A different take on designing a Lovelace UI

sorry, i forgot to about the update to them.yaml, (had this in there from a long time ago)

find this section

      #                                               #
      #            SIDEBAR VERTICAL-STACK             #
      #                                               #

      grid-layout$hui-vertical-stack-card$: |
        #root {
          background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.06);
          border-radius: 0;
          border-right: 0.1vw solid rgba(58, 69, 73, 0.2);
          min-height: 100vh;
        /* phone */
        @media screen and (max-width: 800px) {
          #root {
            background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0);
            border-right: none;
            min-height: 100%;
            margin-left: -0.8%;
            margin-bottom: -6%;

add in display: none !important like so

      #                                               #
      #            SIDEBAR VERTICAL-STACK             #
      #                                               #

      grid-layout$hui-vertical-stack-card$: |
        #root {
          background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.06);
          border-radius: 0;
          justify-content: space-between;
          border-right: 0.1vw solid rgba(58, 69, 73, 0.2);
          min-height: 100vh;
        /* phone */
        @media screen and (max-width: 800px) {
          #root {
            display: none !important;
            background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0);
            border-right: none;
            min-height: 100%;
            margin-left: -0.8%;
            margin-bottom: -6%;

I can also see that your grid is not correct, this might work

        "(max-width: 800px)":
          grid-gap: calc(var(--custom-layout-card-padding) * 1.7)
          grid-template-columns: 0 1fr 0fr 
          grid-template-rows: 0 repeat(6, fit-content(100%)) 0fr        
          grid-template-areas: |
            ".  .               ."
            ".  cuartos         ."
            ".  comedor         ."
            ".  extras          ."
            ".  encasa          ."
            ".  media           ."
            ".  entretenimiento ."
            ".  .               ."

the . are still columns so above is 3 columns and 8 rows the top and bottom rows should be 0 and the first and last columns should be 0

1 Like

Yeap it is :slight_smile:

what results do you get when you hit the Plex api?

the Plex url is at the bottom of this page , can you show me the results you get back?

I have tested these commands, and they output a proper XML container
I have PMed you the result

Hey there,
I’m gonna ask this like a jerk, but I have a question I haven’t found an answer to here.
Is there any way to make a swipe card to switch between rooms?
Maybe there’s a bedroom grid. And I want the swipe to change the room to another room. This is to solve that I don’t have to make the UI smaller and keep the size.
Of course I could swipe the whole dashboard, however I would only want the last rooms on the right so I can swipe to another one.

Thank you very much to all the smart souls.

Hello everybody.
Very good job you are here.
I take the opportunity to ask whoever bought it, especially the @Mattias_Persson:
From this list above, how do I only show the number of lights or devices that are connected?
For example like this: “2 lights on”; or “3 devices are connected”.

active: >
          {% set lights = [
          ] %}

          {% set devices = [
          ] %}

          {% set lights_on = lights | selectattr('state','eq','on') | list %}
          {% set lights_name = lights | selectattr('state','eq','on') | map(attribute='name') | join(', ') %}

          {% set devices_on = devices | selectattr('state','search','(on|cool|fan_only|playing)') | list %}
          {% set devices_name = devices_on | map(attribute='name') | join(', ') %}

          {% if (lights_on | length == 0) and (devices_on | length > 0) %}
            {{ devices_name | regex_replace(',([^,]*)$',' och\\1') }} är på

          {% elif (lights_on | length == 1) and (devices_on | length == 1) %}
            {{ lights_name }} och {{devices_name }} är på

          {% elif (lights_on | length == 1) and (devices_on | length > 1) %}
            {{ lights_name }}, {{ devices_name | regex_replace(',([^,]*)$',' och\\1') }} är på

          {% elif (lights_on | length > 1) and (devices_on | length == 1) %}
            {{ lights_on | length }} lampor och {{ devices_name }} är på

          {% elif (lights_on | length > 1) and (devices_on | length > 1) %}
            {{ lights_on | length }} lampor, {{ devices_name | regex_replace(',([^,]*)$',' och\\1') }} är på

          {% elif (lights_on | length == 1) and (devices_on | length == 0) %}
            {{ lights_name }} är på

          {% elif (lights_on | length > 1) and (devices_on | length == 0) %}
            {{ lights_on | length }} lampor är på

          {% else %}
            <font color='#6a7377'>Allt är avstängt</font>
          {% endif %}

That is, I do not want the name of the lights on to appear, but in numbers.

Thanks for the help. It looks much better but underneath you can see part of a card that shouldn’t be there. taking into account that the configuration does not contemplate it.

@Giblet the link that you sent is broken, no page loads. can you see in the results from Plex anything about the recently added content? see this screenshot, correct values

I don’t understand what you are trying to say. and I can not help unless you provide more details.
if the issue is with the layout try reading this website CSS Grid Layout
if the issue is with cards showing that you want hidden just in mobile try this link CSS Media Queries

It shows er perfectly fine xml, with some items I have recently added, looks exactly as I would expect

You’d have to replace the title with a custom:button-card

this is not my code and you didn’t post that part
error return entity.state.length > 0 ? "block" : "none"

track it down and remove that line

add your entities

I’m trying to figure out why you’d want that but here:

type: button
    ha-state-icon$ha-svg-icon$: |
      svg > g > path {
        d: path("M13,13H11V7H13M13,17H11V15H13M12,2A10,10 0 0,0 2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,2Z") !important;
1 Like

Yes, but the title would be static. Name it something generic like “Rooms”

remove lights_name and devices_name

there’s many conditions to parse it nicer but if you want to keep it simple

{{ lights_on | length }} lights on and {{ devices_on | length }} devices are connected

I can have a look too if you pm me

Hello people,
I need a little help with my code.
The idea is to display in the status on the TV living room card to show the app name and also the title if known.
But App name and title are too long. so Marquee is the answer.
now my question:
how do I change the speed of Marquee?
how do i make sure that only long texts are marqueed?
Similar to what is already happening in the Plex card


here is my code:

      - type: grid
        title: Wohnzimmer
          grid-area: wohnzimmer
        columns: 2
          - type: custom:button-card
            entity: light.group_wohnzimmer
            name: Lampen
              - light
              - icon_hue

          - type: custom:button-card
            entity: light.stehlampe_wohnzimmer
            name: Stehlampe
              - light
              - icon_shade

          - type: custom:button-card
            entity: media_player.philipstv_2
            name: TV
            # old state
            # state_display: >
            #   [[[
            #     if (states['media_player.tv_wohnzimmer_3'].state === 'playing') {
            #       return states['media_player.tv_wohnzimmer_3'].attributes.app_name;
            #     }
            #     if (states['media_player.tv_wohnzimmer_3'].state === 'idle') {
            #       return states['media_player.tv_wohnzimmer_3'].attributes.media_title;
            #     }
            #   ]]]
            state_display: >
                if (states['media_player.tv_wohnzimmer_3'].state === 'playing') {
                  return `
                  <div style='display: flex;
                                      padding: 0px 5px 0px 5px;
                                      align-items: center;
                                      background: transparent;
                                      marquee-speed: slow
                                      animation: marquee 20s linear infinite;'>

                if (states['media_player.tv_wohnzimmer_3'].state === 'idle') {
                  return `
                  <div style='display: flex;
                                      padding: 0px 5px 0px 5px;
                                      align-items: center;
                                      background: transparent;
                                      marquee-speed: slow;'>
              c1: |
                  if (states['media_player.tv_wohnzimmer_3'].attributes.app_name === 'YouTube') {
                   return "<ha-icon icon='mdi:youtube'></ha-icon>";
                  if (states['media_player.tv_wohnzimmer_3'].attributes.app_name === 'Netflix') {
                   return "<ha-icon icon='mdi:netflix'></ha-icon>";
                  if (states['media_player.tv_wohnzimmer_3'].attributes.app_name === 'Disney+') {
                return `
                  <svg fill="#000000" viewBox="0 0 24 24">
                    <path d="M10.896 13.837c. 1.273-.315.048-.035.096-.085.097-.149.002-.129-.224-.208-.224-.208-.238-.099-.679-.148-.906-.166-.238-.021-.613-.051-.703-.065-.093-.013-.193-.032-.274-.068-.081-.036-.159-.118-.183-.208-.041-.163.011-.362.102-.492.237-.34.791-.469 1.204-.52.401-.05 1.048-.049 1.442. 13.837M8.074 11.722c0 0 .077-.116.142-.204.118-.16.331-.382.491-.519.049-.042.107-.089.107-.089s-.091.009-.142.02c-.122.024-.3.142-.389.219-.147.126-.309.331-.236.513C8.057 11.688 8.074 11.722 8.074 11.722M8.892 11.941c.232-.016.45-.083.653-.195.199-.111.491-.328.461-.583-.009-.083-.063-.145-.131-.174-.089-.038-.135-.032-.248.001-.082.024-.119.039-.197.083-.228.133-.551.416-.727.642-.041.053-.082.113-.114.154-.02.025-.036.048-.034.055C8.561 11.95 8.801 11.947 8.892 11.941M8.3 12.376c-.024.025-.049.087-.076.131-.014.024-.04.054-.057.066-.061.044-.112.047-.17-.005-.082-.072-.129-.185-.133-.294-.002-.048.006-.1-.003-.14-.015-.068-.083-.137-.119-.202-.043-.076-.078-.209-.082-.295-.015-.268.126-.514.31-.709.185-.197.426-.36.689-.471.248-.105.612-.176.885-. 12.381 8.303 12.372 8.3 12.376M8.617 12.924c. 1.2C8.988 14.617 8.992 14.805 9 14.994c. 13.017 8.539 12.909 8.617 12.924M3.067 13.641c0 0-.272.019-.458.04-.238.026-.685.103-.942.195-.077.028-.234.093-.248.173-. 13.913 3.067 13.641 3.067 13.641M8.046 13.851c.016.142-.021.411-.027.446-.012.082-.073.27-.083.293-.05.115-.099.208-.151.302-.089.16-.301.414-.426.523-.467.404-1.191.634-1.812.71-.421.051-.905.043-1.351-.039-.154-.028-.382-.081-.382-.081s.001.091-.007.156c-.004.029-.026.107-.038.132-.032.067-.086.102-.163.116-.094.017-.193.023-.279-.014-.142-.06-.193-.192-.218-.345-.02-.122-.041-.335-.041-.335s-.106-.05-.195-.094c-.272-.134-.53-.296-.756-.463-.063-.047-.331-.272-.391-.328-.166-.158-.316-.315-.43-.517-.089-.158-.114-.297-.047-.464.093-.233.426-.408.655-.508.168-.074.689-.244.905-.276.102-.015.261-.043.271-.049.004-.003.007-.006.01-.009C3.094 13 3.103 12.77 3.101 12.686c-.002-.083.061-.627.082-.742.011-.062.058-.302.106-.365.031-.042.087-.039.132-. 14.33 5.4 14.277 5.46 14.245c.03-.016.055-.034.078-.055.049-.044.094-.092.089-.148-.007-.073-.084-.118-.158-.147-.345-.137-1.035-.251-1.368-.271-.13-.008-.316-.014-.316-.014l.039 1.839c0 0 . 1.258-.038 1.803-.295C6.583 15.13 6.802 14.99 6.969 14.8c.219-.251.334-.595.304-.955-.033-.392-.309-.858-.53-1.142-.583-.749-1.582-1.366-2.46-1.727-.897-.369-1.784-.581-2.736-.616-.245-.009-.781.003-1.051.078-.039.011-.078.024-.113.032-.028.007-.073.026-.085.036-.007.005-.014.013-.014.013s. 1.067-.167.711-.027 1.384.097 2.072.307.394.119.91.319 1.288.501.271.131.698.371.938.528.076.05.518.375.587.433.143.117.331.286.467.421. 13.637 8.048 13.791 8.046 13.851M16.982 13.444c-.333.077-1.208.119-1.208.119l-.11.346c0 0 .437-.037.756-.004 0 0 .103-. 0-. 1.078-. 0 0-.275.018-.508-.354-.217-.354.082-1.025.082-1.025s-.137-.313-.038-.419c0 0 .059-.054.231-.066l.211-.436c0 0-.24.017-.383-.16-.133-.168-.144-.245-.042-.291.109-.054 1.11-.236 1.798-.213 0 0 .239-.023.447.392C17.052 13.236 17.152 13.404 16.982 13.444M14.392 15.122c-.088.208-.321.429-.611.291-.286-.138-.741-1.07-.741-1.07s-.173-.347-.206-.338c0 0-.037-.068-.06.312-.024.378.005 1.115-.146 1.231-.143.116-.316.07-.406-.066-.082-.134-.115-.452-.071-1.011.052-.56.182-1.156.349-1.341.166-.184.299-.05.351-.002 0 0 .222.201.588.792l.065.109c0 0 .333.558.367.557 0 0 . 0-.046-.128-.015-.249.031-.122.153-.065.153-.065s.47.237.699 1.002C14.634 14.222 14.482 14.913 14.392 15.122M19.455 14.664c-.214.374-.819 1.156-1.622.971-.265.643-.488 1.294-.616 2.268 0 0-.028.189-.185.124-.156-.055-.413-.314-.465-.672-.056-.471.154-1.267.582-2.18-.125-.203-.21-.493-.137-.907 0 0 .108-.767.878-1.459 0 0 .092-.08.146-. 1.323-1.875 1.893- 14.139 19.581 14.439 19.455 14.664M19.289 13.679c0 0-.032-.247-.273.025-.208.23-.583.66-.884 1.245.317-.036.622-.207.714-.295C18.995 14.521 19.345 14.16 19.289 13.679M23.88 13.623h-1.472c-.029-.5-.09-.988-.185-1.49-.01-.052-.055-.09-.108-.09h-.339c-.03 0-.058.013-.077.036-.019.024-.027.053-. 1.461H20.45c-.066 0-.12.053-.12.119v.306c0 . 0 .441-.019.805-.064 1.215-. 0 .112-.046.119-.107.043-.413.061-.781.061-1.231 0-.063-.001-.131-.002-.207h1.452c.066 0 .12-.054.12-.12v-.306C24 13.677 23.946 13.623 23.88 13.623M4.193 9.521C4.172 9.552 4.167 9.59 4.179 9.625 4.192 9.661 4.219 9.688 4.254 9.7l.264.089C4.534 9.794 4.55 9.797 4.565 9.797c.049 0 .095-.024.122-.065.865-1.27 2.035-2.328 3.384-3.058 1.393-.754 2.971-1.153 4.565-1.153 1.925 0 3.781.568 5.37 1.642 1.55 1.048 2.754 2.509 3.481 0 .07-.018.091-.049.021-.03.025-.069.011-.103-.75-1.847-2.019-3.421-3.669-4.552C16.674 5.612 14.693 5 12.636 5 9.234 5 6.078 6.69 4.193 9.521"/>
                  - top: '-5%'
                  - left: 55%
                  - width: 50%
                  - position: absolute
              - base
              - icon_tv_ambilight
              - loader

thanks. I’m not good with css. I’ll see if I can get it to work. Thank you

I was seeing that it is not a size problem because if I remove the code from the sidebar and the weather from the yaml code it fits into two columns. But I can’t do something generic that shows some cards on a tablet and others on a cell phone. The solution in my case was to make two dashboards. But it is not the best because I have to apply each change to both files. Thanks for the help

@Pablo_Gustavo_Fiscel would you share the code from these Spotify buttons? These buttons are awesome. thx