A different take on designing a Lovelace UI

I tried to implement “marquee” into my calendar template.
Sadly I cant get the sensor to show the value :confused:

      event1: |
        [[[  return  "<marquee>states['calendar.karls_kalender'].attributes.message</marquee>" ]]]


  [[[  return `<marquee>${states['calendar.karls_kalender'].attributes.message}</marquee>` ]]]

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Its probably not easily possible to just let the text scroll, if it doesn’t fit on the button and otherwise stay static ? :sweat_smile:

use variables state_on and return true when you want the button to be on and false when you want it to be off

this might work.

    state_on: >
      [[[ return !entity || entity.state > 50; ]]]

NOTE: untested code as I am on my phone

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thanks for the input

so something like this?

- type: custom:button-card
            entity: sensor.myenergi_eddi_21533936_internal_load_ct1
            name: <marquee behavior=scroll scrollamount="3">Eddi kWh Usage</marquee>
			state_on: >
			[[[ return !entity || entity.state > 50; ]]]
               icon: >
                 <ha-icon icon="mdi:power-plug"></ha-icon>
              - base

no it would be

          - type: custom:button-card
            entity: sensor.myenergi_eddi_21533936_internal_load_ct1
            name: <marquee behavior=scroll scrollamount="3">Eddi kWh Usage</marquee>
              state_on: >
                [[[ return !entity || entity.state > 50; ]]]
               icon: >
                 <ha-icon icon="mdi:power-plug"></ha-icon>
              - base
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exellent thank YOU


Hey Mason, which line do I change in your code so that the charge and circle always stays colored?
Right now it’s only colored when state is on.
I would also like the percentage text be colored too.

hey @pedolsky
It is working, but if the attribute is not defined I get a undefined value back.
I tried to solve it with if but wasn’t successful.

      event1: |
           if (states['calendar.karls_kalender'].attributes.message != 'none' ){
           return `<marquee behavior=scroll scrollamount="3">${states['calendar.karls_kalender'].attributes.message}</marquee>`}

Further more, is it possible to just let the value marquee if the value is too long?
Thanks in advance.

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I’ve never dealt with the subject.

    var x = states['calendar.karls_kalender'];
    if (x.attributes && x.attributes.message)
       return `<marquee>${x.attributes.message}</marquee>`; return 'keine Ereignisse'

or if it is your button card entity:

      if (entity && entity.attributes && entity.attributes.message)
       return `<marquee>${entity.attributes.message}</marquee>`; return 'keine Ereignisse'

Amazing work, Mattias. Everybody wants to copy, but you really have a great concept behind your screens and they show the right amount of information, which is so important for our dashboards.

As you receive lots of inquiries to share your code, could you possibly share this as well?

Thanks for your great contribution to get great dashboards into our homes!

change this line so the 1st ternary operator that is looking at variables.state_on is removed this will make it so the line is always coloured,
use this link as a guid to ternaries Conditional (ternary) operator - JavaScript | MDN

            circle_stroke = variables.state_on ? entity.attributes.battery_level < 10 ? "red" : entity.attributes.battery_level < 60 ? "yellow" : "green" : "#b2b2b2",

the text colour is set via fill on this line right now it is set to #8d8e90

              <text x="50%" y="54%" fill="#8d8e90" font-size="14" text-anchor="middle" alignment-baseline="middle" dominant-baseline="middle">${inner_text}%</text>

try setting fill to the value of circle_stroke (might want to rename it) using string interpolation (or string templates, same thing different name )
see this link JavaScript Template Literals

If you run into any issues post what you get and I will see if I can help

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is there a way to scroll the text for a entity: sensor ?

for example the text in the button/tile is cut off


I have scrolling text on the name but not the entity

name: <marquee behavior=scroll scrollamount="3">Zappi Status</marquee>


Would you know how to have the button light up a different colour? at the moment its white.

would be cool to be like white @ 50w, yellow at 100w and red at 200w

If you change background-color in base (button-card-templates) I get this.

      - background-color: >
            return variables.state_on
                ? 'rgb(50,100,200)'
                : 'rgba(115, 115, 115, 0.25)';
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was that for me?

i tired this code on another button which has different charged states for my car but its permently on (lit)

i changed the state of 50 to “completed”


          - type: custom:button-card
            entity: sensor.myenergi_zappi_20197616_status
            name: <marquee behavior=scroll scrollamount="3">Zappi Status</marquee>
              state_on: >
                [[[ return !entity || entity.state || Completed; ]]]
               icon: >
                 <ha-icon icon="mdi:car-electric"></ha-icon>
              - base  

this line is wrong

[[[ return !entity || entity.state || Completed; ]]]

you have said, be on when you don’t have an entity OR the entity has a state OR Completed.

this section is not valid code || Completed; I think you want something like

                [[[ return !entity || entity.state === "Completed"; ]]]


state_on: >
      [[[ return ['Completed'].indexOf(!entity || entity.state) !== -1; ]]]

as I don’t know what the state of your entity is I can’t help more than that

thank you very much let me try these

i think there are 3 states (paused, completed, charging)

Not sure if this topic is only related to the sidebar card, but with the use of “standard” tools like conditional, layout card browser mod and kiosk, and the initial Idea of someone else, this is where I am at the moment. A little bit of a different take…