A different take on designing a Lovelace UI

I am not that advanced, unfortunately this is not working for me to get a background.

  1. I upload the image in /config/www/
  2. I use the code like below:




card-mod-theme: tablet

card-mod-root: |
  ha-app-layout {
    background: url('/config/www/bg.png'); 
    background-size: cover;

card-mod-view-yaml: |
  .: |
    hui-view {
      background: none !important;
      min-height: 100vh;

Am I doing something wrong? (maybe the background: none !important; is wrong but not sure

Edit themes.yaml like this

      card-mod-root: |
        ha-app-layout {
          background: url('/local/your_bg_image.jpg');
          background-size: cover;

Place your_bg_image.jpg in \config\www\

Then reload the themes service in Developer Tools:

Refresh your browser. If you have the correct theme selected in your profile, the background should be updated.

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Thanks! I did everything you said but the background is not changing for me.

In profile I selected tablet and dark mode, but no background for me.
Thanks for al your help!

@djoaza @slofii

After updating, sensor.hacs was removed

Yea, https://github.com/hacs/integration/releases/tag/1.28.0

I merged all update.* entities and “other”


It is working right now! Many thanks:D

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after browser mod update i changed the codes for my popup windows, but now the background of the popup window is transparent. how can I easily fix this?

see above A different take on designing a Lovelace UI - #3754 by Mattias_Persson

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Hello @Mattias_Persson sorry for bothering you but I’m getting mad in fitting my config inside my tablet screen (Samsung SM-T500 2000x1200 resolution).

It looks like that I’m a few pixel larger than 1200 and consequentially I can scroll the screen. Moreover footer buttons are aligned to the end to the screen without any free space.
I already tried to change custom-layout-card-padding: 3.3vw without any result.
What should i check?

Here’s my grid config:

   margin: 0
   height: 100vh
   grid-gap: var(--custom-layout-card-padding)
   grid-template-columns: 24% repeat(4, 1fr) 0
   grid-template-rows: 0 repeat(3, fit-content(80%)) 0fr
   grid-template-areas: |
     "sidebar  .          .        .          .          ."
     "sidebar  soggiorno  bedroom  babyroom   bagnomain  ."
     "sidebar  cucina     ingresso corridoio  bagno      ."
     "sidebar  tv         studio   media      home       ."
     "sidebar  footer     footer   footer     footer     ."

Here’s a screenshot of the dashboard:



I did it differently at home assistant and replaced the sensor.hacs with my own one
{{states.update | selectattr ("state", "eq", "on") | letter | count}}

Hey Laffer,

Sorry to interrupt you again, but I really like to combine the config of you and Mattias.
For example the weather icon is really cool but if I implement the code in the lovelaceui.yaml and in the button_card_templates.yaml I still get an error (ButtoncardJSTemplate Error).

Not sure of there is anything else I should do.

I changed everything, but see no “other Updates” in the Updates-Popup.

Screenshot 2022-10-14 092819

Do I miss something?

How is anyone supposed to know what you missed if you provide no info at all? console log
popup/footer_updates.yaml - fill in ALL entities. missing one? track it down by searching my repo


try this A different take on designing a Lovelace UI - #2726 by Mattias_Persson

also increasing the sidebar from 24% to maybe 30% would shrink the main layout

I preferred to stay with the previous version, so I replaced the sensor.hacs by myself with a created one that counts the hacs update

I think the problem is here sensor.template_updates_available

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damn, you’re right! sorry @slofii!

That’s fine! I’m also doing that L58 but a single template sensor that can be referenced instead :+1:

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Hello @Mattias_Persson changing size of sidebar to 26% fixes the problem, what is strange is that changing the other values you suggested does not have any impact on layout. how is this possible? I expect that those values should change the spacing between items.

Have you created the template sensors?


A screenshot of the error message would be helpful.

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Looks like there was something wrong with my sensors excuse me for that.

Screenshot 2022-10-14 at 17.18.26

Could you tell me how to put the text in the right spot etc?
Yours look more to the right…

Sorry for being this kind of beginner but I learned a lot already