A different take on designing a Lovelace UI

I’m trying to replace an SVG path of a button using card mod…

The full xpath shows to be:

What am I doing wrong??

type: custom:mod-card
  style: |
      $: |
        svg > g > path {
            d: path('M10.896 13.837c. 1.273-.315.048-.035.096-.085.097-.149.002-.129-.224-.208-.224-.208-.238-.099-.679-.148-.906-.166-.238-.021-.613-.051-.703-.065-.093-.013-.193-.032-.274-.068-.081-.036-.159-.118-.183-.208-.041-.163.011-.362.102-.492.237-.34.791-.469 1.204-.52.401-.05 1.048-.049 1.442. 13.837M8.074 11.722c0 0 .077-.116.142-.204.118-.16.331-.382.491-.519.049-.042.107-.089.107-.089s-.091.009-.142.02c-.122.024-.3.142-.389.219-.147.126-.309.331-.236.513C8.057 11.688 8.074 11.722 8.074 11.722M8.892 11.941c.232-.016.45-.083.653-.195.199-.111.491-.328.461-.583-.009-.083-.063-.145-.131-.174-.089-.038-.135-.032-.248.001-.082.024-.119.039-.197.083-.228.133-.551.416-.727.642-.041.053-.082.113-.114.154-.02.025-.036.048-.034.055C8.561 11.95 8.801 11.947 8.892 11.941M8.3 12.376c-.024.025-.049.087-.076.131-.014.024-.04.054-.057.066-.061.044-.112.047-.17-.005-.082-.072-.129-.185-.133-.294-.002-.048.006-.1-.003-.14-.015-.068-.083-.137-.119-.202-.043-.076-.078-.209-.082-.295-.015-.268.126-.514.31-.709.185-.197.426-.36.689-.471.248-.105.612-.176.885-. 12.381 8.303 12.372 8.3 12.376M8.617 12.924c. 1.2C8.988 14.617 8.992 14.805 9 14.994c. 13.017 8.539 12.909 8.617 12.924M3.067 13.641c0 0-.272.019-.458.04-.238.026-.685.103-.942.195-.077.028-.234.093-.248.173-. 13.913 3.067 13.641 3.067 13.641M8.046 13.851c.016.142-.021.411-.027.446-.012.082-.073.27-.083.293-.05.115-.099.208-.151.302-.089.16-.301.414-.426.523-.467.404-1.191.634-1.812.71-.421.051-.905.043-1.351-.039-.154-.028-.382-.081-.382-.081s.001.091-.007.156c-.004.029-.026.107-.038.132-.032.067-.086.102-.163.116-.094.017-.193.023-.279-.014-.142-.06-.193-.192-.218-.345-.02-.122-.041-.335-.041-.335s-.106-.05-.195-.094c-.272-.134-.53-.296-.756-.463-.063-.047-.331-.272-.391-.328-.166-.158-.316-.315-.43-.517-.089-.158-.114-.297-.047-.464.093-.233.426-.408.655-.508.168-.074.689-.244.905-.276.102-.015.261-.043.271-.049.004-.003.007-.006.01-.009C3.094 13 3.103 12.77 3.101 12.686c-.002-.083.061-.627.082-.742.011-.062.058-.302.106-.365.031-.042.087-.039.132-. 14.33 5.4 14.277 5.46 14.245c.03-.016.055-.034.078-.055.049-.044.094-.092.089-.148-.007-.073-.084-.118-.158-.147-.345-.137-1.035-.251-1.368-.271-.13-.008-.316-.014-.316-.014l.039 1.839c0 0 . 1.258-.038 1.803-.295C6.583 15.13 6.802 14.99 6.969 14.8c.219-.251.334-.595.304-.955-.033-.392-.309-.858-.53-1.142-.583-.749-1.582-1.366-2.46-1.727-.897-.369-1.784-.581-2.736-.616-.245-.009-.781.003-1.051.078-.039.011-.078.024-.113.032-.028.007-.073.026-.085.036-.007.005-.014.013-.014.013s. 1.067-.167.711-.027 1.384.097 2.072.307.394.119.91.319 1.288.501.271.131.698.371.938.528.076.05.518.375.587.433.143.117.331.286.467.421. 13.637 8.048 13.791 8.046 13.851M16.982 13.444c-.333.077-1.208.119-1.208.119l-.11.346c0 0 .437-.037.756-.004 0 0 .103-. 0-. 1.078-. 0 0-.275.018-.508-.354-.217-.354.082-1.025.082-1.025s-.137-.313-.038-.419c0 0 .059-.054.231-.066l.211-.436c0 0-.24.017-.383-.16-.133-.168-.144-.245-.042-.291.109-.054 1.11-.236 1.798-.213 0 0 .239-.023.447.392C17.052 13.236 17.152 13.404 16.982 13.444M14.392 15.122c-.088.208-.321.429-.611.291-.286-.138-.741-1.07-.741-1.07s-.173-.347-.206-.338c0 0-.037-.068-.06.312-.024.378.005 1.115-.146 1.231-.143.116-.316.07-.406-.066-.082-.134-.115-.452-.071-1.011.052-.56.182-1.156.349-1.341.166-.184.299-.05.351-.002 0 0 .222.201.588.792l.065.109c0 0 .333.558.367.557 0 0 . 0-.046-.128-.015-.249.031-.122.153-.065.153-.065s.47.237.699 1.002C14.634 14.222 14.482 14.913 14.392 15.122M19.455 14.664c-.214.374-.819 1.156-1.622.971-.265.643-.488 1.294-.616 2.268 0 0-.028.189-.185.124-.156-.055-.413-.314-.465-.672-.056-.471.154-1.267.582-2.18-.125-.203-.21-.493-.137-.907 0 0 .108-.767.878-1.459 0 0 .092-.08.146-. 1.323-1.875 1.893- 14.139 19.581 14.439 19.455 14.664M19.289 13.679c0 0-.032-.247-.273.025-.208.23-.583.66-.884 1.245.317-.036.622-.207.714-.295C18.995 14.521 19.345 14.16 19.289 13.679M23.88 13.623h-1.472c-.029-.5-.09-.988-.185-1.49-.01-.052-.055-.09-.108-.09h-.339c-.03 0-.058.013-.077.036-.019.024-.027.053-. 1.461H20.45c-.066 0-.12.053-.12.119v.306c0 . 0 .441-.019.805-.064 1.215-. 0 .112-.046.119-.107.043-.413.061-.781.061-1.231 0-.063-.001-.131-.002-.207h1.452c.066 0 .12-.054.12-.12v-.306C24 13.677 23.946 13.623 23.88 13.623M4.193 9.521C4.172 9.552 4.167 9.59 4.179 9.625 4.192 9.661 4.219 9.688 4.254 9.7l.264.089C4.534 9.794 4.55 9.797 4.565 9.797c.049 0 .095-.024.122-.065.865-1.27 2.035-2.328 3.384-3.058 1.393-.754 2.971-1.153 4.565-1.153 1.925 0 3.781.568 5.37 1.642 1.55 1.048 2.754 2.509 3.481 0 .07-.018.091-.049.021-.03.025-.069.011-.103-.75-1.847-2.019-3.421-3.669-4.552C16.674 5.612 14.693 5 12.636 5 9.234 5 6.078 6.69 4.193 9.521') !important;
    action: call-service
    service: androidtv.adb_command
      command: >-
        am start -a android.intent.action.VIEW -n
      entity_id: media_player.fire_tv_192_168_2_27
  show_name: false
  show_icon: true
  entity: media_player.fire_tv_192_168_2_27
  show_state: false
  type: button

I also tried:

  style: |
    ha-state-icon$ha-svg-icon$: |
        svg > g > path {
          d: path('') !important;


        g path {
          d: path('');


        svg g path {
          d: path('');

I’ve added them via the UI since I am using this version as a second page while i develop. So I am fairly certain the resources are included… Otherwise I would think I would see 404s

I may be being stupid, but I’m seeing 404 errors and invalid entity errors in the error message you posted?

Uncaught ButtonCardJSTemplateError: TypeError: entity is undefined in 'return entity.state.length > 0 ? "block" : "none"

Source map error: Error: request failed with status 404
Resource URL: https://xxxxxx.xxxxxxx.com/hacsfiles/Homekit-panel-card/homekit-panel-card.js
Source Map URL: lit-element.js.map
Source map error: Error: request failed with status 404
Resource URL: https://xxxxxx.xxxxxxx.com/local/community/swiss-army-knife-card/SVGInjector.min.js?module
Source Map URL: ./dist/svg-injector.map.js
Source map error: Error: request failed with status 404
Resource URL: https://xxxxxx.xxxxxxx.com/hacsfiles/cover-popup-card/cover-popup-card.js?hacstag=235106875026
Source Map URL: index.m.js.map

You could also try changing the checked state from off to not_home?

  notify: >
      let id = states['binary_sensor.aqualinkd_alive'];
      if (id) {
        return id.state === 'not_home';
template: footer

EDIT: Looks like your formatting on the if statement could be off?


I’m not sure what you’re seeing… this is what I have

          - type: custom:button-card
            name: >
              <ha-icon icon="mdi:swim"></ha-icon> Pool
            tap_action: !include popup/footer_pool.yaml
              notify: >
                  let id = states['binary_sensor.aqualinkd_alive'];
                  if (id) return id.state === 'off';
            template: footer

if (id) return id.state === 'off';

if (id) {
  return id.state === 'off';

So those 404’s are for other modules that I am not using them. I’ve since removed them and it didnt make a change .

Why not_home?

Typically from my experience with HomeAssistant, if an entity is on it’s state is home. When off it’s state is not_home. However after re-looking at your terminal screenshot on looks correct, so I have updated my example.

It could be that the formatting for your if statement is incorrect as mentioned above.

Hello @Mattias_Persson . Can you hide the sidebar in mobile view?

yes, using browser mod 2

Thanks. I explainned wrong. It said to be able to hide the sidebar card that @Mattias_Persson created

For example, show some cards on a tablet and hide some on a phone

ok, yes you can

find this section is ui-lovelace, NOTE: look for the #phone

        "(max-width: 800px)":
          grid-gap: calc(var(--custom-layout-card-padding) * 1.7)
          grid-template-columns: 0 repeat(2, 1fr) 0
          grid-template-rows: 0 repeat(5, fit-content(100%)) 0fr
          grid-template-areas: |
            ".  .           .        ."
            ".  sidebar     sidebar  ."
            ".  vardagsrum  sovrum   ."
            ".  studio      övrigt   ."
            ".  media       hemma    ."
            ".  footer      footer   ."
            ".  .           .        ."

replace with this

        "(max-width: 800px)":
          grid-gap: calc(var(--custom-layout-card-padding) * 1.7)
          grid-template-columns: 0 repeat(2, 1fr) 0
          grid-template-rows: 0 repeat(4, fit-content(100%)) 0fr
          grid-template-areas: |
            ".  .           .        ."
            ".  vardagsrum  sovrum   ."
            ".  studio      övrigt   ."
            ".  media       hemma    ."
            ".  footer      footer   ."
            ".  .           .        ."

this should work

Thanks friend.I tried it but I can’t get it to show in a single column. Still don’t hide those cards that are seen on the right side and below

  - type: custom:grid-layout
    path: 0
    title: celulares
      grid-gap: var(--custom-layout-card-padding)
      grid-template-columns: repeat(4, 1fr) 0
      grid-template-rows: 0 repeat(2, fit-content(100%)) 0fr
      grid-template-areas: |
        "sidebar  .           .                .        ."
        "sidebar  clima       comedor          extras  ."
        "sidebar  media       entretenimiento  encasa   ."
        "sidebar  footer      footer           footer   ."
        "sidebar  . . .  ."
        "(max-width: 800px)":
          grid-gap: calc(var(--custom-layout-card-padding) * 1.7)
          grid-template-columns: 0fr 
          grid-template-rows: repeat(8, fit-content(100%)) 0fr        
          grid-template-areas: |
            ".  .               ."
            ".  cuartos         ."
            ".  comedor         ."
            ".  extras          ."
            ".  encasa          ."
            ".  media           ."
            ".  entretenimiento ."
            ".  .               ."
      - type: custom:button-card
          grid-area: 1 / 2 / 2 / 5

Alright, I have really tried to get the plex_recently_added integration to work, but haven’t been successful.
The integration / sensor shows Plex is “online” but doesn’t retrieve any recently added information, not the image.

I have searched the github page for the integration, I have created an issue there (which has gone un-responded for 5 days thus far)
And I have searched through this thread, where I have tried some proposed solutions without success.

Does anyone have a working “plex_recently_added” integration and config they wouldn’t mind sharing?

Currently my manifest.json for the integration looks like:

    "domain": "plex_recently_added",
    "name": "Plex Recently Added",
    "version": "0.3.8",
    "documentation": "https://github.com/NemesisRE/sensor.plex_recently_added",
    "issue_tracker": "https://github.com/NemesisRE/sensor.plex_recently_added",
    "dependencies": [],
    "codeowners": ["@maykar", "@NemesisRE"],
    "requirements": [],
    "iot_class": "local_polling"


platform: plex_recently_added
token: !secret plex_token
host: !secret plex_host
port: !secret plex_port
max: 1
img_dir: /
image_resolution: 500

Used on Plex Recently Added version 0.3.8

Could you PM me the complete (zipped) plex_recently_added folder from the /config/custom_components?


Hmm, I’m already using that, with the exact same config you use
(and of course with the secrets file set per my environment)

is your Plex server up to date?