A different take on designing a Lovelace UI

That’s up2date of course!

Uh yeah, it is fixed but you may have to wait for HA 0.116 later today (I’m on beta)

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Does 0.116 break anything else?
There’s mention of a breaking change for Custom Lovelace Cards.

No, everything works but there’s this issue with custom-header. maykar posted a workaround but he’s archiving the project for 0.117.

sorry if I ask stupid :slight_smile: but I am trying to use the buttom-card with your light template, but I am getting found undefined alias ‘icon_spot’ in what do I do wrong or forget??

It’s yaml anchors. You can think of it as:

& = copy 
* = paste

I think you’re getting undefined alias because it has nothing to copy from

#button-card icon
icon_spot: &icon_spot >
  [[[ const state = entity.state === 'on' ? 'animate_on' : 'animate_off';
  return `<svg viewBox="0 0 50 50"><style>@keyframes animate_on{0%{tra...

#another button with same icon
icon_spot: *icon_spot
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So we’ll need a different way to have it appear full screen?

I believe so but kiosk mode was the only feature I used and this script works just as well.


EDIT: Added it to HACS instead


Mattias, thanks. I have removed custom header from HACS and also removed it from my configuration.yaml and my lovelace yaml.

In configuration.yaml I now have

    - url: /local/kiosk.js
      type: module

and that file in the root of www.

I rebooted Home Assistant.

Is there something I need to add in my lovelace yaml to use kiosk.js ?


If it matters type should be type: js. It checks if you have the query string ?kiosk in your url.


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It is working now. Thank you Mattias!

I had copied type: module from the entry above. Updating it to type: js and then adding ?kiosk to the url made it work perfectly.

I appreciate it.

Mmm, something else broke again with an update of a custom component, but I have no clue which. Some cards aren’t being styled anymore :frowning:

Check my include/themes.yaml

Euh? Do I understand it correctly I have to remove whitespace around the “>” in the element path in style definitions?

Yeah. Don’t ask me why

But I’m still on 0.114.4?

But you updated card-mod, where the issue is

Aha, I see. Thanks.

OK fixed it, thanks! Until the next breaking change :slight_smile:

I can’t seem to get this to work. After numerous HA restarts it worked once, then after a refresh it was gone again. I put the kiosk.js file (with that exact code double check) on www/ folder. Then in configuration exactly like you wrote and put ?kiosk at the end of url.

Do I need to do something else as well? I already cleared CH. Using Edge Chromium btw.

Thanks in advance :slight_smile: