9292OV Api integration

Hi all,

I bumped into the ovapi sensor some time ago. I noticed that ovapi is not so accurate for my stop. After some googling I came across the 9292Ov Api spec. I decided to combine the both of them into a new sensor.

A first version is released sensor can be found on Github: https://github.com/Juvawa/HomeAssistant9292OvApiSensor


Go test this tomorrow!

@Juvawa, this is really great!

Will you consider adding this as an integration into Home-Assistant core? I think it would be a very welcome addition.

The plan is to integrate it into Home Assistant core once I find the time :slight_smile:

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Great integration!
Is it possible, if yes how, to enter multiple destinations in the sensor configuration?
In my case I want to add a Metro, there are 3 lines which are passing my stop.

tried this but my sensors stay “unknown”

# SENSOR dutch_public_transport_api
# https://github.com/Juvawa/HomeAssistant9292OvApiSensor
platform: dutch_public_transport_api
name: "Asdz - Utr"
station: station-amsterdam-zuid
destination: station-utrecht-centraal
show_future_departures: 4

I tried these configs but it doesn’t work. I get error messages when checking the config in HA

when writing the destinations underneath eachother:

" Invalid config for [sensor.dutch_public_transport_api]: value should be a string for dictionary value @ data[‘destination’]. Got [‘Nesselande’, ‘De Terp’, ‘Binnenhof’]. (See ?, line ?). "

when writing the destinations between quotes:

Error loading /config/configuration.yaml: while parsing a block mapping
in “/config/includes/sensors.yaml”, line 18, column 3
expected , but found ‘’
in “/config/includes/sensors.yaml”, line 21, column 29

- platform: dutch_public_transport_api
  name: Metro naar De Tochten
  station: !secret METROHALTE
  destination: 'Nesselande' 'De Terp' 'Binnenhof'
  show_future_departures: 1
- platform: dutch_public_transport_api
  name: Metro naar De Tochten
  station: !secret METROHALTE
    - Nesselande
    - De Terp
    - Binnenhof
  show_future_departures: 1