A different take on designing a Lovelace UI

This is the easiest way Template literals (Template strings) - JavaScript | MDN

[[[ return `<ha-icon icon="mdi:thermometer" style="width:20%;"></ha-icon> ${states['sensor.netatmo_mein_haus_innen_temperature'].state}`; ]]]

toLocaleString seems to be working

[[[ return `${parseFloat(states['sensor.netatmo_mein_haus_innen_humidity'].state).toLocaleString("en",{useGrouping: false,minimumFractionDigits: 1})}`; ]]]

With template literals just add the string

[[[ return `${states['sensor.netatmo_mein_haus_innen_temperature'].state} °C`; ]]]

Yes, add icon style too if you want to fine tune size/position

icon: >
  <ha-icon icon="mdi:thermometer" style="width:100%;"></ha-icon>
  - base
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Did you forget to upload a screenshot? I don’t see anything :grin:

Oops :joy:

You can try to set every grid card to square: false


That finally did it!
Thanks again

Yes, the loader works. However in my case, I first tap the ‘locked’ lock and the loader animation starts. When the status of the lock changed to ‘unlocking’ from ‘locked’ the animation stops, and the status of the lock will be changed to ‘unlocked’ in some time (without animation).

Is it possible to extend / reactivate the loader animation during ‘unlocking’ (changed from ‘locked’) and stops when it finally changed to ‘unlocked’? Thanks!

While playing spotify, how do I change it to say the name of artist above the title of song instead of name of Spotify instance?

Also, isn’t there supposed to be a play pause button somewhere in there?

Release 2021.12.6 - December 27

Does this mean our customize.yaml won’t work anymore with this update?

Thank you.

Sorry for late response, I change card type from under “SIDEBAR” from

  • type: vertial-stack

  • type: custom:grid-layout
    and set up “grid-template-areas” inside “Sidebar”

    #                                               #
    #                    SIDEBAR                    #
    #                                               #
    - type: vertical-stack
        grid-area: sidebar

Nope, second sentence “The YAML configuration remains available”

How about this?

Yes, if you click on the artwork

You can tie the loader visibility to an input_boolean and automate the input input_boolean state based on your conditions because how it works right now is “on click activate loader until state change”

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Thank you for staying active on this thread.

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@Mattias_Persson Once again, great work! I am looking to include other enities, such as alarm system into my setup and wonder about the Icons. I guss I’d start off with copying the existing button templates and the corresponding icon, change name to eg. alarm, but then what. How do I get the icons in place? Are the svg’s kept locally or how does it work?

icons are in button_card_templates.yaml

more info

How can I perform a calculation on an entity? I want to display sensor.memory_use as a percentage of the total memory. This is part of my mods to the sidebar_information popup. Something like sensor.memory_use / 16000.

 - entity: sensor.memory_use
     name: Memory Free - 16Gb
     action: call-service
     service: homeassistant.update_entity
     entity_id: sensor.memory_use 

Unfortunately you have to create a new template sensor

Here’s an example

Open your Home Assistant instance and show your template developer tools.

There is another way System Monitor


  • platform: systemmonitor
    • type: memory_use_percent
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Thanks. I should have looked further. An example is what I was looking for.