A different take on designing a Lovelace UI

Hello @Mattias_Persson . I have a long time problem that I can’t solve. I have some custom stuff and I can’t replace all the files. The problem is that when the song name is long it exceeds the limits of the image. What could I look at or change? thank you

i think you must look at the function marquee in the button_card_templates.yaml under conditional_media: → state_display

function marquee() {
            let state = elt.getElementById("state"),
              container = elt.getElementById("container");

            if (state && container) {
              state.innerHTML = output;
              let ro = new ResizeObserver(entries => {
                let spacer = " ".repeat(3),
                  s = entries[0],
                  c = entries[1],
                  r = s && s.contentRect &&
                      c && c.contentRect &&
                      s.contentRect.width !== 0 &&
                      c.contentRect.width !== 0;

                if (r && s.contentRect.width < c.contentRect.width) {
                else if (r && s.contentRect.width >= c.contentRect.width) {
                  state.innerHTML = `${output} ${spacer} ${output} ${spacer}&nbsp;`;
          return output;
        return variables.translate_unknown;

but when you use the code from mattias then he scrolls.

is it possible to hide the names in the footer on phones?
cause it’s not implemented as a custom field, I couldn’t hide it by extra_styles.
Thanks in advance.

I have an iPhone 13 mini, and with icon and name the footer looks too cramped.

I keep getting the error: Custom element doesn’t exist: apexcharts-card.
Anyone knows how to fix this?


try this in your Config.yaml:

  mode: yaml
      { url: /hacsfiles/atomic-calendar-revive/atomic-calendar-revive.js,         type: module },
      { url: /hacsfiles/flex-table-card/flex-table-card.js,                       type: module },
      { url: /hacsfiles/hass-shutter-card/hass-shutter-card.js,                   type: module },
      { url: /hacsfiles/thermostat-popup-card/thermostat-popup-card.js,           type: module },
      { url: /hacsfiles/simple-weather-card/simple-weather-card-bundle.js,        type: module },

      { url: /local/decluttering-card.js,                                         type: module },
      { url: /local/apexcharts-card.js,                                           type: module },
      { url: /local/buien-rain-card.js,                                           type: module },
      { url: '/local/calendar-card.js?v=3.109.1',                                 type: module },
      { url: '/local/custom-lovelace/weather-card/weather-card.js',               type: module },
      { url: '/local/custom_icons.js?v=28082021',                                 type: module },
      { url: '/local/marked.min.js?v=4.0.12',                                     type: module },
      { url: '/local/vanilla-tilt.min.js?v=1.7.2',                                type: module },
      { url: /local/font.css,                                                     type: css} ]

and copy apexcharts-card.js directly in your local folder (www)

You shouldn’t have to use local, let hacs handle it that’s what it’s for

@henkkeumus Ask why it’s not working in the correct thread ApexCharts card - A highly customizable graph card

here’s an example A different take on designing a Lovelace UI - #1908 by Mattias_Persson

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make a backup of your button_card_templates.yaml and use mine, then add your custom stuff back in, or use “compare” in vscode alternatively diffchecker.

:sweat_smile: maybe slightly different paths? test with https://jsonpathfinder.com/

Good idea. Thank you

Bingo :slight_smile: that did it :slight_smile: works perfect now :slight_smile:

Thanks for the hint.
It’s working perfectly on phone.
But is it possible to depend on the screen resolution? cause if in browser windows obviously it’s not working.

name: |
    if (window.navigator.userAgent.match(/iPhone/i)) {
      return '<ha-icon icon="mdi:nas"></ha-icon>';
    else {
      return '<ha-icon icon="mdi:nas"></ha-icon>NAS';}



/* phone */
@media screen and (max-width: 800px) {
  .footer-title {
    display: none;


<ha-icon ...></ha-icon> <span class="footer-title">Hello</span>
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Thanks a lot! works like a charm.

Do you have any idea how to make an animation of switching two icons so that they display alternately and make a heating animation ?



That’s harder. I’d go with morphing. There’s also filters and maybe masking?


I have a special one. I need some help with changing a value inside:

document.querySelector(“body > home-assistant”).shadowRoot.querySelector(“home-assistant-main”).shadowRoot.querySelector("#drawer").shadowRoot.querySelector(“style”)

More pecisely there is a :host([persistent]) with a width value. This I need to change to 0 or wipe the whole value off existence. Both would be fine. What for? I want to make the sidebar transparent and managed to get 90% of all the layers transparent, except this one value… If I disable it in dev tools I get what I am looking for.

Here my theme modding: yourname_card_mod/yourname_cardmod.yaml at a8d8a02786e94a7ea8ad7d0b674da819cb1e3965 · dreimer1986/yourname_card_mod · GitHub

As you can see I tried to get :host([persistent]) changed, but I think I took things too easy ^^ That shadow root is making my brain spin counter clockwise!

I already opened a issue on GitHub, but somehow I think this is my mistake, so I try my luck here. If you wanna see what I am up to with some pics to understand my aesthetical urge to get this done (:P): Transparency for Sidebar · Issue #198 · thomasloven/lovelace-card-mod · GitHub

I don’t think you can edit app-drawer with card-mod. It’s too far up the element tree.

You could do something like this

  - url: '/local/mysidebar.js?v=1'
    type: module
const style = document.createElement('style');
style.innerHTML = `
  #contentContainer {
    background-color: transparent !important;
document.querySelector("body > home-assistant").shadowRoot.querySelector("home-assistant-main").shadowRoot.querySelector("#drawer").shadowRoot.appendChild(style);

Is there a reason why u go on the beta version?

Nope, curiosity? :nerd_face:

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