A different take on designing a Lovelace UI

Are you sure it’s not a cache thing?

The markdown card should be 100% width/height of the sidebar grid-area and the inside padding is the custom-layout-card-padding variable in themes

Unless something is intefering with the offset. Another theme perhaps or maybe a modified theme or wrong theme chosen?

Hi Elyisum,

I’m currently facing the same issue.
I purged my cache as Mattias suggested, however it stays the same.

The side bar text is too far left and too high up.
Also should the temperature line automatically break?

I did some poking around and here is what I’ve found. Padding of 0 seems to be inherited from #shadow-root. Here is what everything looks as it sits currently:

If I turn the padding off, it looks like (I think) like we are expecting it to.

I have found at least 8 different ways not to fix this :rofl:

Working with shadow DOM is definitely stretching the limits of my knowledge but I am eager to learn it. Any help in troubleshooting this would be greatly appreciated.

It also looks like the sidebar background isn’t being respected but that is a different issue for a different post.

Awesome work @Mattias_Persson . I am truly impressed!

After adding the cards back that I removed the complete alignement is working again :innocent:

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@Schocker @elyisum

Thanks @CarlitoDurr, I know what’s causing it

markdown-card:first-of-type = sidebar
markdown-card:last-of-type = footer

you guys removed the footer markdown from ui, so the sidebar gets BOTH the sidebar styles and corona styles


Awesome work Matthias! I am thinking about using some of your great animations in my own design.
However i found an issue with the button card and maybe you can help out.

So i am using one button card, inside of that button card i have put another button card in a custom field. That second nested button card then contains your animation in a custom field… :stuck_out_tongue:

                icon_closet: |
                    const state = entity.state === 'on' ? 'door' : 'door reverse';
                    const opacity = entity.state === 'on' ? 'room' : 'room reverse';

Problem is that “entity.state” seems to refers to my first button card and not to my nested button card that contains the entity id i would like to use. Is it possible to change the syntax so instead of refering to entity.state just use any entity_id ?

This should work

const state = states['light.hello'].state === 'on' ?...

Just spent about two hours trying to get this to work and you helped me in like 5 minutes :smiley: Whish i was better programmer. Tack !

Ah, I access some entities that way too. I’m curious, why are you putting a button card inside a button card?

Just for some experimentation. I am using the first button card as a “background/canvas” and then using custom fields to add other cards, in some cases more custom button cards. I am certain there is many ways to do it better. I guess i could just use the picture element card as the canvas or the markdown card as you have done in your design. But why make it simple :laughing:

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Hello. After fighting with the home assistant I managed to come up with what looks good. It’s amazing what you did. Very good work. Thank you so much for sharing it

Can you guide me? Thanks

I sorry for the English. I use a translator.

And that fixed it… so much to learn… :flushed:

Thank you @Mattias_Persson!

Thank you @Mattias_Persson for sharing your config with us. Since this now supports responsive rendering, I also ventured to change my previous frontend :slight_smile: I must say I like the result very much. Simple, beautiful and intuitive.

One little thing is a bit strange for me though. When I call the frontend, the clock of the sidebar is sometimes displayed large like in you Screenshots and sometimes small. No matter if I call it on the desktop or on the smartphone. Unfortunately, I have not yet found the cause. Does anyone of you also have the problem?

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Hi, it’s in the original post :

Known issues

  • card-mod randomly not applying markdown styling on 2021.6.0 #130
  • swipe-card not updating size unless resizing window #32 #147
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I have a problem with the mqtt switches.
Only one works and the other two don’t.
I suppose it is a matter of how the squad is assembled.

I’ll pass you the jams in case you see the error. I can’t really find it
Thank you

It worked when I put 3 columns.
The number of columns is used for the number of entities?

action: fire-dom-event
  command: popup
  title: Balkong
      $: |
        #root {
          grid-gap: 0 !important;
    type: grid
    columns: 3
    square: false
      - type: entities
        state_color: true
        show_header_toggle: false
          - entity: switch.cuarto_principal
            secondary_info: last-changed
          - entity: switch.cuarto_milena
            secondary_info: last-changed
          - entity: switch.cuarto_flor
            secondary_info: last-changed
          - entity: automation.todo


      #                                               #
      #                  VARDAGSRUM                   #
      #                                               #

      - type: grid
        title: Cuartos
          grid-area: vardagsrum
        columns: 2

          - type: custom:button-card
            entity: switch.cuarto_principal
            name: Cuarto Principal
              !include popup/vardagsrum_balkong.yaml          
              - base
              - icon_hue

          - type: custom:button-card
            entity: switch.cuarto_milena
            name: Cuarto Milena
              !include popup/vardagsrum_balkong.yaml
              - base
              - icon_hue
              #- loader


  - platform: mqtt
    name: Cuarto Milena
    icon: mdi:power-socket-de
    command_topic: cmnd/tecla_touch_723A/POWER
    payload_on: 'ON'
    payload_off: 'OFF'
    availability_topic: tele/tecla_touch_723A/LWT
    payload_available: Online
    payload_not_available: Offline
    state_topic: stat/tecla_touch_723A/POWER
    qos: 0
    retain: true

  - platform: mqtt
    name: Cuarto Principal
    icon: mdi:power-socket-de                       
    command_topic: cmnd/tecla_touch_6DFF/POWER
    payload_on: 'ON'
    payload_off: 'OFF'
    availability_topic: tele/tecla_touch_6DFF/POWER
    payload_available: Online
    payload_not_available: Offline
    state_topic: stat/tecla_touch_6DFF/POWER
    qos: 0
    retain: true


action: fire-dom-event
  command: popup
  title: Balkong
      $: |
        #root {
          grid-gap: 0 !important;
    type: grid
    columns: 1
    square: false
      - type: entities
        state_color: true
        show_header_toggle: false
          - entity: switch.cuarto_principal
            secondary_info: last-changed
          - entity: switch.cuarto_milena
            secondary_info: last-changed
          - entity: switch.cuarto_flor
            secondary_info: last-changed
          - entity: automation.todo

Ich love your design !
Would you mind sharing your code?
It would be awesome. Thank you.

above is the git link

Every file I open amazes me. The code you wrote is impressive. I admire you for what you did and for sharing it.

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Wonderful dashboard! I am slowly translating it and tweaking for my purposes, but for some reason I can’t get the fonts to show correctly:

The font.css file and the fonts themselves are accessible through the browser if I check direct links.
When I inspect elements on the page I can see:
font-family: SF Text
for example, but the fonts are not showing.

To make it even stranger when I tried the dashboard as main one, with lovelace mode yaml, I could see the fonts.
Now I want to have some standard UI-editable dashboards as well so I use your in the following way:

  mode: storage
    [ resources listed] 
      mode: yaml
      title: Tablet
      icon: mdi:tablet-dashboard
      show_in_sidebar: true
      filename: ui-lovelace-tablet.yaml 

Does anyone have any idea what am I missing to get the fonts to show correctly? What else to check?