A different take on designing a Lovelace UI

using the light template works. thank you very much…

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@Mattias_Persson is ti possible to bring the percentage in the slider?

The time at home in the circle is not displayed

Starting with this dashboard, definitely a great project :wink:

I have noticed that when a I tap an icon a “broken image icon” appears during the transition, any idea what could be happening? This happen in any device (PC, phone, tablet…). I attach a gif.

Thank you in advance!

GIF HA Lovelace

@JavierM I have never seen that, and I have no idea why it would be happening. try the following

  1. Confirm that you have all the HACS integrations installed correctly
  2. Look at your logs and see if there are any errors
  3. Right click and inspect the button and see if you can catch what the image is pointing to

@weaverprojects I don’t understand what you are asking so I can’t help. show me what you have tried so far and I can see what I can do to help.

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add /www/loader.svg

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remove retain variable

yes, browse history

Thank you so much Mattias!! that file was missing…

Thank you Mattias… now it works!

Thanks for that, had the time to give this a go over the last few days.

getting SSH working without needing a password on sinology DSM 6.0 was not fun, but I managed to get it all working, the command-line sensors you provided worked like a charm.

and after I installed multiple-entity-row the front end worked well, im a crazy that after 3 days setting this up I want to try and align amount and usage


Thank you Mattias… now it works!

@Mattias_Persson I updated the notify code for the Router / Network footer button, so its a little more generic and can be easily expanded with more unify products,

you still need to pass the binary_sensor.template_udm_internet in at the end but it no longer has any hard coded limits

- type: custom:button-card
  name: |
    <ha-icon icon="mdi:router-wireless"></ha-icon> Network
    !include ../popup/footer/router.yaml
    - update.udmpro
    - update.usl16p
    - update.master_bedroom
    - update.living_room
    - binary_sensor.template_udm_internet
    notify: >
        let id = this._config.triggers_update;
        if (states[id.pop()].state === 'off')
          return true
        return id.filter(e => states[e].state === 'on').length
  template: footer
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hi @henkkeumus, this could be unrelated, but I was making a change to my themes.yaml today and ended up with the missing background bug.

Turns out I had a missing bracket, after fixing that, and refreshing the frontend themes, BAM working background.

if you still have not fixed your issue, try replacing all of themes.yaml with a fresh copy from the GitHub.

Did you find a fix for this yet? I am having the same issue.

Hey guys. After updating home assistant to 2022.11.0, I got these thin gray borders around every card. Its most annoying on the sidebar, as well as on popups, but I wish I could remove it from every card. Tried changing button-card styles to border: none; but no success. Any help is very much appreciated, thanks!


Thank you so much! Maybe you also know how to fix the missaligned circle around the X in popups?

It shouldn’t be misaligned, but you can edit it

card-mod-more-info-yaml: |
  ha-icon-button$mwc-icon-button$button: |
    mwc-ripple {
      top: 5px;
      left: 5px;
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Thanks, that does help. But once its clicked, before the actual popup closes, i can see the circle bouncing around for like 0.2-0.3 seconds. If I remove the code you suggested, the circle is missaligned, but then in those 0.2-0.3 seconds it bounces into the correct place. Anyway, it is a very minor thing, so no worries. Thank you so much for your help!