868 MHz controllers?

Are there any 868MHz receivers/transmitters available in HA?
I have various 868MHz devices (doorbell, water valve control, ++) and would love to access them via Home Assistant.
I know of the RFP1000, which is said to cover both 433 and 868, but it’s not available in HA.

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This is also something I would like to know.

You can build a rflink with a 868Mhz receiver/transmitter.

Has anyone experience with this device in combination with the raspberry pi 3? http://shop.domo-supply.com/en/home-automation-controllers/835-rfxcom-dual-bands-433-868mhz-multiprotocol-transceiver-usb-rfp1000.html

Hi @francisp,

Currently, is this still the only solution? It seems that RFLink solution will cost approximately 50 euros which is quite expensive…

Is there an integration existing with CC1101 or an equivalent cheaper transceiver?

@helgemor, @OptimusGREEN, have you found anything yet?

@Xa4.Jens, have you finally tried with the device you showed us? 120 euros is quite expensive, isn’t it?

No I gave up. My cc1101 is just lying in a box now.

I’d like to manage this hood RF remote into HA.
It runs on 868 Mhz.
I have a spare Raspberry Pi 3 because I moved my hassio on a NUC.

any suggestions?


I think I found something: this Adafruit Feather M0 RFM69HCW.

There’s a 433 and 900MHz version.
The 900MHz version can also be programmed to run 868MHz.
Note: the 900MHz version has a green dot, the 434MHz one has a red dot.

It can run Arduino IDE and even CircuitPython.
I think I’m going to order this today.

Let me know if anyone has advise or done something similar.
I’m a newbie so any advise is welcome.

If I get it working, I’ll share it here.

Here too :frowning: To sad there is no OOTB solution for 868MHz signals. I have a pool led here that desperately needs to be integrated into HA (my wife’s wish), and I have no plan how to do it.

I got 868Mhz working with this:


Thank man, very appreciated.

Any tips or something else on this?
Did you face any particular issues?

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I’m the author of the Repo. It should be complete. Try it out and let me know if it works for you.

Would it be possible with this repo to issue a sequence of commands on different frequencies? E.g command 1 on 868 MHz, then afterwards command 2 on 433 MHz

Sure. Make two different recordings and play them after each other. I’m not a radio expert: I thought the antenna length should be different for different frequencies. But my tests showed that for replay, the longer I make the antenna, the further the signal would reach.

This does not work for encoded stuff, right? E.g. Rolling codes?

Correct. It only replays exactly what was recorded. Rolling codes, challenge response stuff, basically anything where the communication needs any type of altering won’t work.

This looks great. But it seems i have to install ha on top of raspberry pi os… ? does that mean it will not work on hassos? And does it need to be a rpi 4 to work or will a 3 work to?

Would be awesome if this could be integrated in some HACS package…

My HASSIO runs on a NUC. rpitx needs Raspberry PI hardware. That’s why I started with a two machine setup. rpi3 has more support than rpi4 – see Hardware. I’m using a rpi3. I’m not sure if PI radio would run on HASSOS. Both are linux based, so probably it should. But I’m not technical enough to create a HACS package.
I’d love to hear if anyone can pull this off.

just what i need.
before i buy the unit, it should work with this, right?

my main worry is that the controller has rolling codes i think?

remote for my home gate

This won’t work. Doors use rolling codes. GitHub - defcon24bit/record-and-replay-RF-remote: record & replay RF signal with Raspberry Pi & RTL-SDR dongle (optional) integrate with Home Assistant, Alexa and Google Home only works if radio signal stays the same.

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