‘Forbidden’, url=URL(‘’)
Config entry ‘Marcia’ for life360 integration could not authenticate: ClientResponseError: 403, message=‘Forbidden’, url=URL(‘’)

aqui mesma coisa, no Fórum HA brasileiro várias pessoas com mesmo problema.

Currently having the same issue. Life360 needs to be reconfigured, but authentication fails every time.

Same here. Just started about 10 minutes ago.

Unless someone can reverse engineer the API, which I can’t do (I’ve tried), I think that might be the end of the Life360 integration.

It might be time to (somehow) let the core development team know that the HA user community wants an officially supported integration with Life360.

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